Information and Rubric for Biography Book Report
Due: November 18th, 2014
Biographies: A biography is a book of true stories about the life of a real person. The author is a different person than the book is written about. The person in the biography can be dead or alive. The author describes how the person affected others.
Every project consists of three elements:
1. Sharing your project with the class.
2. Giving an oral summary of the book (2-3 minutes). Please practice at home so you know what you are going to say for your oral presentation.
3. Turning in the 4 page report.
Book projects will be completed at home. You may use supplies from the classroom or from home. Please save this packet so you can refer to the directions as you are working. Any changes to your project (book or project idea) must be approved.
Name ______Date ______HR# ______
Top of Form
Biography Book ReportPoor
1 pts / Fair
2 pts / Good
3 pts / Excellent
4 pts
(Project) / Poor
Did not describe biography.
Project is not neat and has no color. / Fair
Does not give a descriptive summary about the subject.
Project is somewhat neat and has some color. / Good
Complete description with interesting facts.
Project is neat and has some color. / Excellent
Complete description with interesting facts: includes additional information and facts. Project is neat and colorful.
(4 page report) / Poor
5 or more grammatical errors/no bibliography / Fair
3-4 grammatical errors/incorrect form of bibliography / Good
1-2 grammatical errors/bibliography is incomplete but good form / Excellent
No grammatical errors. All punctuation and capitalization is correct/bibliography is complete
Opinion about the book
(oral report) / Poor
No opinion given. / Fair
Incomplete answer/explanation. / Good
Complete sentences explaining why you did or did not like the book. / Excellent
Complete explanation of opinion and why you did or did not like the book.
Timeliness of report / Poor
Book report handed in 3 or more days late. / Fair
Book report handed in two days late. / Good
Book report handed in one day late. / Excellent
Book report handed in on time.
Project ______
Oral Presentation ______
4 Page Report ______