Holmberg Grant for Faculty Excellence

Budget Instructions

Budgets may include the following costs:

  • Student workers (UG or Graduate Assistants)*
  • Teaching buy-outs at the prevailing adjunct salary rate*
  • Contracts with other entities, e.g., laboratories, to perform analysis
  • Conference or workshop registration fees
  • Travel cost to conduct research or attend workshops related to professional development
  • Equipment less than $2,000.

*Student workers and teaching buy-outs (adjuncts) should use accepted UTC wages and fringe benefit standards for calculating costs. Consult the dean of your college or the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs for current cost standards.

Expenses not allowed:

  • Faculty salary for release time (see above for allowable expense for teaching buy-outs)
  • Journal subscriptions, society membership fees, or other items of similar nature
  • Computer purchases will not be allowed except in extraordinary cases with a detail justification

Budget Request

Please complete your budget in the form provided below. If you need additional space, the budget form can be continued on the next page.

Personnel Expenses
Name and Role of each person (group students by type & number, e.g. two Graduate Assts) / Time Required
(e.g. hours or % of full time) / Time Period (e.g. summer, spring semester) / Funds Requested (whole dollars)
Fringe Benefits
Faculty and Staff Use actual rates; contact ORSP for details
Students Estimate @ 9% of wages requested above in Personnel Expenses
Identify purpose, location, and duration of each trip, and show calculations for specific costs (e.g. airfare, mileage, lodging, meals) per current UT travel regulations.
Identify each instrument/piece of equipment costing more than $5,000. List items costing less than $5,000 in Operating Expenses as a supply.
Identify consultants by name (or role, if an individual is not yet identified) and show calculations (e.g. hourly pay rate of consultant x # of hours to be engaged).
Identify expenses such as printing and duplication, supplies, etc. and show calculations used to determine their costs.
Total Project Costs Requested