The Young Zoologist Days are designed for unaccompanied children between 8 –12 years of age who are interested in animals. Here at the Welsh Mountain Zoo we want your child to be safe and happy during their time with us. The Education Officer has been checked by the Criminal Records Bureau at the Enhanced Disclosure level in accordance with the policy of the local Education Authority. All volunteers working with the children are CRB checked and monitored to ensure that they are suitable for this role. The Zoo is extremely busy during the summer season and children are issued with badges (not with their names). This makes it easier for us to keep track of them, especially when they are in the Adventure Playground. The children are asked to follow the few simple rules below for their safety and happiness whilst here in the Zoo.

  • No child is to leave the Education Centre unsupervised.
  • No child is to cross the road outside the Education Centre on their own. If they need to go to the toilet they are to ask and they will be taken across the road and back again by the Education Officer or by one of the volunteers.
  • At times the children may be taken around the Zoo in groups to see certain animals and will be supervised during these times by one or more volunteers. The children must stay with their groups during these times and must not go running off ahead. There will be plenty of time for running around in the Adventure Playground after lunch. If a child does get separated from their group for any reason, they are to make their way to the Trading Post gift shop, and the manager will contact the Education Officer to collect them.
  • Children are expected to behave properly towards zoo staff, volunteers and other children. Name calling, fighting (including throwing sand or stones while in the Adventure Playground) or giving abuse to staff, volunteers or other children will not be tolerated.

Any children not following the above rules will first be given a verbal warning and if they continue to cause problems, the parents or guardians will be contacted and asked to come and collect them.

If a child is unhappy about anything during the Young Zoologist Days they can speak to the Education Officer at any time.

Please discuss these matters with your child/children.

Sometimes photographs are taken of the children during the Young Zoologists Day. We try to give the children a copy of one of these at the end of each activity day as a momento and also for the parents to see some of the things they have been doing. Sometimes these photos are used on the Zoo’s Website or published in the Zoo Member’s Newsletter. We ask parents to sign the photography consent form to give permission for this. If you have any concerns about your child having his or her photograph taken please contact the Education Officer.
