Tarrant County Breastfeeding Coalition

Meeting Minutes

May 3, 2017

INTRODUCTIONS & ANNOUNCEMENTS 10members, including 1new member—welcome,LajeReine, Doula—present at the Tarrant Co Public Health Dept.


Treasurer Current bank balance $7352. Secured FEBLO venue, FW Botanic Garden. Paid website fee, AABT Health Expo registration fee, & USLCA Conference Sponsor donation.

Secretary Current roster: 25 members; have a ways to go to beat last year’s 60! Layne committed to outreach to more prospective paid members via email, with a reminder that it’s time to join/renew. Stay current with our meeting minutes now available on the website. Our Facebook page has 1,920 likes! LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE TCoBCo Fb page posts, to increase feeds; &, visit our coalition website,


Events CoordinatorFamily Expo & Big Latch On Aug2017 FEBLO Event Coord & Social Media posts, Mary Ashley, provided a written report of ongoing preparation for FEBLO; 22 vendors registered, so far. Will send initial solicitation. Many vendors have agreed to provide silent auction items. Have registered Fort Worth location on the national Big Latch On website. Plan (Sal) to create a SignUpGenius with link sent to volunteer helpers & TCoBCo distribution list & any other relevant groups. Ready to start promotion within a few weeks, with Facebook post announcements. Silent Auction Lead—needs tbd. Swag Bags Lead—ShannonWLayneW. Event Flyer Lead—CarolB.

African American Bf TaskforceAABT Has ~ 9 members that meet quarterly, for breakfast. Talkingabout activities with focus on two or three events/year, reported by Pat Alridge.

Chair Motion was made & approved to sponsor Amanda, by paying for room, hotel, travel, & registration, to attend the USBC Conference in August, 2017, Arlington, VA. She will gain great experience & info for coalition leadership & direction.


TXBC news Motion was made & approved for TCoBCo to pay & join TXBC membership --$30. Layne will initiate registration & submit to Carol for payment. Pass the Bf Laws!!! Give your support at INFO

Other Business TCoBCo led the state’s teamof 6 local Tx coalitions & TXBC, for the USLCA Conference in May, San Antonio, to highlight breastfeeding grassroots work to the largest audience of lactation professionals from across the USA! The team sponsored at the Silver Level & furnished a Samsung Tablet raffle prize to generate interest & highlight our coalitions. TCoBCo member, Dr. Aliena Davis, shared news of her Postpartum Wellness Series at Acclaim Nurse Midwifery, May 6th, with a flyer; admission is 1 new pair of flipflops. Please share flyers to potential attendees, to benefit the Women’s Centerof Tarrant County.

UPCOMINGMay 4-6USLCA, 2nd annual conference San Antonio INFO

May 6AA Health Expo AA Health Expo INFO

May 6Postpartum Wellness Series kickoff event,

July 26Breastfeeding Boot Bootb Camp, morning onlyINFO

Aug 56th Annual Family Expo & Big Latch On, FW Botanic GardenINFO

Sept 6TCoBCo meeting, possibly at new location,MCA—Medical City Arlington

Membership Roundup: join $20 Individual, $40 Nonprofit, or, $50 Corporate

Your $$ goes a long way in support of breastfeeding in Tarrant County!

MISSION: To improve the health of Tarrant County by working collaboratively to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding.

VISION: A community culture rooted in family friendly principles in support of breastfeeding.

Respectfully submitted by Layne Walker, Secretary, Jan.27, 2017