It All Adds Up!
Some Possible Professional Development Hours for NSF Recording Forms
Fall 2007
Activity Hours
MTL Fall Meetings / September 15, 22 = 7 hoursOctober 9, 12 = 7 hours
November 14 = 2 hours
December 6, 13 = 7 hours
Foundation Level Math Assessment Summits: Gr. 8-9 / September 22, 29 = 5 hours
October 16, 18 = 7 hours
December 6, 13 = 7 hours
K-7 Assessment Pilot Meetings
K5-Gr 1 additonal meetings: Nov. 1 and Nov. 15 / October 18 = 7 hours
November 29 = 7 hours
December 20 = 7 hours
Assessment Pilot Grade Level Meetings / Record to the nearest half hour
New MTL meeting / September 13, 20 = 1.5 hours
School Grade Level/Cross Grade Level Math Meetings / Record to the nearest half hour
Your school’s Action Plan activities / Record to the nearest half hour
Learning Coordinator/Implementor Meetings when math is the topic / Record to the nearest half hour
Staff meetings (announcements, discussions re: math topics) / Record to the nearest half hour
Work on your school’s Education Plan/Math Section including your Ed Plan Review / Record to the nearest half hour
Learning Team Meetings (when Math is the Focus) / Record to the nearest half hour
Curriculum Pacing Guide Committee Meetings / Record to the nearest half hour
NEA Grant Schools Meetings (Math) / Record to the nearest half hour
Bank Day (Oct. 5)
Collaborative Planning (math) / Record to the nearest half hour
MMP/UW-M Fall Courses / 1 cr = 20 hours
2 cr = 40 hours
3 cr = 60 hours
Project CALL and/or SEWAC / Record to the nearest half hour
Dr. J. Moyer, LieCal, an NSF Study: A Longitudinal Investigation of the Effect of Curricula on Algebra Learning / Record to the nearest half hour
Other mathematics courses taken by staff members during the fall / 1 cr = 20 hours
2 cr = 40 hours
3 cr = 60 hours