GIS Intro and Geography Review
APES requires some geography background and we will be using GIS (Geographic Information System) for several topics throughout the course.
Equipment: Computer with GIS My World Software , Atlases, copies of My World starter manual
1. Open My World per teach. instructions click Get started
2. It starts in Construct mode.
Find each of the following in the left data window and drag to the Layer List window at it's right
Countries with demographic,,,, Earthquake Medium…, Elevation and Bath…., Lakes,
Lines of Latitude & …, Rivers, Volcanoes, World Cities
3. Click on the EYE by each layer to hide all except Countries and Latitude & Long
4. Click and move Elevation & Bath. to the bottom of the list
5. Click the Visualize tab and reduce the width of the Layer List window to make the main map bigger
Part 1 - Locations of Major Cities ** Note answer all questions on data Sheet
1. Zoom in to see N America and Europe.
The GREEN line running vertically is called the PRIME Meridian
The RED line running horizontally is the ???
Lines parallel to the prime meridian are called lines of Longitude
Lines parallel to the equator are called lines of ????
Coordinates are given as latitude ( N or S from the equator) , longitude (E of W from Prime meridian)
Examples London England 51.5 N, 0 , Santa Cruz 122W, 37N
2. Click Zoom to all to see the entire world again
3. At the right Below the map find Projection
4. Change projection to Azimuthal Equal area - looks like a globe
Use the re-center projection button to turn the globe around
5. Where do all the lines of longitude meet? ______
6. Change projection Miller Cylindrical. In layer list click the box at the right of the world cities layer .
ON World Cities
11. Find the latitude and longitude of major world cities, and their positions on the world map.
Method 1 Use country/city list
click pointer tool
top right window click country India - it will be highlighted -use zoom in tool
In layer list click countries highlight mode All highlighting off button
At Lower Right- World cities list window click Bombay - it will go Yellow
Use pointer to move over Bombay and read it's longitude ???_E and latitude ??? N
Repeat for Calcutta - enter all in data table (round to one decimal)
Method 2 Start from map First zoom in west coast area of USA - change to pointer
Click on the red dots - the city name will appear with red outline at the top of the cities list. Enter data in table
Use methods 1 or 2 and/or atlas to complete lat/long for the cities in the table, and label starred cities on your map
Part 2 Lakes and Rivers
OFF Cities ON Rivers, Lakes Find the rivers and lakes in the table and label them on your map
Part 3 More Information GIS can show much more! Zoom to all
OFF Rivers, Lakes. ON World cities. Countries
In the Layer list window , Countries w/demo. , by Fill Color - pull down , select population 2005
The 2 countries with the highest population are ??????
Zoom in to include those 2 .
Pointer tool click on China The arrow pointer at the bottom of the screen shows that the 2005 population of China
was 1,306,313,812. Find the populations of India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Brazil, USA and enter in table
City Populations
Layer list window Countries Fill Color Outline , ON World Cities Color Population
Find and click on Lagos (zoom in if necessary to isolate it)
The bar at the bottom should show Lagos population 3,8000,000 Complete for the other starred cities
Part 4 Mountains
OFF Cities ON Elevation … Zoom to all
In the world map the highest mountains are pure white - over ??? m or ??? ft
Find the 2 areas of super high mountains and look up their names in the atlas. Add these mountains to your map
Notice a light blue line running along the middle of the Atlantic Ocean . This is the "Mid Atlantic Ridge"
the light blue color means that ???
OFF Elevation ON Earthquakes Recenter projection tool click in Pacific Ocean
Notice a ring of earthquakes all around the Pacific Ocean - this is called the Ring of Fire.
There is also a continuous line of earthquakes in the Atlantic along the ???
Extra - Investigate Volcanoes
GIS Introduction Names ______
Part 1 Questions The GREEN line running vertically is called the PRIME Meridian
The RED line running horizontally is the ______
Lines parallel to the prime meridian are called lines of Longitude
Lines parallel to the equator are called lines of ______
Where do all the lines of longitude meet? ______
World Cities / Country / LongE/W / Lat.
N/S / City Pop. / Country Pop.
Bombay(Mumbai) / *
Calcutta(Kolcatta) / * / XXXXXXXXXXX
San Jose, CA / XXXXXXX
* / 118.2 W / 33.9 N / XXXXXXXXXXX
Beijing / XXXXXXX
Shanghai / * / XXXXXXXXXXX
Karachi / XXXXXXX
Lagos / *
Part 2 Data Table
Data Table 2
River / Continent / Country / Lake / Continent / CountyAmazon / Aral Sea / Asia
Nile / Lake Baikal / Asia
Yangtse / Lake Chad / Africa
Indus / Pakistan / Lake Erie
Part 3 Questions
The 2 countries with the highest population are ______, ______
Part 4 Questions
In the world map the highest mountains are pure white - over ______m or ______ft
The light blue line along the middle of the Atlantic Ocean - the color means that ______
There is also a continuous line of earthquakes in the Atlantic along the ______
Map Details - Note : some lakes and rivers are printed on your map and some need to be added
Make sure that your map includes
a) Six starred cities above - mark RED and label; b) Four major rivers mark Blue and label
c) Four Lakes mark Blue and label d) 2 highest mountain ranges Shade and Label;
e) Mid Atlantic ridge mark with a dotted line and Label
f) Also use the atlas to label these countries Iceland, Greenland, Madagasgar, Indonesia
GIS Intro.doc 1 8/13/11