BIO 201: Anatomy and Physiology I


Fall 2009, Sections 10614, 10616, or 57588

Dr. Angela K. Mick

Date: Topic Exercises
Aug 25,27 / Body Orientation Terms; The Skull / Saladin
Chps 3 and 8
Sep 1,3 / Vertebral Column, Sternum, & Ribs
Sep 8,10 / Muscles of Neck, Head, & Face; Histology - Epithelial Tissues
Sep 15,17 / Review; Histology - Connective Tissues
Mini-Practical I
Sep 22,24 / Practical I (100 points)
S 29, O 1 / Bones of Shoulder and Upper Limb
Muscles of the Chest, Back, & Shoulder / Saladin
Chps. 4,5,10
Oct 6,8 / Muscles of the Arm; Histology – Epidermis & Related Tissues
Oct 13,15 / Review; Mini-Practical II
Oct 20,22 / Practical II (100 points)
Oct 27,29 / Bones of Pelvis and Lower Extremity
Muscles of the Abdomen and Lower Extremity / Saladin
Chp. 10
Atlas, Chp.8
Nov 3,5 / Muscles of Lower Extremity; Histology - Muscle
Nov 10,12 / Review; Mini-Practical III
Nov 17,19 / Practical III (100 points)
Nov 24,26 / Begin Brains (Models, Sheep), Spinal Cord Models; Histology-N.S. / Saladin
Chp. 14
Dec 1,3 / Sheep Eye, Eye and Ear Models; Review; Mini-Practical IV
Dec 8,10 / Practical IV (100 points)

***This schedule is tentative and is subject to change at the discretion of your instructor. ***

BIO 201 Anatomy and Physiology I

Practical Exam I

§  Please do not touch or point at bones, plastinized parts, or models with pens or pencils - use only broom straws or wooden cotton swabs.

§  Human Plastinates: These are human tissues. Please treat these specimens with respect and care. You must sign specimens in/out. Only handle them while wearing non-latex gloves. Keep pens and pencils far away. Be gentle.

§  Identifying Bones: Bones will either be articulated or disarticulated. You should be able to identify these bones in either state.

o  Bones Boxes: Make sure you have the correct bones in the boxes before you leave lab.

§  Muscles:

§  Anatomy and Physiology Revealed [APR]– all the muscles can be visualized in APR, and you will need to identify the muscles on the models, plastinated specimens, and in APR. The sooner you use APR while learning this material, the easier the material will become.

§  You are responsible for recognizing all the bolded functions in the muscles; these functions are taken from APR and may be slightly different from what Saladin lists.

§  APR shows the written function and has animations of those functions for most of the muscles on the lists.

§  Histology

o  The slides will be shown in lab and there are also references to APR where you can also review the histology. It is recommended that you review the histological specimens not only on APR, but also the web. This can be done by using keywords and any of the popular web-browsers.

§  References:

o  Text: Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function 5th edition by Saladin

o  CD or web site: Anatomy and Physiology Revealed [APR]

o  Optional Histology Atlas: A Photographic Atlas of Histology by Michael Leboffe


CRANIAL BONES (Saladin pgs, 245-258)

§  Be able to identify these bones and inherent features in an intact skull or separately.

Frontal Bone (1)

o  coronal suture

o  frontal sinus

Parietal Bones (2)

o  sagittal suture

o  middle meningeal vessel impressions

Temporal Bones (2)

o  squamosal suture

o  external auditory meatus (external acoustic meatus)

o  mandibular fossa

o  zygomatic process

o  styloid process (note: attachment for muscles of tongue, pharynx and hyoid)

o  mastoid process (note: contains air sinuses)

o  jugular foramen

o  carotid canal

o  middle meningeal vessel impressions

o  petrous part

Occipital Bones (1)

o  lambdoidal suture

o  sutural bones (Wormian bones)

o  foramen magnum

o  occipital condyles

o  external occipital protuberance

Sphenoid Bone (1)

o  greater wings

o  lesser wings

o  optic foramen

o  sella turcica

o  pterygoid processes

Ethmoid Bone (1)

o  crista galli

o  cribriform plate

o  perpendicular plate

o  middle nasal conchae

FACIAL BONES (Saladin, pg 245-256)

Mandible (1)

o  body

o  mental foramen

o  alveolus (alveoli)

o  ramus

o  mandibular foramen

o  coronoid process

o  mandibular notch

o  mandibular condyle

Maxillae (2)

o  infraorbital foramen

o  maxillary sinus

o  palatine process (note: anterior part of hard palate)

o  alveolus (alveoli)

Palatine Bones (2) (note: posterior part of hard palate)

Zygomatic Bones (2)

Nasal Bones (2)

Lacrimal Bones (2)

Vomer (1)

Inferior Nasal Conchae (2)

Hyoid (1)

THORACIC CAGE (Saladin, pg 265-266)

Sternum (1)

o  manubrium

o  body (gladiolus)

o  xiphoid process

Ribs (12 pairs) differentiate between:

o  true ribs (1-7)

o  false ribs (8-12)

§  floating ribs (11-12) (note: these are false ribs not connected to sternum)

o  on each rib:

§  head

§  neck

§  tubercle

§  shaft

Costal Cartilages

VERTEBRAL COLUMN (Saladin, pg 259-267)

Parts of Vertebrae [Identify on Lumbar, Thoracic, and Cervical (except axis and atlas) vertebrae]

o  body (centrum)

o  vertebral arch

o  lamina

o  pedicle

o  vertebral foramen

o  spinous process

o  transverse process

o  superior articular process and facet

o  inferior articular process and facet

o  intervertebral foramen (note: formed by the intervertebral notches of two adjoining vertebrae)

o  intervertebral discs

Cervical Vertebrae (7)

o  atlas

o  axis

·  dens or odontoid process

o  vertebra prominens (note: seventh cervical vertebra has the largest spinous process)

o  transverse foramen (note: pair in each cervical vertebra that conducts vertebral arteries)

Thoracic Vertebrae (12)

o  costal facets

Lumbar Vertebrae (5)

Sacrum (note: 5 fused sacral vertebrae)

sacral foramina

sacral canal

sacral hiatus (note: inferior opening to the sacral canal)

auricular surface (note: site of sacroiliac joint with pelvic girdle)

Coccyx (note: 4-5 fused coccygeal vertebrae)


Saladin Text (pg) 326-344

Muscles of the Face and Neck / Actions of Muscle
platysma / elevates and creases neck; depression of lower lip and angle of mouth
sternocleidomastoid / rotates and flexes head
levator scapulae / elevation of scapula (shrugging shoulders); lateral flexion of neck
scalene / lateral flexion and rotation of neck
/ elevation, medial rotation, adduction and depression of scapula
splenius capitus / rotation of head; extension of head and neck
sternohyoid / depresses hyoid bone
sternothyroid / depresses larynx
thyrohyoid / elevates larynx & depresses hyoid bone
omohyoid / depresses hyoid bone
mylohyoid / elevates floor of mouth
digastric / elevates hyoid bone; depresses mandible
masseter / elevates mandible
buccinator / compression of cheek
temporalis / elevation of mandible
orbicularis oris / closes mouth; puckers lips
frontalis / elevation of eyebrows
orbicularis oculi / closes eyelids


Saladin Text (pg) 344-346

Muscles of the Back, Posterior / Actions
(of Erector Spinae) / lateral flexion and extension of vertebral column
(of Erector Spinae) / lateral flexion and extension of vertebral column
(of Erector Spinae) / lateral flexion and extension of vertebral column

Histology for Practical 1


§  Epithelium: Saladin (pg 155-160), Atlas of Histology (Cpt 3), APR (histology)

§  Connective Tissue: Saladin (pg 161-170), Atlas of Histology (Cpts 4 & 5)

Epithelial Tissues

Simple squamous epithelium

o  Simple cuboidal epithelium

o  Simple columnar epithelium

o  Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

o  Stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium

o  Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium

o  Transitional epithelium

Connective Tissues

o  adipose connective tissue

§  adipocytes

o  dense regular connective tissue (note: also called white fibrous tissue)

§  fibroblasts

§  collagenous fibers

o  dense irregular connective tissue

§  fibroblasts

§  collagenous fibers

o  loose areolar connective tissue

§  fibroblasts

§  collagen fibers

§  elastic fibers

o  reticular connective tissue

§  fibroblasts

§  reticular fibers


ACROMION / comes from the Greek "akron", peak + "omos", shoulder = the peak of the shoulder; platelike extension; (acromial end of clavicle and acromion of scapula)
ALVEOLUS / Latin referring to little cavity; pit or socket; tooth socket; (alveoli of the mandibles and alveoli of the maxillae)
AURICULAR / Auri – ear, (auricular surface of sacrum and auricular surface of the innominate bone)
CANAL / tubular passage or tunnel in a bone; (carotid canal)
CONCHA / Spanish for “shell”; shaped like an elongated sea-shell (inferior nasal conchae bones, middle and superior nasal conchae of the ethmoid)
CONDYLE / rounded knob that articulates with another bone; (occipital condyle, mandibular condyle)
CORACOID / resemblance to crow’s beak; (coracoid process of the scapula)
CORONAL / coronal plane – perpendicular to sagittal plane and divides the body into anterior and posterior portions; (coronal suture)
CORONOID / Corono – crown; (coronoid process of the mandible, coronoid process of the ulna)
CRIBRIFORM / cribri- sieve, strainer; (cribriform plate of the ethmoid)
CRISTA GALLI / crista – crest; (crista galli of the ethmoid)
FACET / smooth, slightly concave or convex articular surface; (articular facets of vertebrae)
FORAMEN / hole through a bone, usually round; (foramen magnum of the skull)
FOSSA / shallow, broad or elongated basin (mandibular fossa)
FRONTAL / from Latin “frons” which means forehead; (frontal bone and frontal lobe)
HEAD / prominent expanded end of a bone; (head of rib, head of femur, head of humerus)
HIATUS / natural fissure or opening in a stucture; inferior opening to sacral canal (sacral hiatus); opening in diaphragm through which the esophagus travels (esophageal hiatus)
LAMINA / thin, flat plate; (lamina of vertebrae)
MEATUS / opening into a canal; (acoustic meatus of the ear)
OCCIPITAL / Latin “occipit” which means back of the head; (occipital bone and occipital lobe)
ODONTOID / Odonto – tooth; tooth-like projection; (odontoid process of the axis)
PARIETAL / Latin “parietlis” means of a wall; (parietal bone and parietal lobe)
PEDICLE / Latin meaning “small foot”; a stem or stalk of tissue that connects parts of the body to each other, (vertebral lamina)
PETROUS / related to or resembling a rock (petrous portion of temporal bone)
PROCESS / any bony prominence; (mastoid process of skull)
PROTUBERANCE / a bony outgrowth or protruding part; (external occipital protuberance)
RAMUS / Latin meaning “branch”; perpendicular portion; (ramus of the mandible)
SAGITTAL / sagittal plane – passes vertically through the body or organ and divides it into right and left portions; (sagittal suture)
SELLA TURCICA / means a Turkish saddle;
saddle-shaped depression;
(sella turcica of sphenoid)

SINUS / cavity within a bone; (frontal sinus of the frontal bone)
SPINE / sharp, slender or narrow process; (spine of the scapula)
STYLOID / stylus – pen used by ancient Greeks and Romans to write on wax tablets; (styloid process of temporal bone, styloid process of the ulna, styloid process of radius)
SUTURE / means to join; immovable joint between skull bones; (saggital suture)
TEMPORAL / Latin “temporlis” from Latin “tempora”, pl. of tempus, temple. Of or relating to the temples of the skull; (temporal bone and temporal lobe)
TRANSVERSE / transverse plane – passes across the body or organ perpendicular to its long axis; divides the body or organ into superior and inferior portions; (transverse process in vertebra)
TUBERCLE / small, rounded process; (greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus)
VOMER / means “plowshare” referring to its resemblance to a blade of a plow; (vomer bone)
XIPHOID / derived from the Greek word xiphos for straight sword; (xiphoid process of the sternum)

BIO 201 GCC Practical 1 Page 1