Varsity Dec. 3 Round 13

Middle Grades – 2013-14 Governor’s Cup Practice Questions

  1. His nomination as vice president was dubbed the "Second Missouri Compromise."As president, he saw the completion of the Manhattan Project, the forming of the United Nations, and the implementation of the Marshall Plan.Who succeeded Franklin Roosevelt as the 33rd president?


  1. The following numbers were grades on a quiz: 20, 18, 15, 18, 17, 19, 20, 14, 17, 18, and 16. What is the median of the data set?


  1. This chemist's interest in explosives stems from his father's manufacturing of explosive mines.His first major discovery came with the creation of a blasting cap of black powder.What Swedish chemist invented dynamite, and established the annual prestigious awards that bear his name?


  1. This play is billed as "the unauthorized Harry experience."It is a parody of J.K. Rowling's seven books in a mere seventy minutes.What is this two-man show about Harry Potter's escapades?


  1. When added to an adjective, this two-letter suffix often gives it the meaning of "in a certain way."What two-letter suffix is used in English to turn adjectives into adverbs?


  1. She played softball and tennis, and was a gymnast while attending an all girls' high school.The mother of twins, she is the voice of Shira in Ice Age: Continental Drift, and a judge on American Idol.Who was once known as "Jenny from the block"?


  1. This economic system is often implemented in countries whose name contains "People's Republic."Often associated with Communism, theorists studying it include Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, and Karl Marx.Identify this economic system focusing on public ownership of the means of production.


  1. This fabled location's name means "the gilded place."Sixteenth-century Spanish explorers searched for its treasures throughout South America.Give the name of this "city of gold."


  1. This inventor created the first motion picture camera.He is one of the most prolific inventors in history, holding 1,093 patents alone or jointly.Name the "Wizard of Menlo Park" who invented the light bulb.


  1. Triangle ABC is similar to triangle DEF. If AB has a length of 3 units and BC has a length of 8 units, find the length of DE, in units, if EF has a length of 24 units.


  1. A cone has a base with a radius of 4 inches and a volume of 160 pi cubic inches. What is the height in inches of the cone?


  1. Damon Runyon's two short stories comprise the basis for this Broadway musical."Luck Be a Lady" seems to be the theme of this musical set on the streets of New York.What is this musical about Nathan Detroit and his gambling antics?


  1. The main conflict of Steven Spielberg's 2012 film "Lincoln" centered around the President's desperate attempts to get this passed.It was finally made law by Congress in 1865, just months after the Civil War had ended.Name this Constitutional amendment, which abolished slavery.


  1. This character opens the story by saying that Fortunato [for-choo-NAH-to] has grievously insulted him.He exacts revenge by walling his enemy in an underground crypt.Who is this narrator of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado"?


  1. This organ system acts as a scaffold by providing support and protection for the soft tissues of the body.Each member of this system is a complex organ made up of cells, protein fibers, and minerals.What organ system includes all of the bones and joints in the body?


  1. A circle is inscribed inside of a square. The square has a side of length 10 units. What is the circumference of the circle, in terms of pi units?


  1. This bacterial genus has a flagellum [fluh-JEL-uhm] on both ends.These bacteria use their flagella [fluh-JEL-uh] to move in a corkscrew motion.Identify the term for spiral-shaped bacteria.

SPIRILLUM [spy-RIL-um] (Accept: SPIRILLA, SPIROCHETE [SPY-ruh-keet])

  1. This character is married to Elizabeth, but has an affair with Abigail Williams.He goes to the gallows after confessing his adultery, but refuses to sign a false confession of witchcraft.Who is this protagonist of Arthur Miller's The Crucible?


  1. This production term can be used in both lighting and sound directions.Technically, however, it is an optical effect.What is this optical effect in which the image on the screen is gradually replaced by a uniform dark area?

FADE (Accept word forms)

  1. This skirmish began when the CSS Virginia sank two Union ships and went for a third.However, the Virginia, also known as the Merrimack, was soon stopped by the USS Monitor.Give this battle, the first between ironclads, fought on March 8 and 9, 1862.


  1. According to Greek mythology, the plumage of a bird is decorated with the eyes from this giant.This giant was chosen by Hera to guard Io because he had 100 eyes.Identify this giant whom Hermes killed and Hera placed his eyes in the peacock's tail feathers.


  1. This general had a brother who served as an Admiral during the American Revolution.Though he captured Bunker Hill, New York, and Philadelphia, the defeats at Saratoga forced his resignation.Name the British commander-in-chief in North America from 1775 to 1778.


  1. This plant structure includes the stigma that collects pollen grains.It also includes an ovary and a style, which is a stalk that arises from the ovary.Name the female reproductive part of a flower.


  1. This poem's speaker laments, "O heart! heart! heart! / O the bleeding drops of red."Although "The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done," the speaker's "father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will."Give the title of this elegy to Abraham Lincoln, written by Walt Whitman.


  1. What is the measure in degrees of an exterior angle of a regular hexagon?


  1. A dancer's vertical distance from the floor may be measured in one of these three levels.What is the lowest level of a dancer's movement?


  1. The success of this satellite began the era we called the Space Age.Despite limited usability and value, it served as a sign of technological superiority by the Soviets.Launched in 1957, what was this first man-made satellite to orbit Earth?


  1. This largest federally-recognized tribe were employed by the military as code-talkers during World War II.Found in the Southwestern United States, they often traded with the Pueblo people.Name this Native American nation, indigenous to the Four Corners region.


  1. This look at the Eighteenth Amendment is subtitled Murder, Moonshine, and the Lawless Years of Prohibition.In 2012, it was a finalist for the YALSA Excellence in Nonfiction Award.Name this Karen Blumenthal book, whose title refers to illegally made and sold alcohol.


  1. Using the approximation that there are 2.5 centimeters in one inch, then how many centimeters are in a foot?


  1. A high school claims they have a 94% graduation rate. If there were 200 seniors in the class, then according to this statistic, how many should graduate?


  1. This field deals with breeding, rearing, and harvesting water plants and animals.Although it is mainly for food consumption, other uses are being developed.What type of farming has seen continuous growth over the past several decades?


  1. This Latin percussion instrument is made from a gourd.Grooves are cut into the gourd with large holes in the bottom.What is this instrument that is played by rhythmically scraping the grooves?


  1. This military leader was born in 1162 as Temujin [TEM-oo-jin], but his adopted name means "Universal Ruler."He united several nomadic tribes to create an empire that stretched from China's Pacific coast to the Adriatic Sea.Name this creator of the largest contiguous empire in history, the Mongol Empire.


  1. This novel's heroine is a sixteen-year-old orphan who farms her uncle's homestead near Vida, Montana.She befriends the Muellers, despite the pressure to be a "loyal" American who despises Germans.What is this Newbery Honor Book by Kirby Larson?


  1. In this first novel in the Avonlea series, Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert adopt a red-headed orphan girl.The girl befriends Diana Barry, has a rivalry with Gilbert Blythe, and eventually earns a teaching certificate.What is this L. M. Montgomery novel about Anne Shirley?


  1. Plants, and in some cases fungi, usually exhibit this response to the sun.It can be positive or negative, depending on whether the plant grows towards or away from light, respectively.A 12-letter word, what is the tendency for plants to grow towards a light source?


  1. This empire arose at Gao about A.D. 1000, and was taken over by Mali about 1335.Its wealth and power were based on the Niger River, and it regained its independence under Sonni Ali in the 1460s.Identify the largest of the ancient African empires, whose greatest leader is considered to have been Muhammad the First Askia.


  1. This musical era lasted for approximately seventy years, between 1750 and 1820.This era emphasized clarity and the utilization of clarinets, flutes, and oboes in the orchestra.What is this musical era dominated by Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven?


  1. When playing a game, your team starts with 50 points, but then loses 500 points. You then gain 325 points back. What is your final score?


2013-14 Governor’s Cup Practice Questions – Middle Grades Round 13 - Page 1

End of First Half – Begin Three-Minute Inquiry Period

Round 13 - Second Half

Middle Grades – 2013-14 Governor’s Cup Practice Questions

  1. Consider the sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and 34. What is the first element of the sequence that is larger than 100?


  1. This landlocked country is bordered by the Jura Mountains and the Alps.Its political subdivisions are called cantons.Which country has its capital at Bern and is known for being politically neutral?


  1. This novel's heroes include an abused girl, a rat who loves light, and an unusually small, large-eared mouse.Miggery Sow, Chiaroscuro [kee-ahr-uh-SKYOOR-oh], and the title character all long to interact with Princess Pea.Identify this Newbery Medal winner by Kate DiCamillo [dee-kuh-MILL-oh].


  1. This style of architecture was described by its inventor as "building the way nature does."This architectural style included free-flowing space and a blending with nature.What was the style of architecture with a name that sounds like a type of carbon-based chemistry?


  1. When shopping for these items on, they can be found in the category of passive components, within the industrial electrical department.It operates somewhat like a battery, but it cannot create an electrical charge; It simply collects and stores one.Identify the component consisting of one or more pairs of conductors separated by an insulator.


  1. His law says equal volumes of gases have equal numbers of molecules.His number is the count of molecules in 1 gram mole of any substance.Name the Italian scientist that contributed this law and this constant to molecular chemistry.


  1. Name and number required. He was named lord protector of England after the death of Edward the Fourth.During the War of the Roses, he led the forces of the House of York, but was defeated at the Battle of Bosworth Field, and was the last English king to die battle.What king's remains were discovered in 2012 underneath a car park in Leicester [LES-ter], England?


  1. This author contrasted American and European views in Daisy Miller and Portrait of a Lady.In one of his novels, Flora and Miles see the ghosts of their former governess and valet, Miss Jessel and Peter Quint.Name the American author of The Turn of the Screw.


  1. This purpose for the completion of an artwork is one of the most formal purposes.In some instances it may involve tattooing for spiritual representation.What is this art purpose that might be used to honor the participants in a wedding or the deceased in a funeral?


  1. When multiplying 35 and 47, what is the digit that will be in the tens place in the product?


  1. Nicknamed the "Professor," he taught geography and history at West Georgia University before turning to politics.Elected to the House of Representatives from Georgia in 1978, he served from 1979 until resigning his seat in 1999.Who became speaker of the House in 1994 on the strength of his Contract with America, and had an unsuccessful bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012?


  1. This inventor's mother was deaf, and his father taught deaf people how to speak properly.After moving to the United States, he taught schools for deaf students in Massachusetts and Connecticut.Identify this Scottish-born American audiologist best known as the inventor of the telephone.


  1. This literary term refers to an object or place that has a meaning other than its literal meaning.For example, a writer might use Uncle Sam to represent the United States.Identify this term that stands for or represents something else.


  1. This undocumented Latina faced barriers to her dream of attending college.She is the president of the Arizona Dream Act Coalition and promotes citizenship for undocumented immigrants.Who is this young woman who claimed that "We are Americans, and Americans don't give up"?


  1. What is the maximum Y value of the function Y equals 8X minus X squared ?


  1. Examples of this French phrase include Dr. Seuss and Mark Twain.Another would be O. Henry, whose real name was William Sydney Porter.Identify the three-word French phrase for a pen name.


  1. Given the function F of X equals the square root of the quantity, X plus 4, close quantity, minus 5, what is the y-intercept of the function?

-3 (ACCEPT: (0, -3))

  1. This category of sounds are so low in frequency that human ears cannot detect them.Scientific instruments that are able to detect them are used to find earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.Used by elephants to communicate with one another, what is range of sounds is below 20 Hertz?


  1. This expressionist artist's unconventional methods make restoration of his artworks difficult.Although he preferred working on the floor, he would fling paint at the nearly completed work while it hung on the wall.Who is this artist, sometimes called "the dripper"?


  1. This state's namesake and most famous city is actually not its capital.Its geographical diversity includes features from the Appalachian Mountain chain to flat coastal plains where the Hudson River empties into the Atlantic.Name this state, whose capital is Albany.


  1. A boat traveling downstream can travel 20 miles in 4 hours. The same boat traveling upstream will take 4 hours to travel 4 miles. What is the speed of the current in miles per hour?


  1. These directions are found at 45°, 135°, 225°, and 315°.They are found in between the four major compass directions.What kind of directions are northeast and southwest?


  1. This four-letter Latin root combines with "fungi-" when speaking of a substance used for destroying fungi.Identify the four-letter root form that follows "homi-" when talking of a person, and "sui-" when speaking of oneself.

-CIDE Accept: C-I-D-E

  1. This musical texture is also called polyphonic.It was the characteristic texture of Renaissance music.What is this musical texture in which multiple voices are independent from each other?


  1. This organelle is bounded by a double membrane, the inner of which contains folds called cristae [CRIS-stay].Located in the cytoplasm [SITE-oh-plaz-um], they are the sites of cellular respiration.Identify the part of a cell that generates fuel for the cell's activities.

MITOCHONDRIA [mite-oh-CON-dree-uh] (Accept: MITOCHONDRION [mite-oh-CON-dree-uhn])

  1. Astronomy uses this five-letter Latin word for a light-colored highland area on a moon or planet.The word is often found before another Latin word, "incognita," on old maps.What Latin root meaning "land" is used in the word for the place you might keep your pet terrapin?