
MIC 120

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Seattle Central Community College

Communications and Design

Course Syllabus

MIC 120

Division: / Communications and Design
Curriculum: / Microcomputer Management
Course Title: / Database Applications and Design with MS Access
Course Number: / MIC 120
Type of Course: / Occupational Preparatory
Credits: / 4
Length Of Course: / 11 weeks
Lecture Hours: / 44
Class Size:
ADA Conformation: / If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible.
Course Description: / This course is designed to provide students database application and design skills through the use of Microsoft Access database software. This course emphasizes the concepts to plan, create, and revise a database system by introducing and working with objects of MS Access, and provides the student the tools to effectively utilize those objects within various environments.

Course Objectives: 1. Students will be able to define and articulate a relational database system.

2.  Students will able to define and distinguish Access database objects and apply them to achieve a desired result.

3.  Students will be able to integrate Access objects in varied database designs and applications.

4.  Students will be able to plan and revise a database system that will allow for maximum flexibility to meet a contextual need.

5.  Students will be able to evaluate database systems for relative strengths and weaknesses and if necessary offer a design alternative with MS Access.

6.  Students will be able to work in a group in completing database projects while valuing and respecting differences amongst individual students.

Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course students will be able to demonstrate database design and application competencies with Access by:

1.  Creating and Editing Access Tables.

2.  Creating and Editing Access Forms.

3.  Creating and Editing Access Reports.

4.  Creating and Editing Access Queries.

5.  Creating and Comprehending Relationships Within Tables.

6.  Creating and Utilizing Customized Objects.

7.  Integrating All Of The Above In Varied Contexts.

Required Text: TBA

Weekly Topical Outline:

1 / Database overview: / TBA
Essential database terms and definitions
Essential database design principals
2 / Database files and structure / TBA
Structure of records
Structure of fields
Field and data types
3 / Relational database concepts / TBA
Multiple tables within a single database
Understanding and using primary keys
Creating a relationships within a database
4 / Introduction to Access objects:
Reports / TBA
5 / Access objects: Tables in detail / TBA

Table designs



Table modifications
Table wizards
6 / Access objects: Queries in detail / TBA

Query design


Simple queries

Query syntax
Formulas within queries / TBA
Specialized queries
Query wizards
7 / Access objects: Forms in detail / TBA
Form design
Form wizards
8 / Access objects: Reports in detail
Report Wizard
Report Design
Specialized report features and options / TBA
9 / Integrating Access with MS Office applications:
Integrating Access with MS Word
Integrating Access with Excel / TBA
10 / Access with HTML Documents and the web / TBA
11 / Compacting, repairing, and converting databases from previous versions of Access and other customized tools and utilities / TBA

Methods of Presentation: Instructor will lecture and demonstrate and provide materials relative to each topical area. Student assignments, cases, or projects will be provided to practice and reinforce skills covered in class. As the course progresses, assignments will build on prior knowledge and skills in order for the student to experience the entire database design and application process.

Methods of Evaluation: Students will be evaluated through instructor observation, review, and feedback on assignments, projects, cases or tests. The final course grade will be the summation of all graded criteria. Listed below is each graded criteria with corresponding point value.

Grading Criteria / Value
In Class Assignments (handouts and cases) / 75
Self and Group Designed Database Project / 25

Total Available Points 100

Final Grade: The total of the points earned in each grading criteria Converted as follows:

Points Earned / Grade Received
100-95 / 4.0
94-85 / 3.5
84-80 / 3.0
79-75 / 2.5
74-70 / 2.0
69-65 / 1.5
64-60 / 1.0
59-55 / 0.7
54-0 / 0.00