September 22, 2015
The Lyman County Commissioners met in regular session in the Conference Room in the Courthouse at Kennebec, South Dakota, September 22, 2015, at 8:30 a.m. with the following members present: Chairman Leroy Choal, Ryan Huffman, Steve Perry, Adam Ehlers, Kim Halverson and Auditor Pam Michalek.
Chairman Choal called the meeting to order with the pledge to the flag.
Motion by Perry, seconded by Huffman to approve the minutes of September 1, 2015. All voting aye.
Motion by Halverson, seconded by Ehlers to pay the following bills. All voting aye.
A&R Truck Equipment - RB parts / 66.89AT&T - RB cell phone expense / 57.99
Sheriff cell phone expense / 277.88
August 2015 Apportionment - Schools / 21,970.50
Cities / 7,494.37
Townships / 1,271.41
Lyman County Ambulance District / 317.29
Bartling, Amy - Court appointed attorney fees / 1,765.38
Best Western Ramkota Hotel Pierre - VSO conference / 308.65
BJ's Food Center - Courthouse supplies / 130.47
RB supplies / 21.86
Sheriff supplies / 3.29
States Attorney supplies / 3.29
Brad Hickey Construction - RB Reliance Shop / 22,568.52
Brule County Auditor - 4-H expenses reimbursement / 42.35
Board of prisoner / 5,250.00
Butler Machinery Co. - RB parts / 2,067.34
Century Business Products - Extension/4-H copier expense / 137.79
CenturyLink - 911 monthly expense / 165.66
Chamberlain Building Supply - RB supplies / 37.89
Chamberlain Fire Dept. - Oacoma fire dept. expense / 2,290.75
Chamberlain True Value - Courthouse supplies / 33.45
City of Presho - RB gravel expense / 1,050.00
Dakota Mill & Grain Inc. - Weed chemicals / 102.18
Dakota Shell - Sheriff travel / 93.31
Davison County Sheriff's Office - Board of prisoner / 90.00
Dean Schaefer Court Reporting - Mental Illness hearing expense / 30.00
Diamond Mowers, Inc. - RB parts / 115.87
Econo Signs - RB signs / 188.20
Farmers Union Oil Co. - RB fuel & supplies / 8,969.26
Sheriff travel / 826.48
FedEx - Sheriff shipping / 11.95
Halvorson Oil - Courthouse supplies / 21.15
RB supplies / 307.95
Sheriff travel / 171.65
Hills Trucking - RB gravel hauling / 3,112.44
Hope Psychological Services - QMHP Evaluation / 125.00
Hughes County Auditor - Juvenile board of prisoner / 600.00
James & Larson Law - Mental Illness hearing expense / 186.00
Kennebec Telephone Co. - RB Shop telephone / 42.54
Courthouse fax line expense / 42.29
DOE telephone & DSL expense / 55.81
Ext telephone & DSL expense / 67.88
VSO telephone & DSL expense / 57.70
Auditor telephone & DSL expense / 57.04
RB Office telephone & DSL expense / 101.15
Sheriff telephone expense / 359.42
Auditor modem line expense / 40.54
States Attorney telephone & DSL expense / 56.42
Treasurer telephone & DSL expense / 64.51
ROD telephone expense / 57.99
Commissioner Room telephone expense / 45.54
911 telephone expense / 144.00
RB supplies & repairs / 1,182.11
Sheriff computer work / 31.00
Sheriff travel / 10.97
Kraft, Rolf - Indian Trust Land Consultant - 1/3 travel expense / 47.76
Lewis & Clark Behavioral Health - Mental Illness hearing expense / 160.00
Lincoln County Treasurer - Mental Illness hearing expense / 18.00
Midgley, Ed LLC - Court reporter expense / 59.80
Morris, Inc. - RB gravel w/royalties / 10,265.48
Office Products Center - 4-H expense / 27.94
Treasurer supplies / 16.34
Sheriff supplies / 117.97
Oldenkamp, Suzanne - RB gravel hauling / 6,044.63
Patrick Oil Co. - Vivian Fire Dept. expense / 500.00
PowerPlan - RB parts & labor / 336.88
Presho General Store - Sheriff travel / 29.01
R&J Gravel - RB gravel - Reliance Shop / 267.14
Runnings Supply Inc. - RB supplies / 42.78
Sanford - Blood tests / 267.00
Schreiber Law Firm - Court appointed attorney fees / 592.55
SD Attorney General - 24/7 Scram / 895.00
SD Dept. of Game, Fish & Parks - August game sold / 55.00
SD Dept. of Revenue - August Collections - SMV / 24,983.37
State Hiway Patrol / 443.00
Driver’s License / 966.00
4% / 26,279.89
ROD fees / 60.00
SDDC / 60.00
Lab Services / 35.00
SD Division of Motor Vehicles - Sheriff title 2003 AM General / 14.00
SD Sec. of State - Pistol permits (8) / 56.00
SD State Treasurer - July - August Excise tax / 69.60
SDACO - August ROD M&P funds / 96.00
SDPAA - Leased tractors insurance (3) / 1,908.00
Servall Uniform & Linen - Courthouse supplies / 34.98
Steffen, Sandy - Court appointed attorney fees / 1,152.59
T.J. Trucking - RB asphalt grinding / 20,386.11
Town of Kennebec - Courthouse utilities / 360.00
Town of Reliance - RB sewer hookup / 150.00
US Postal Service - Sheriff postage / 98.00
West Central Electric - Courthouse utilities / 1,139.70
Winner City - July 911 surcharge / 3,683.68
WW Tire Service - RB tires / 1,146.46
Yankton County Treasurer - Mental Illness hearing expense / 113.75
Zuercher Technologies, LLC - Sheriff software support / 7,179.90
Total Bills / $194,860.68
Manger, Steve - Sheriff travel / 28.00
Michalek, Pam - Auditor mileage / $57.60
Sletto, Gary - VSO mileage / $6/3.00
Total Salary Reimbursements / $148.60
Motion by Perry, seconded Ehlers to approve the Auditor’s Account with the County Treasurer, Register of Deeds fee report and Clerk of Courts fee report for August 2015. All voting aye.
AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT: Cash on hand: $931.54; Checks in Treasurer’s possession less than 3 days old: $9,401.18; Checks in Treasurer’s possession more than 3 days old: $276.66; BankWest Checking: $37,848.85; BankWest Savings: $2,210,378.67; Dakota Prairie CD’s: $653,171.33; 1st Dakota Bank CD’s: $107,651.88 for a total of $3,019,660.11. Of this amount the following entities received: State of SD: $52,792.26; School Districts: $21,970.50; Cities & Towns: $7,494.37; Townships: $1,271.41; Lyman County Ambulance District: $317.29 for a total of $83,845.83.
REGISTER OF DEEDS FEES: $4,336.67 less $96.00 sent to SDACO for the Reg. of Deeds Modernization & Preservation Fund.
CLERK OF COURTS: $19,633.18 less $15,397.17 to Lyman School and $43.23 to Chamberlain School for fine money.
Motion by Halverson, seconded by Perry to accept a quote of $6,768.00, submitted by Schramm Furniture, to purchase carpet for the courtroom & five rooms on the upper level. All voting aye.
Manager Dave Cole & District Manager Jeremy Hand met with the Commission to discuss purchase of the Presho Highway Shop. Highway Supt. Tim Long was also present. After discussion about SDCL 6-5-4 – Exchange of land with private owner, States Attorney Fuoss and State Auditor Toby Qualm will be contacted for their advice on the matter. A meeting with Dave Cole will be scheduled after opinions are received. Cole and Hand left the meeting.
9:00 a.m. 2016 ANNUAL BUDGET:
Motion by Halverson, seconded by Huffman to make the following changes to the 2016 Provisional Budget. All voting aye.
Increase: General Fund current taxes $5,286.00, Road & Bridge Fund current taxes $152.00, Fire Fund current taxes $108.00.
Decrease: General Fund Intergovernmental revenue $5,286.00, Road & Bridge Fund Intergovernmental revenue $152.00, Fire Fund Intergovernmental revenue $108.00.
Whereas, (7-21-5 thru 13), SDCL provides that the Board of County Commissioners shall each year prepare a Provisional Budget of all contemplated expenditures and revenues of the County and all its institutions and agencies for such fiscal year and,
Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners did prepare a Provisional Budget and cause same to be published by law, and
Whereas, due and legal notice has been given to the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for the consideration of such Provisional Budget and all changes, eliminations and additions have been made thereto.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that such Provisional Budget as amended and all its purposes, schedules, appropriations, amounts, estimates and all matters therein set forth, SHALL BE APPROVED AND ADOPTED AS THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES FOR LYMAN COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA and all its institutions and agencies for calendar year beginning January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2016 and the same is hereby approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Lyman County, South Dakota, this 22nd day of September, 2015. The Annual Budget so adopted is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the County Auditor, Lyman County, South Dakota. The accompanying taxes are levied by Lyman County for the year January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016.
Leroy Choal, Chairman Ryan Huffman, Commissioner
Steve Perry, Commissioner Adam Ehlers, Commissioner
Kim Halverson, Commissioner Pam Michalek, Lyman County Auditor
General County Purposes 1,230,666 1.729
Highway & Bridge Reserve 854,280 1.200
Secondary Road 150,692 .308
Fire Protection 43,008 .067
Total Taxes Levied 2,278,646 3.304
Supt. Long provided information on gravel plans, grinding at DeJong Pit and asphalt grinding by T.J. Trucking. Motion by Ehlers, seconded by Perry to hire Gary Uthe as a fulltime highway maintenance worker, effective September 1, 2015, at $2,630.00 per month for six month probationary period (EHW $15.17 per hr). All voting aye.
Motion by Halverson, seconded by Huffman to authorize Supt. Long to purchase a 2015 5900 Western Star truck off a Minnesota state bid for $133,000.00 through Eddie’s Truck Center. All voting aye.
Motion by Halverson, seconded by Ehlers to adjourn until Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. All voting aye.
Leroy Choal, Chairman Pam Michalek
Lyman County Commission Lyman County Auditor