Course Syllabus (continued)
Introduction to Marketing
Marketing Principles
2016-2017 Syllabus and Course Guidelines
Mr. Bailey
Supplies Needed:
· 3-ring binder
· 2 pocket folder
Course Description: (.5 credit elective)
Marketing is the process of developing, promoting and distributing products to satisfy customers’ wants and needs. It also deals with financing, management, pricing and selling, among other things. Marketing helps connect businesses to their customers.
This course has been developed to help you learn about marketing and to develop marketing skills. You will see that marketing is one of the largest and most exciting career areas in business today. Even if you do not choose a career in marketing, an understanding of the subject matter will be very useful in your future. This is true no matter what job you hold!
This course will cover the following concepts:
v General marketing concepts
v The 7 Functions of marketing
v The marketing mix (4 P’s)
v Target Markets
v SWOT/Competitive analysis
v Marketing research
v Following consumer habits and behavior
v Promotion/Advertising
v Branding
Students will be expected to complete the following items throughout the school year.
v Notes and daily discussion
v Class assignments
v Announced and unannounced quizzes
v Projects/presentations/group activities
Grading Policy:
All evaluation items will have a point value assigned. Total earned points will be divided by total possible points in order to calculate the final grade. Excessive absences will be reflected in your overall participation and activity grades.
Make-up work – Assignments and quizzes may only be made up if absences are excused. Late work will not receive full credit.
What I expect of you:
Þ To have a positive attitude
Þ To show respect to me and your classmates
Þ To use appropriate language and actions at ALL times
Þ To conduct yourself in a business-like and professional manner
Þ To follow all school rules
Þ To be quiet at the beginning of class and get right to work on assignment posted
Þ To be considerate and display courteous behavior during class
Þ To show care for the room and keep it clean
Þ To not ask to be excused from class … unless you have an emergency!
Þ To remain seated until I (not the bell) dismiss you
Þ To be on time and not cut class
Þ To work on all assigned class activities/projects
Þ To see me if you are absent, as it is YOUR responsibility to make up any work missed
Technology use:
§ Non-educational games, facebook, etc. may not be accessed using school computers
§ Computers may be audible with headphones only
§ Cell phones usage is only allowed if instructed by teacher.
Failure to follow these rules will result in one or several of the following:
v teacher assigned detention
v formal write-up
v administrative detention
v loss of computer privileges
v removal from the classroom