ReaganHigh School

Syllabus –AFM

2014 - 2015

Mrs. Sarah Smith


  1. Do not talk or get out of your seat while I am talking. Period.
  2. If I see your cell phone, I will take it. It will then go to the office and they will take it from there. Please don’t give me a sob story so that I won’t take it up. It won’t work. Best bet is to silence it, leave it in your bookbag, and don’t touch it until class is over.
  3. The more you communicate with me and let me know you care about this class, the better off you will be.
  4. I do not give grades, you earn them. I will work as hard for you as you work for yourself.
  5. YOU are responsible for having a pencil and a workingcalculator in class EVERY DAY. I provide most things for you; this is all I ask you to come prepared with.


Math is a sequential subject. Everything you learn is a building block for something else. Excessive absences are going to greatly hinder your ability to be successful in this class.

A student is tardy when he/she is not in the room after the late bell has stopped ringing. If you come in after the bell has stopped ringing and class has started, you must have a note from the office or another teacher. On tardies number 3 and 4, parent/guardian contact will be made. The 5th tardy will earn a trip to SaturdaySchool. Each tardy after that will earn a day in ISS.

If you are getting to school late, please go through the front office to check in and get a tardy/excuse note.


In order to leave class you must ask permission at an appropriate time. An appropriate time would be when I am not giving the entire class instruction and you are working on something individually. Once granted permission to leave, grab one of the hanging passes from the board. You must have one of these passes around your neck any time you are out of my classroom. Bathrooms are right around the corner, so you should not be gone longer than 2 – 3 minutes. If you have a medical problem that requires special consideration, please make me aware of it. No one will be allowed to leave the classroom during a quiz or test, unless there is an extreme emergency.

SUPPLIES *Needed by Friday*

3-ring binder (can be one for this class or a large one for all classes)


Pencils (you must have one EVERY DAY, must be used on all graded work

AAA batteries (keep a pack in your bookbag for your calculator!)

Calculator (see below)


A calculator (TI-83+ or higher) must be brought to class every day. If you do not have a calculator, you can check one out from the media center and it will be yours for the year (like a textbook). See me for a contract. A calculator will NOT be provided for students that come to class without one– especially on test/quiz days. Batteries are the responsibility of the student.


30% CW/HWAssignments will be given in class and may be due at the end of that period or the next day. They may be graded for completion or correctness.Homework will be assigned often. A homework quiz may be given the following day with questions that match the topics covered in the homework. This may be graded for completion or correctness. After a HW quiz, answers will be provided and it is the students’ responsibility to ask questions if there any.

30% Quizzes Quizzes will be announced and will be taken after a few sections have been covered. The questions will be based on topics covered in the notes and on the homework/classwork assignments.

40% Tests Tests will be announced and will be taken at the end of every chapter. The questions will be based on topics covered in the notes and on the homework/classwork assignments.


We will work everyday in this class. If you are absent, you will miss important material. Please don’t walk in and ask if we did anything. The question you need to be asking is, ‘What did you do yesterday?’ IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE THE WORK YOU MISSED. Check the website and with the students in your class to determine what you have missed. See me for missed worksheets. You will have one week from the date of assignmentto turn in make up work and complete any missed tests or quizzes. Missing assignments and their due dates will be posted on the grid board at the front of the room. This includes when you are absent from class for a field trip or other school related activity. If a test or quiz is not made up within this time frame, you will receive a zero! If you have a long illness due to an excused reason, talk to me and we will work out a schedule. Make-ups can be done during any of the posted make-up/tutoring times.


Students are expected to do their own work. You will receive a zero if you are caught looking at someone's paper during a test or quiz, copying someone's homework, OR allowing someone to copy your work.


Help is available beforeschool on certain days Tuesday through Friday from 8:20 – 8:50. Help after school will be available on certain days from 3:45 –4:15. Tutoring times for each week will be posted at the front of the classroom and on my website. Tutoring times will be posted by the entire math department. If I am not available when you need help, please look at the tutoring schedule and find another teacher that is available during the time you need. Please do not think of this time as punishment. Tutoring is provided to give you a little more explanation in a smaller setting. Peer tutoring is also an option. Talk to me if you would like to see the list.


I will keep textbooks in my classroom. If you ever want to check one out, just let me know and I’ll record the number of the book. Most of the work we do will be on sheets given to you.


PowerSchool is very important. It allows parents and students to monitor grades and attendance any time. If you or your parents/guardians do not have PowerSchool set up, please click on the Parent Portal link on the Reagan homepage for information about how to get that set up. Progress reports will not be handed out since grades are constantly available.


Your final grade will consist of:80% - Course Work Grades (each quarter worth 40%)

20% - Final exam


The final exam for this class with be a state-made, standardized, NCFInal Exam. It will consist of 37 multiple choice questions. More information will be given to you closer to the time.


My website is and contains a lot of good information about this class.


If you have any questions at anytime, please feel free to talk with me. Also, if your parent/guardian would like to discuss something with me, have them contact me at 336.703.6776 or e-mail me at . Email is the best way to get a hold of me quickly.