FROM: Rebecca Koch Skiba, Secretary

RE: Section Luncheon Meeting

DATE: Wednesday, February 10, 2010

TIME: 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

PLACE: Location: Petroleum Club, 800 Bell Street, 43rd Floor, Houston, Texas

SPEAKER: District Attorney Patricia Lykos

TOPIC: Prosecuting Environmental Crimes: A View From The Top

Patricia Lykos was sworn in a year ago, as the first woman District Attorney in the history of the office. In keeping with her promises, she has transformed the District Attorney’s Office to modernize operations and enhance the integrity and professionalism of the staff.

Lykos has prioritized services and support for crime victims. She created the first Child Exploitation Section to help safeguard our young from cyber-predators, and she established the Dependant Adult Protection Section to focus on crimes against seniors. Similarly, she created the State’s first and only Animal Cruelty Section to prosecute animal abusers.

Her policies have streamlined prosecutions and brought reforms to the criminal justice system. There are diversion programs for minor offenders, a new focus on once overlooked cold cases and fugitives, and an emphasis on fairness in the discovery process.

Among her priorities has been a commitment to environmental issues. The Harris County District Attorney’s Office, Environmental Crimes Division is the largest criminal prosecution unit in the State of Texas. Last year the division secured 182 convictions against individuals and businesses and sent environmental violators to the county jail, state jail and prison. They filed or disposed of 244 water pollution cases, eight air pollution cases, 17 hazardous waste cases, 182 illegal dumping cases and nine used oil act cases. Furthermore, the division secured $840,000 in restitution, $447,000 in fines and $321,750 will go into a supplemental environmental projects fund.

Please join us on February 10, 2010 when District Attorney Patricia Lykos will outline her policy and initiatives for 2010.

The meeting will be held at the Petroleum Club, 800 Bell Street. Networking and registration is from 11:30 am to 12:00. Lunch will begin promptly at noon and the presentation starting at 12:15 p.m. Valet parking is available at a cost of $7.00.

The CLE program cost is as follows:

$30.00 HBA Environmental Section Members

$35.00 Non-Members and Guests

$20.00 Government, Non-Profit and Academic Employees

$15.00 Law Students

$40.00 Walk-ins or those who RSVP and fail to show

Please RSVP by 12 p.m. (noon) Friday, February 5, 2010 to Aileen Fields, (or call 713-276-5683) and send a check payable to the HBA to Aileen Fields, Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP, 1000 Louisiana, Suite 3400, Houston, TX 77002-5011.

Nearest MetroRail Station: Bell