Construction Parking Permit Request

Temporary Construction / Service Special Vehicular Parking Permit for Contractors, A/E’S, & Vendors.

A Requestor:

Date: / Request No:* / 001
Project: / USF-000, Project Name
To: / Parking & Transportation / Phone: (813) 974-3990 / FAX: (813) 974-2426 / E-mail:
Requestor: / Contractor, AE, Vendor / Phone: / Fax: / E-mail:
Via: / USF Project Manager / Phone: / Fax: / E-mail:

* Contractor shall assign a sequential number to each request.

B Attachments:

¨ Copy of Purchase Order (Parking & Transportation Services requires a copy of the contract or purchase order between USF and Vendor in order to issue a new vendor parking permit)


C Request temporary parking permit(s) for:

¨ Construction/Service vehicle(s) and internal campus access

¨ Personal Vehicle(s) parking permit

¨ ADA permit required? ¨ Yes Quantity:

For whom /


this Request / Start Date
and Time
this Request /

End Date

and Time

this Request / Total Active
to Date
¨ Contractor Staff
Personal Vehicle / At facility location or within construction fence
¨ Trade Contractor Staff / Close to construction site or within construction fence
¨ Trade Contractor Employees / Univeristy designated remote parking area
¨ Temporary Permit for Delivery and Access
¨ Long-term Permit for Construction Access

D Requestor Signature:

Name: / Contractor, AE, Vendor / Signature:


1.  Personal Vehicles will require purchase of a parking permit and park in a designated area only.

2.  Construction & Service Vehicles will not require purchase of a parking permit.

3.  Parking Services will notify Requestor when the permits are ready to be picked up.

File: PMG-35 Contractor Parking Permit.docx



1.  Contractors, A/Es & Vendors: All authorized long/short-term parking occurs within a designated fenced-in 'staging area.'

2.  Authorized temporary parking outside the 'staging area,' in a no-parking zone, occurs only when reviewed and approved by Facilities Planning and Construction (FP&C), University Police (UP) and Parking & Transportation Services (P&TS), and only for Contractor's special construction materials delivery purposes, such as large precast concrete units, etc. Long/short-term parking can occur outside the 'staging area,' but only with a parking permit, issued by P&TS, and only in designated parking lots. Vehicular traffic over pedestrian sidewalks and/or grass areas is prohibited.

3.  Copy of Purchase Order between USF and Vendor must be attached to the parking permit request in order to validate legitimate permit request.


1.  Contractors: Long/short-term parking occurs only with a parking permit, issued by P&TS, and only in designated parking lots. Authorized temporary parking, in a no-parking zone, occurs only when reviewed and approved by the FPC Project Manager, and only for delivery of construction materials, tools, equipment, furniture or other deliverables too heavy or large to transport by hand-truck, or for use of heavy construction equipment, mounted on a vehicle, such as air compressor, table saw, etc. or for pick up of construction demolition material. Vehicular traffic over pedestrian sidewalks and/or grass areas is prohibited, unless authorized in conjunction with temporary parking for the reasons described above (ie: when a building is land-locked).

2.  A/Es & Vendors: Long/short-term parking occurs only with a parking permit, issued by P&TS, and only in designated parking lots. Vehicular traffic over pedestrian sidewalks and/or grass areas is prohibited.

3.  Copy of Purchase Order between USF and Vendor must be attached to the parking permit request in order to validate legitimate permit request.

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