
Useful links

Information about the Ebola disease

BBC Newsround site – an expert answers questions about Ebola:

Ebola is highly contagious and other myths from the Guardian

MSF site with graphics focused on the causes and treatment of Ebola

WHO information site

How Ebola spreads video from the Guardian

Discovery channel site – the world’s ten worst pandemics

UK government response

The impact on development

from Sierra Leone talks about the impact on education and development

easier reading

More detailed BBC article on the impact on the economy

Detailed World Bank report on the economic impact of Ebola

Maps of the Ebola outbreak

NGA Ebola Map, very useful for any school who wants to do some GIS work on Ebola:

Centre of disease control

Interactive map (Africa/World) showing cases over time Washington Post graphic

Mapping and data from the BBC

WHO series showing the outbreak in date order

Guardian interactive map traces Ebola from 1976 to 2014 – uses detailed satellite imagery of the outbreak locations

Guardian interactive map shows the development of the disease

Google map of Ebola 1976 to 2015 – includes maps of other disease outbreaks for comparison

Economist graphic map (uses pie graphs)

Graphics of the Ebola outbreak

National Geographic graphic compares Ebola epidemic with historical pandemics

Economist graphic compares health-care systems

Development data

Development data from CIA Worldfactbook

Development data from the World Bank

Development data from Gapminder

Sites featuring detailed lesson plans and resource collections(caution: these are mainly USA sites, and you will need to QA them)

Public Broadcast Service site featuring enquiry and simulation activities

‘Education World’ site – contains suggested enquiry questions which may be adapted for the UK

Detailed New York Times education site on ebola including lesson plans, video

Action aid fundraising site with link to Action Aid’s schools pack
