How to work with LAS v3.8
-Easiest is auto-exposure: click first icon on the top
-When using manual exposure (unclick auto-exposure icon):
- Gain = 1.0x for bright field
- Saturation: 1.5 is normal (0 = black&white, 3 = fluo colors)
- Gamma: 0.6 is preference for BF (a bit higher can give more contrast)
-White balance:
First reset white balance (right click on the Automatic white balance button)
Then either click the White balance icon (applies to the entire image), or draw a rectangle in your live image on a spot that should be white, let go of the mouse and click White balance.
Look at the histogram: the 3 peaks should coincide
If still greyish: play with exposure and gamma, or light intensity
-Aperture: lower gives more contrast -> first change this to improve histogram (the broader, the better)
-Histogram: changing the histogram should be the last option: move slider to the right (you throw away grey-values)
-If you have shading: move to a white part of your specimen, move out of focus and click shading (under Processing tab) and save. Then click apply to live
Put the shading standard on ‘none’ (see icon, third from the left)
-ROI (region of interest): zoom focus: after focusing click on off focus
-To save your images: before you start you can choose a folder: go to Browse: select your folder and click on Set capture location (a red dot will appear next to your folder). In Options > Preferences > Images it is set to automatically save to this fixed folder.
-In Options > Preferences > Images: you can choose what the software should do after capture: do nothing (you stay in the acquire mode) or open in browse (the picture you took is opened)
-Scale bar: icon on the right of the live image