Raving about Room 4:

  Congratulations, Keera Strudwick, on earning the Principal’s Award for positive participation and super citizenship in room 4. Keep up the “wow” behavior!!

  We are nearing the end of September. I will collect the September behavior calendar. If your student has shown you his/her behavior calendar and you have signed at the end of each week, your student will be rewarded with lunch in the classroom with Mrs. Robinson. We will enjoy lunch next week, so please make sure you’ve signed your student’s September calendar!

  We have had 2 fire drills this year, and I am proud to say we have done an excellent job. Fire drills are important to practice the correct way. Room 4 is doing a great job following the fire drill rules!

  Room 4 is on their way to earning their 100 marbles for their 100-marble celebration. As a class, room 4 earns marbles for receiving compliments in the hallway, receiving compliments from our specials, receiving compliments from any other adult in our building, for being present in school, and for staying “green” as a class. We work hard to earn compliments by following the Red Bird rules: respect yourself, respect others, and respect property. Our students have already earned over 50 marbles! Keep up the EXCELLENT behavior.

  Congratulations to the following students for practicing excellence in behavior and following the RBE rules over the last couple weeks. These students collected 10 tickets and traded them in for the prize jar on Friday. Congratulations: Charlie, Dimitri, Joey, Madison, and Joshua.

*Remember to ask your student how many tickets s/he has collected and remind him/her to keep following the RBE rules!


!  Don’t forget to send in a healthy snack for your student each day. No spoons or junk food will be permitted.

!  Please make sure all water bottles have a lid that your student can close on his/her own. Thanks!

!  Interim Grades were posted to Infinite Campus on Friday. Please check online to see how your student is progressing. Conferences will be held on Thursday, November 4, 2010 and Tuesday, November 9, 2010. Conferences are available from 2:30 pm until 6:00 pm both nights. Please return your sign-up forms ASAP.

!  Remember, you still have time to sign up for PTA (even if you can’t make the monthly meetings). It is only $4.00 to join!

!  Walk-A-Thon Kick-Off Assembly was Sept. 1. Please help your student pass out the donor letters. Each student has a personal goal of $30.00 (but we understand times are tough and recognize all effortJ). Our school goal is $15,000. All of the donations go directly to technology for RBE, and they are tax deductable! J

!  Grade 1 Visitors Lunch will be held on Friday, October 8, 2010. We eat at 11:30 am. Please mark this date on your calendar (special time to come and enjoy lunch with your student at RBE). This usually lasts 45 minutes.

!  Fall Book Fair Week: October 4-October 8

o  Ice Cream Social: Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2010 from 6-8 pm J

!  No School: Friday, October 15, 2010 (Fall Break)

!  Next PTA Meeting: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 4:00 pm in the RBE Library – hope to see you there!

!  Wednesday, October 20 – Please remember to pack your student a lunch with a drink as this is the day we eat a late lunch after we return from Playhouse Square

!  Thursday, October 21: RBE’s 2nd Annual Health Awareness Walk-a-Thon (Rain date: Friday, October 22)

!  Tuesday, October 26, 2010 = End of the First Quarter



This week we will start on Unit 2. Unit 2 is a 3-4 week unit. We will start week 1 today. We are discussing putting letters together to make words and putting words together to make sentences. We will learn that sentences begin with a capital letter and end in a punctuation mark (usually a period). We are also learning to read by tapping out three-sound words and learning to spell by segmenting the words we hear and tapping out the sounds. Students should ONLY be practicing short vowel words that follow the consonant vowel consonant (cvc) pattern. Grown-ups should help read all LONG vowel words in reading homework at this time. Please continue practicing rhyming words with three sounds (cat/mat, pig/wig, tug/bug, peg/beg, dog/pog). Words can be real or nonsense (made up words!). Please use the Fundations Unit 2 Home Packet Dictation for practice with “unit words” (page 7 in packet).

Please practice unit 2 trick words EVERY NIGHT (reading via flashcards and writing). Students will be tested on their ability to read and spell these words at the end of this week. (and, a, of, the)

Please visit the website for more information: www.fundations.com.


Thank you to those of you who took the time to practice some of the word play activities on the back of “Itsy, Bitsy Spider”. I enjoy reading the comments you write on the logs letting me know what your student is excelling at and what your student is struggling with. Please continue to read your poem every night and do a few of the activities on the back. Thank you.

In class, our shared story will be Animals in the Woods. This story will help us with identifying color words. We will do some word detective activities with this story this week. This story also follows a very repetitive pattern. Room 4 will practice sequencing (putting things in a correct order) the story.


This week we will be completing unit 1 of Every Day Math. Our unit 1 test will be on Friday, October 1, 2010. This week we will focus on working in small groups, weather, temperature, number stories, and we will have our first math exploration. Homelinks need to be completed each night and returned the NEXT day. (Ex. If it is sent home on Tuesday, it is due back on Wednesday.) We will use these to start discussions for the following class. Please complete HOMELINKS in pencil. Thank you!! Please check out www.everydaymathonline.com for more information.

Educationally Yours,

Mrs. Robinson J

RBE rules: Respect yourself, respect others, respect property!