

Vanessa Blythe – ChairmanGraham Dickerson – Managing Partner

Dee Morris – Secretary/TreasurerAna Weston – Practice Manager

Ted OverallSharon Leggett – Admin Team Leader

Barry JuddDr Steve Summers

And 21 members

Apologies:Were received from Nigel and Jackie Sisson, Wanda Thompson, Anne Jones, Jean Headland, Jean Watling, Ivor Stuart, Pam and Bob Bowers and Tom Morris.

Prior to the start of the meeting everyone was invited to go outside for photographs to be taken of the official opening of the new doors and presentation of the new ECG machine.

Vanessa welcomed everyone and thanked the surgery for thoughtfully providing drinks and refreshments on a warm evening.

/ ITEM /
The minutes of the last AGM had been distributed and were approved.
These would be dealt with in the Chairman’s report.
  • New Doors. These have been installed and officially opened. The PPG funded the full cost and it was hoped that the patients and staff will benefit greatly in the coming months.
  • Meetings Vanessa has attended various meetings on behalf of the PPG; aside from chairing committee meetings on a regular basis she and Jackie Sisson attend the Patient Care Group meetings in which patients from the Downham Market practice are now involved. It is noticeable how much more fortunate CBHC patients are in comparison to other practices. West Norfolk Patient Partnership monthly meetings involve representatives of all WN GP practices. This is a useful forum for keeping in touch with current procedure and changes to the NHS and local issues such as commissioning. She also attended a meeting at Gayton Road HC to review the on-line booking service.
  • Patients from a Fakenham GP practice visited CBHC lead by Gloria Lister, Chair of the North Norfolk District Council. Vanessa gave the visitors a tour of the practice and introduced staff and patients. They were both interested and impressed by the set up at CBHC.
  • Fund Raising
  • The Christmas Draw had been a success with the first prize going to Mr Ramsey of Ingoldisthorpe. Tom Morris had agreed to hold one again this year.
  • Quiz Night The best yet! 112 attended this joint PPG and Friends of St Nicholas event. Tom has also agreed to stage a similar event this year. Thanks to all who participated and helped in any way.
  • Future
  • This will not be all about fund raising but raising awareness and disseminating information. It is hoped that a PPG noticeboard can be purchased to show details of purchases and information of any future events.
  • Thanks to all committee members/officers. Dee for doing the accounts and Tom for the fundraising and Village Voice articles.
/ TM
Copies of the Annual Accounts had been circulated and also a list of items purchased by the PPG for the use of and benefit of patients in the surgery. Dee stated that over £22,000 had been raised and donated to the practice since it opened at the present site in 2007. Everyone should be congratulated for their efforts.
The following were totals for the year 2009-2010:
Income: £3,504.92
Expenditure: £12,314.64
Closing Balance: £54,628.68
Barry Judd has taken the place of Terry Finbow as third signatory on the account.
Graham Dickerson introduced himself and thanked the PPG not only for the items purchased but also for the Group’s input and contact which he said was highly valued as a conduit between the medical and admin staff and the patients.
Patient Partner Graham went on to give a demonstration of the new phone system which those who have used it find very ‘user friendly’. This, combined with the ‘on line’ booking service has resulted in a considerable drop in the number of calls being made to the switchboard. Not only does this benefit the staff but it also enables patients to book their appointment at a time to suit themselves rather than having to wait for 0815 and perhaps queue for a short time. The mobile phone text reminder system which is a free service has proved useful too and the number of missed appointments has dropped. Currently patients can book, check and, if necessary, cancel their appointment on line up to one month in advance. Ted mentioned that it is only possible to make 4 appointments ahead. Graham said that after consideration this was felt to be the optimum number to avoid abuse of the system. The telephone number is a local one: 01553 696888.
The practice website has been revamped and totally updated. Those who have visited it stated how good it is. Ana brought it up on screen for anyone wishing to learn more. Those wishing to order repeat prescriptions require to register and obtain a password as the site will open to their personal records. This can be done at the reception desk.
The PPG members are encouraged to use the website. There is a page specifically for PPG use. The Practice Newsletter will be on line. Mr Warnes asked if the Hearing Aid Clinic of the West Norfolk Deaf Association could be listed on the site – Graham assured him that if he gave details to the surgery it would be on line by the end of the week.
The Patient Survey had been a positive exercise and it is hoped that the major issues of parking and telephones have been addressed. There may be a further one towards the end of next year and PPG help would be useful.
Future plans: Dr Adi will be staying as a permanent member of staff at CBHC and sadly Caroline Rix will be leaving the nursing staff to take on a new role as Community Matron – a replacement for her will be looked for. / GW
There was a query regarding the staff at the chemist in the village with opinions on both sides. Stockleys in Snettisham was recommended.
A prescription dropped into the surgery on Sunday evening was not ready by the following Saturday. Graham assured members that they have a guaranteed turn round time of 48 hours so the items should have been ready.
There had been a problem over a patient’s name being incorrect on a letter and apparently more than one person had been affected. Ana stated that there had been a computer glitch which has been rectified.
The number of blood tests required are more than the system can currently cope with but it is hoped to be able to ease the gridlock in future.
Pat Williams asked whether the Podiatry chair is available. This is available at the CBHC every Wednesday. A referral is required. However, it should be noted that this is not an NHS facility.
There had been no nominations and the existing committee was voted back in.
8. / Meeting closed.