Supplementary material 1

Table S1 – Locality of each individual

Species / Signification / Additional information / Locality
Aesculus hippocastanum / AH1 / Experimental areas VÚKOZ / Průhonice, Czech Republic
AH2 / Experimental areas VÚKOZ
AH3 / Experimental areas VÚKOZ
AH24 (M06) / Experimental areas VÚKOZ
AH4, AH5, AH26, AH28, AH29, AH31 / Experimental areas VÚKOZ
AH25 / In vitro culture, Hardeg, Austria
AH27 / Experimental areas VÚKOZ
AH13 / 49°22'37.100"N 17°35'9.564"E / Prusinovice
AH14 / 49°11'33.803"N 16°34'2.156"E / Brno, Czech Republic
AH15 / 49°36'39.020"N, 16°27'55.633"E / Vítějeves, Czech Republic
AH16 / 49°37'43.591"N, 16°31'14.193"E / Brněnec, Svitavy region
AH17 / 49°38'43.428"N, 16°31'1.103"E / Březová nad Svitavou, Czech Republic
AH18 / 48°47'36.071"N 16°47'52.836"E / Lednice, Czech Republic
AH19 / 48°47'46.140"N 16°48'3.899"E
AH20 / 49°35'43.634"N, 17°15'42.956"E / Olomouc, Czech Republic
Aesculus turbinata / ATA / Heavy infestation / Průhonice, Czech Republic
Aesculus glabra / AGLA / Experimental areas VÚKOZ
Aesculus pavia / APAV / Experimental areas VÚKOZ
Aesculus glabra var. arguta / AAR / Experimental areas VÚKOZ
Aesculus × carnea / ACAR R / Experimental areas VÚKOZ
ACAR N / 49°11'33.261"N, 16°34'24.726"E / Brno, Czech Republic
Aesculus marilandica / AMA / Experimental areas VÚKOZ / Průhonice, Czech Republic
Aesculus parviflora / APAR / Experimental areas VÚKOZ

VUKOZ – The Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening

For more coordinates information about individuals growing in experimental areas contact corresponding author.

Table S2 – The evaluation of SSR markers

SSR marker / Size (bp) / Alleles number / Total alleles number / DI / PI / PIC / Heterozygous constitution
AT6D2 / 260–320 / 6 / 43 / 0.78 / 0.06 / 0.76 / AH2, AH3, AMA, APAR, AH13, AH14, AH16, AH17, AH18, AH19, AH20, AH24 (M06), AH25
AT3D6 / 260–320 / 4 / 39 / 0.52 / 0.28 / 0.46 / AH4, AH5, AGLA, APAV, AAR, AMA, AH26, AH28, AH29, AH31
AT5D2 / 240–280 / 5 / 46 / 0.65 / 0.16 / 0.60 / AH1, AH2, AH3, AGLA, APAV, AAR, ACAR R, ACAR N, AMA, APAR, AH13, AH14, AH15, AH16, AH17, AH18, AH19, AH20
AT5D10 / 220–280 / 6 / 39 / 0.61 / 0.13 / 0.61 / AH3, APAV, ACAR R, ACAR N, AMA, AH13, AH15, AH16, AH17, ATA
AT7D1 / 180–220 / 5 / 37 / 0.60 / 0.10 / 0.59 / APAV, ACAR R, ACAR N, AH15, AH16, AH17, AH18, AH20, ATA, AH27
AT6D12 / 120–180 / 6 / 45 / 0.68 / 0.13 / 0.65 / AH1, AH3, APAV, AH13, AH15, AH16, AH17, ATA, AH26, AH27, AH28, AH29, AH30, AH31
AT6D8 / 120–160 / 6 / 33 / 0.49 / 0.25 / 0.49 / AH7, AH8, AH11, ATA
AT7D8 / 80–130,
140 / 6 / 47 / 0.74 / 0.04 / 0.73 / AH1, AH2, AH3, AGLA, APAV, AAR, ACAR N, AMA, AH13, AH14, AH15, AH16, AH17, AH18, AH20, ATA, AH24 (M06), AH25
Average / 5.50 / 41.13 / 0.63 / 0.14 / 0.61

DI – diversity index, PI – probabilities of identity, PIC – polymorphic information content

Alleles number means average number per one loci and total alleles number means sum of all alleles in one loci.