How Do Compound Machines Make Work Easier?
Choose either A or B:
A. For 1 scientist working alone:
Research a compound machine made of 2 or more simple machines in our world that helps to complete a task in an easier way
Come up with your own design for a compound machine made of 2 or more simple machines that helps to complete a task in an easier way.
1. Draw a diagram of the machine and label the simple machines inside the compound machine. Follow rubric for specific guidelines when creating Diagram.
2. Compose a typed report or PowerPoint presentation (follow rubric) that answers the following questions:
· History: What is the history behind the design of the machine? What were some other designs of machines used to complete this task before? Why is this a better design?
· Task: How does the compound machine allow the task to be completed in an easier way? How would this task be completed without using the machine?
· Roles of the simple machines: How does each of the simple machines play an important role inside the compound machine? How does each of the simple machines make work easier?
· Connection to you: What is the importance of this machine in your life?
· Environmental Impact: Is this machine a “Green” machine? How could this machine be modified to make it more supportive of our environment?
B. For 1-2 scientists working together: (CHOOSE WISELY)
1. Design and build a working compound machine made of at least 2 simple machines that accomplishes a common task in an easier way. Project will be graded according to the rubric. (Scale-sized model acceptable)
2. Each scientist must compose their own typed report or PowerPoint that answers the following questions: (will be graded individually)
· What task is your machine helping you to accomplish?
· What motivated you to design this machine for this specific task?
· How is your compound machine making the task easier to accomplish?
· How does each of the included simple machines play an important role inside your compound machine helping to make work easier?
· How does your machine have marketability in today’s economy?
· Environmental – How could this machine be modified to make it a “green” machine.
Schedule for Success
Due Dates:
Report/PowerPoint Friday March 25th
Diagram/Machine: March 28 - April 1st TBA by teacher
1. Wednesday 2/16 – Choose option and partner return signed contract form.
2. Friday 2/18 – Idea of machine you are building/researching
3. Monday 2/21-Friday 2/25 – Collaborate with partner and work on design/gathering materials, begin putting the project together.
4. Monday 2/28 – Written response of progress and questions to ask teacher (done in class)
· Monday 3/7 – Show 1st Rough Draft of Written/PowerPoint for teacher to assess progress.
· Friday 3/11 – Show Rough draft of Diagram or Model on paper.
5. Friday 3/18 – Show 2nd revised rough draft of written/PowerPoint for teacher to assess progress. Have 1st copy with you to show changes.
6. Friday 3/25 – Hand in Final Copy of Completed Typed Report or PowerPoint (print out hand out version and save/email to teacher and/or shared folder)
7. Week of 3/28-4/1 – Teacher will assign due date for Diagram/Model to be presented. Partners may have to present separately if in different classes
Helpful Hints:
1. Student chooses option to complete.
2. Student chooses partner, choose wisely (easy to contact, works well with you, responsible student who will contribute evenly to the needed tasks)
3. All items assessed according to the given rubrics.
4. Actual machine may be a scale (small version) model of original, but will be assessed as stated above.
5. Can use household items in building design (ex: a spool of thread and a wire hanger would make a good pulley). Is not necessary to purchase items to receive a good grade. Student chooses the option for project and format to hand in.
6. Project is not graded based on use of store bought materials, though machine must work for full credit and will be assessed according to the rubric.
7. Student will be responsible for following set schedule, see above. Project portion due dates must be met for full credit.
8. All built machines must include a lever and a pulley.
9. Written/PowerPoint work is to be completed individually. Only the machine may be built together with a partner and will be graded as a single grade given to both students. Choose partners wisely or complete the project by yourself!!!!
10. Communicate with and make use of the teacher as a guide to help meet success.
Contract for Compound Machine Project
I, , have chosen to complete option which is to
I have chosen to work: (Circle one) Alone With: .
My parents/guardians approve of my choice and my choice of partner (if applicable), they have
shown their support by signing this paper here:
Parent/guardian Signature
I have discussed this project with my parents/guardians and have told them the due date for this project is: .
There are multiple parts to this project and whether working alone or with a partner I agree to
complete all parts by the set benchmark dates. I am aware that this is MY project to complete
and not my parents or teacher’s responsibility. I can earn a good grade by following all parts of
the rubric. I will ask my teacher for help along the way if I need it.
Here is my signature: date: