APUSH Fall Semester Schedule (2015) – 1st Six Weeks (Student Calendar)

Week / Date / Day / Topic & Content / For Class / Assessment / Reading/Homework
1 / Aug 24 / Mon / Syllabus & Introduction to Document Analysis / HTS and Themes / Chp 1
Aug 26 / Wed / Period 1: 1491-1607
New World Beginnings / Letter from Cortez
Class Discussion
HTS Overview / Quiz Chp 1 / Chp 2 & Mayflower Compact
Ch 1 (A)
Aug 28 / Fri / Period 2: 1607-1754
The Planting of English America / Class Discussion
HTS / Quiz Chp 2 / Chp 3 & 4
Ch 2(A)
2 / Sep 1 / Tues / Settling the Northern Colonies/ American Life in the 17th Cent./Col / Class Discussion
HTS / Quiz Chps 3 & 4 / Chp 5
Ch 3(A)
Sep 3 / Thurs / Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution / Class Discussion
HTS / Quiz Chp 5 / Chp 6
3 / Sep 7 / Mon / LABOR DAY
Sep 8 / Tue / The Duel for North America / Class Discussion
Counter-Themes: 1763-1798 / Quiz Chp 6 / Study for Test
Sep 10 / Thurs / UNIT 1 TEST / Writing Practice – Thesis Statements / Test / Chp 7
Ch 4 (A)
Declaration of Independence
4 / Sep 14 / Mon / Period 3: 1754-1800
The Road to Revolution / Class Discussion
HTS / Quiz Chp 7 / OpV #10 & #11
Jefferson’s draft of D of Ind.
Sep 16 / Wed / America Must / Must Not Break from Great Britain / Debate / Writing Practice / Small Group Seminar / Chp 8 & Women in the American Revolution
CH 5(A)
Sep 18 / Fri / America Secedes from the Empire / Class Discussion
HTS / Quiz Chp 8 / Chp 9 & Land & Liberty: The Ordinances of the 1780s
Ch 6 (A)
5 / Sep 22 / Tues / The Confederation and the Constitution / Class Discussion
HTS / Quiz Chp 9 / OpV #14
Sep 24 / Thurs / The Federalist / Anti-Federalist / Seminar / Writing Practice / Small Group Seminar / Chp 10 & Washington’s Farwell Address
6 / Sep 28 / Mon / Launching the New Ship of State / Class Discussion
Counter-Themes: 1798-1801 / Quiz Chp 10 / Study for Test
Sep 30 / Wed / UNIT 2 TEST / Writing Practice / Test / Chp 11
Ch 7 (A)
Oct 2 / Fri / Period 4: 1800-1848
The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic / Class Discussion
HTS / Quiz Chp 11 / Chp 12