K-12: Auburn |Federal Way|Highline| Kent |Puget Sound ESD| Renton Seattle |Shoreline |Tukwila
Community and Technical Colleges Bellevue| Green River| North Seattle |Renton Technical| Seattle Central| Shoreline |South Seattle
Contributing Partners University of Washington| Community Center for Education Results| Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
June 19, 2015|8:30-10:30AM
Puget Sound Educational Service District| 800 Oakesdale Avenue SW | Renton, WA 98057
2013-15Work Plan Outcomes
- Coalition members maximize benefit of the Common Core Standards (CCS) and Smarter Balanced (SB) assessment in order to foster a smooth and productive transition to postsecondary work.
- Coalition members provide advice, support and implementation sites to promote success of regional Opportunity Youth Initiative.
- Coalition members contribute to policy and practice framework for leveraging the Washington State College Bound (CBS) in order to enhance students' high school graduation, college persistence and college graduation rates.
- Coalition members define and fulfill key roles and responsibilities associated with service in order to both improve high school graduation, and postsecondary enrollment, persistence and completion rates across the region.
- Coalition members actively support collective action efforts to cultivate and nurture a college going culture.
CoalitionCo-Chairs Gary Oertli and John Welch will call the meeting to order and introduce guests.
Link: Minutes, April 21 2015
II. Opportunity Youth Update
Work Plan Outcomes: II, IV, V
Presenter:Nicole Yohalem, CCER
Presenters and Coalition members will discuss:
- Open Doors Update: Regional Models, Data Capacity, Outreach and Branding, Social Innovation Fund Grant
- Opportunity Youth Indicators
Link: Opportunity Youth PowerPoint
Opportunity Youth Action Plan
Work Plan Outcomes: IV, V
Presenters: Hilary Loeb, PSESD
Jennie Flaming, PSESD
Presenters and Coalition members will discuss:
- Rationale for the study
- Findings from Phase I of the analysis
- Priorities for Phase II: Interviews of building administrators
- Priorities for sharing out study findings
Links: Course Availability PowerPoint Presentation
Course Availability Study
Course Availability Regional Data
Work Plan Outcomes: I, II, III, IV, V
Presenters: Mary Jean Ryan, CCER
CCER will update Coalition members on:
- College Bound communications study
- Discover U
- Cradle to College Coalition and related advocacy efforts
- Washington State Need Grant update
Links: CCER PowerPoint Presentation
Project Hub for Cradle through College Coalition
Discover U
Discover U Save the Date
Work Plan Outcomes: III, IV, V
Presenters:Gary Oertli, South Seattle College
John Welch, PSESD
Hilary Loeb, PSESD
Presenters and Coalition members will discuss:
- Responses to Puget Sound Coalition Member Survey
- Retreat Success Criteria
- Draft proposal for Coalition benefits and funding
- Next steps for Retreat Planning Committee
Links: Puget Sound Coalition Compact
Puget Sound Coalition Retreat Draft Agenda
Puget Sound Coalition Survey Report
Work Plan Outcomes: I, II, II, IV, V
Presenters:Gary Oertli, South Seattle College
John Welch, Puget Sound ESD
Jessica de Barros, Puget Sound ESD
Hilary Loeb, Puget Sound ESD
Coalition Members
Updates will be held as follows:
- 2015-16 Meeting Calendar – Hilary Loeb
- Puget Sound College and Career Network Update – Linda Filley Bentler
- Race to the Top Stay Strong – Jessica de Barros, Hilary Loeb
- Project Finish Line Update – Hilary Loeb
Links: Puget Sound College and Career Network Website
Project 8 College and Career Readiness Investment Fund Website
Project Finish Line Article in One to One