Arts & Culture- Building Inclusive Communities
Auspice Agency / Project Officer/ Contact detailsEast Gippsland Shire Council
PO Box 1618
Bairnsdale 3875 / (Position Vacant) – RuralAccess Project officer
Ph:5153 9500
Fax:5153 9576
Andrea Court– Arts & Culture Co-ordinator
Ph:5153 9500
Fax:5153 9576
Wellington Shire Council
PO Box 506
Sale 3850 / Frances Ford- RuralAccess Project Officer
Ph:5142 3464 (Reception 51423333)
Fax:5142 3499
Mob:0407 048 831
See also:
Deb Milligan - Regional Arts Development Officer
(contact details below)
Baw Baw Shire Council
PO Box 304
Warragul 3820 / Andrew Murray-RuralAccess Project Officer
Ph:5625 0217 (Reception 56250200)
Fax:5625 0246
Mob:0408 637 053
Karen Whitaker – Taylor - Cultural Development Officer
Ph:5624 2407
Fax:5624 2525
Mob:0407 637 721
PO Box264
Morwell 3840 / Bill Lawler- RuralAccess Project Officer
Ph:5128 5610 (Reception 1300 367 700)
Fax:5128 5672
Mob:0409 801 031
TTY Please use National Relay Service
Nik Salter– Arts Innovations Officer
Ph: 5128 5700.
Fax: 5128 5706
South Gippsland Shire Council
Private Bag 4
Leongatha 3953 / Kathryn Pryor-RuralAccess Project Officer (Monday, Wed-Friday)
Ph:5662 9376
Fax:5662 3754
Mob:0428 629 276
TTY: 5662 9371
Ned Dennis– Community Strengthening Co-ordinator
Ph: 5662 9283
Fax: 5662 3754
BassCoast Shire Council
PO Box 118
Wonthaggi 3995 / Cathy Giliam – RuralAccess Worker
Ph: 5671 2705
Fax: 5671 2222
Mob: 0434 564 490
TTY: 5671 2256 or 5951 3356
Josie Kent– Arts Officer
Ph: 1300 226 278
Fax: 5671 2222
deaf access VICTORIA – Gippsland Region
Suit 3, Bass Court
398 Raymond Street
PO Box 9314
Sale 3850 / Leanne Wishart – Deaf Access Project Officer
Ph & TTY: 5143 1537
Fax: 5143 1814
Mob: 0412 392 801
Department of Human Services
64 Church Street
P.O.Box 1661
Traralgon3844 / Sharon Exton - Program and Services Advisor
Community Support Team
Ph: 51772503
Fax: 51772600
Mob: 0400647376
Regional Arts Victoria - in partnership with Wellington Shire
PO Box 511,
Sale, Vic. 3850 / Deb Milligan - Regional Arts Development Officer,
Ph: (03) 5142 3330
Mob: 0427 842 328
tollfree ~ RAV: 1800 819 803
tollfree ~ WSC: 1300 366 244
Other Useful Resources and Information
Arts Access (Victoria)
24 Eastern Road,
South Melbourne,
Victoria, 3205
Ph: 9699 8299
TTY: 9699 7636
Fax: 9699 8868
Arts Access Australia
Arts Access Australia is the national peak body of State and Territory arts and disability organizations working to increase access and participation in the arts for the one in five Australians with a disability.
91 Canal Road
Lilyfield NSW 2040
Tel: 02 9518 0561
Fax: 02 9560 9035
The Other Film Festival - New cinema by, with and about people with a disability.
Australia's only disability film festival continues to bring groundbreaking films from around the world to Melbourne audiences. The Other Film Festival supports and encourages excellence in filmmaking, accessible cinema and the passionate exchange of ideas. The 2008 festival will be held at MelbourneMuseum in September 2008.
Contact – Via Arts Access (Victoria) – see above
Art of Difference – Australia's premier international arts & disability festival/conference.
The next Art of Difference is planned for March 2009. We are in the process of gearing up for some new and exciting projects in the interim.
Contact Project Officers, Disability Arts
Ross Onley-Zerkel & Adam Rosza (both in office on Wednesdays)
21 Graham Street
Albert Park VIC 3206
Ph: (03) 8606 4202
TTY: (03) 9699 4367
Fax: (03) 9699 9890
Papers & Conversations from 2006 -
Awakenings Arts Festival
The Awakenings festival is much more than Australia's only regional disability arts festival! This dynamic, inclusive 10 day event draws performers and participants from around Australia to the welcoming community of Horsham for ten days in Western Victoria every October.
The festival welcomes and encompasses all levels of performance experience from grass roots to professional, featuring performing and visual arts that showcase the work of artists with disabilities.
Making the Journey: arts and disability in Australia
Making the Journey is about arts activities and people with disabilities. It offers 12 case studies as examples of approaches, issues and achievements in the Australian field of art and disability in recent years.
Access all areas: guidelines for marketing the arts to people with disabilities
For most people, the decision to be exposed to the experience of an arts event is a simple one. You go, because you choose to go. Providing that choice to people with disabilities is the issue of Access all areas. This guide is intended to be practical, covering actions which are within reach of arts organisations, especially marketing officers and their departments. How to identify this audience, how to reach them and how to provide what they want is the key advice contained in Access all areas.
VicHealth Report - Health in Public Space: Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing through the Arts and Environment Scheme
This report includes a detailed description and key learnings of the Arts and Environment Scheme within the context of mental health promotion. The report highlights the experiences of eight local government councils funded through the scheme to work with local communities and artists to design and develop public spaces that are engaging, inclusive and aesthetically arresting.
VicHealth Report - Creative Connections: Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing through Community Arts Participation
This publication outlines the findings from the evaluation of projects supported through the Community Arts Participation Scheme. It explores the ways in which participation in community arts can contribute to mental health and wellbeing, reports on wider issues in the sector and includes six case studies.
VicHealth Newsletter - Arts for Health
VicHealth recognises the arts as an effective way to promote health for both participants and audience alike. This issue looks at: the health benefits of social circuses; evaluating community arts participation; the benefits of public art in housing estates; key parterships with arts organisations, which are marking arts more accessible for everyone; and more.
Disability Awareness Kit
A Training Resource for Public Library Customer Service Staff – Online resource that contains a range of useful information.