ECO-Rep Evaluation Questionnaire 11/24/2004
- Look at question 11. from your initial questionnaire. Please re-rate all the activities (keep in mind that you can use all the numbers from –5 to +5). Did your ratings change significantly?
- Overall, how did you like the ECO-Rep program?
- Why do you think is it that you care about the environment (what makes you different from people who don't care)?
- Would you have participated and stuck with the program if you did not get $150?
- Do you think people would still do the ECO-Rep program even if the program was totally volunteer(unpaid)?
- What would you improve about the ECO-Rep program (be as specific as possible)?
- Would you do the ECO-Rep program again?
If no, why not?
If yes, why?
- Do you think it would be a good idea to offer credit for being an Eco-Rep? (That would probably mean writing at least one final paper and having meetings on a weekly basis):
Please explain your answer:
- What part of the ECO-Rep program was least useful for you?
- How did you like the structure of the program? Was it too much structure, too little, just right?
- On average, how much time did you spend on Eco-Rep Activities per week? (please be honest!)
- What was your most successful Eco-Rep activity?
- What were the most difficult issues you faced as an ECO-Rep?
- Would you have preferred, if we gave you the option, to use pre-made fliers, table tents, etc. instead of having to do them yourself?
- How was Anja as a teacher and supervisor? How could she improve? (Specific feedback welcome!)
- How did you like the meetings?
Please rate the meetings (1=disappointing ; 5=excellent)
Recycling:o 1 o 2 o 3 o4 o 5
Water: o 1 o 2 o 3 o4 o 5
Food: o 1 o 2 o 3 o4 o 5
Climate change: o 1 o 2 o 3 o4 o 5
Population: o 1 o 2 o 3 o4 o 5
Consumption: o 1 o 2 o 3 o4 o 5
- How much of the information covered during the meetings and in the handouts and the manual was new to you? Please choose one:
o Not much was new to me, I already knew almost everything.
o Some was new, but I already had a solid background in most of the topics.
o I learned many new things but I also already knew quite a bit.
o Much of the information was new to me.
o Almost everything was new to me.
- About which topic did you feel you learned the most?
- Which topics would you have liked to learn more about?
- Do you feel you have a pretty good understanding of which activities have a large negative environmental impact and which ones don't?
- What is the most important thing you learned in the ECO-Rep program?
- Would you want to continue being an ECO-Rep next semester?
23. Do you have any additional comments about the ECO-Rep program?