There are mainly 3 steps to file GSTR 2 return- Save data to GSTN , Submit and File.
Save data to GSTN- GSTR 2 consist of following 10 details. For simplicity we have divided it in 3 class- Registered Purchase, other purchase and other details.
Registered Purchase
B2B - This is your purchase from a registered person.
The purchases made from a registered person will get auto populate in your GSTR 2A invoice wise and you will upload your purchase book on our portal in the format as provided.
On the basis of both GSTR 2A and purchase book uploaded by you, our system will match your data.
There can be following scenarios
1. Invoices not found in GSTR 2A- This will be the case where your supplier has not filed his GSTR 1 or forgot to put a particular invoice in his GSTR 1. In this case you may Add your invoice as uploaded by you in your purchase book.
2. Invoices not found in Purchase book- This will be the case where you have not uploaded any invoice in your purchase book but your supplier has mentioned it in his GSTR1 and hence you got it in your GSTR 2A.In this case you can accept or reject or keep that invoice as pending .
3.In case your invoice is matched- Means data as received in GSTR 2A is same as uploaded by you in your purchase book, You can Accept or Reject or Keep on pendinginvoice as come in GSTR 2A.
4.In case your invoice is mis-matched - Means data as received in GSTR 2A is not same as uploaded by you in your purchase book, You can Accept GSTR 2A Value or You can Accept your purchase book value.
In caseyou accept your purchase book value the invoice in GSTR 2A will be deemed to be modified.
Once your reconciliation is done, You can claim ITC on the invoices where you accept GSTR 2A invoice , Modified GSTR 2A invoice or Added any new invoice.
After claiming ITC on such invoices you can save your B2B data to GSTN.
CDNR- This is credit note or debit or refund voucher received in case of B2B purchase. The process is same as in mentioned above for B2B.
Other Purchase
B2BUR- This is your purchase from a un-registered person, where you as a receiver need to pay tax under reverse charge.For this type of purchase you will simply upload your purchase book and will save data to GSTN.
Import- In import, it cover both import of goods and import of services. For this type of purchase you will simply upload your purchase book and will save data to GSTN.
TXI- This is advance tax Paid for reverse charge supplies. For this type of purchase you will simply upload your purchase book and will save data to GSTN.
TXPD- Advance adjusted for reverse charge supplies. For this type of purchase you will simply upload your purchase book and will save data to GSTN.
Nil Rated- It includes 4 types of purchases-
Purchase of Nil Rated supplies
Purchase from Compounding Dealer
Purchase of exempted goods
Purchase of Non GST Supplies
For this type of purchases, you will simply upload your purchase data in the format as provided and will save data to GSTN.
CNDUR- This is credit note or debit or refund voucher received in case of B2BUR or for Import of service.
For this, you will simply upload your CNDUR data in the format as provided and will save data to GSTN.
Other Details
HSN Summary- This is to be prepared in the same manner as prepared for GSTR 1.
*HSN Summary:-As per guidelines of GSTN
Enter the HSN Code for the supplied goods or Services. Minimum digit required to be mentioned in the tax invoice and consequently to be reported is as follows:-
1. Up to rupees one crore fifty lakhs annual turnover - Nil digit
2. More than rupees one crore fifty lakhs and up to rupees five crores annual turnover - 2 digit
3. More than rupees five crores annual turnover - 4 digit.
Enter the description of the supplied goods or Services. Description becomes a mandatory field if HSN code is not provided above.
For this, you will simply upload your HSN Summary data in the format as provided and will save data to GSTN.
ITC Reversal- For this you will simply upload your ITC Reversal data in the format as provided and will save data to GSTN.
Meaning of description as mentioned in format of ITC reversal is as follows:-
Amount in terms of Rule37(2)- Reversalofinputtaxcreditonaccountofnonpaymentofconsiderationofsupplybytherecipientwithintheprescribedtimelimit(180 days).
Amount in terms ofRule39(1)(j)(ii)- ReductionofoutputtaxcreditonaccountofissuanceofacreditnotetotheISDbythesupplier.
Amount in terms ofRule42(1)m- Reversalofcreditattributabletowardsexemptsuppliesandfornonbusinesspurpose.
Amount in terms of Rule43(1)(h)-Reversalofinputcreditalongwithinterestattributableoncapitalgoodsusedinexemptsupplies.
Amount in terms of Rule42(2)(a)-Reversalofcreditattributableonthecapitalgoodsusedpartyforbusinesspurposeandtaxablesuppliesandalsopartlyfornonbusinesspurposeandforexemptsupplies.
Amount in terms of Rule42(2)(b)- Re-creditofamountpaidinexcessthandeterminedunderRule42oninputtaxcreditinrespectofinputsandinputservicespartlyusedforbusiness/nonbusinesspurposeandformakingbothexemptand taxable supplies.
Once you have saved all your data, you need to submit data. Before submit check your final data by seeing the summary.Remember after submit data get freeze and no changes can be made thereafter.
After Submit you will just click on file to file your return.
GSTR 2 Details checklist
GSTR 2 consist of following 10 details, please check that you have filled all details correctly
S. No. / Description / What to do / Done or not1 / B2B- Purchase from registered Person / To be filled- If applicable
2 / B2BUR - Purchase from unregistered Person / To be filled- If applicable
3 / Import- Import of goods and import of service / To be filled- If applicable
4 / CDNR- Credit/ debit Note from registered person / To be filled- If applicable
5 / CDNUR- Credit/ debit Note in case of B2BUR OR Import of service / To be filled- If applicable
6 / Nil rated- exemp / To be filled- If applicable
7 / TXI- Advance Tax Paid for reverse charge supplies / To be filled- If applicable
8 / TXPD- Advance Adjusted for reverse charge supplies / To be filled- If applicable
9 / HSN summary / To be filled as applicable
10 / ITC Reversal / To be filled as and where applicable