·  To prepare for printing a quarterly magazine which reflects the Society's objectives and activities and the publication aims and content guidelines approved by Council from time to time. This involves:

·  editing material received

·  preparing copy for the printer

·  sending copy with instructions to the printer

·  organising the layout

·  final proofing of the page proofs from the printer

·  To liaise with the Society's printers regarding print deadlines and any other matters relating to the production of the magazine

·  To include in the magazine any Society news, comment, official notices etc. as directed by Council or provided by the Secretary.

·  To liaise with correspondents, RRs, scheme convenors, Society officers, the Editor of Notornis, Council and the President regarding material which would be suitable for inclusion in any issue.

·  To encourage, cajole and solicit from all members of the Society contributions, illustrations and accounts of their activities, observations, comments and notes of interest. If necessary to recommend to Council the appointment of production, topic or illustration subeditors and to coordinate their activities to facilitate an equitable workload.

·  To ensure that original material that warrants publication in Notornis is directed to the Editor of Notornis.

·  To liaise with other scientific, ornithological and conservation organisations regarding any mutual exchange of information on birds or methods of study via our respective publications.

·  To solicit relevant advertising, respond to enquiries from potential advertisers, recommend advertising rates to Council for their approval, and liaise with the Treasurer on the preparation of invoices.

·  To recommend to Council the appointment of such editorial assistants (subeditors) to facilitate the production of a lively and attractive magazine.

·  To report regularly to Council as an officer of the Society and attend Council meetings when required.

·  The editor may find it desirable to have an independent person proof read the manuscript before publication.