Leduc Ringette Association
Thursday, June 23, 2016 @ 7PM
Denise’s Home -49320 RR240A House #240
Directions from Leduc Go east on Rollyview road (~10km), South on RR240A (marked as Parkdale RD - ~0.5km on gravel), West into Deer Crossing Estates, house is near the end of the subdivision.
In Attendance: Chelsea Cameron, Kari Baker, Bonnie Lammie, Craig Stuparyk, Pam Horn, Mike Baker, Serena Heintz, Denise Broadbent
- Call to Order: 7:42
- Approval of May Minutes
Serena makes a motion for the approval of the May minutes.
Kari seconds the motion.
All in favor.
- Additions to Agenda
- Reports/Updates – Read prior to meeting:
a)President's Report – Chelsea Cameron
June 5th RAB Vote: Small nets will be mandatory for Active Start up to U10-Step 3.RAB is willing to subsidize up to 50% of the cost of new nets for 2016/17 to a maximum of $150 per every 15 players registered at U10 where receipts for the net purchases are provided to RAB.
** Need to purchase so we have three sets of nets and should purchase this year to take advantage of the subsidizing that RAB is offering
-We should have two sets of nets already, one is in the equipment room and need to confirm the other one is at the LRC as well (Craig will confirm this)
June 5th RAB Vote: Universal Athlete Assessments will be used to establish appropriate start of season levels for U10, U12 & U14 for the 2016/17 season and will replace the current tiering formula. NOTE: Tiering will not change for U16 & U19.
Timelines for 2016/17 will be:
- Testing MUST take place between September 6-18, 2016
- Testing Date for every U10, U12 & U14 team within an association must be submitted to RAB no later than midnight September 23.
- RAB staff will return tiering results to associations on or before September 30.
- For tournaments that must accept applications prior to September 30, teams will self-declare. Hosts will make this known to applicants in advance of the tournament application deadline.
In the case where an entire association fails to submit ALL of it UAA testing data (collected within the testing window) by the deadline, all of the association’s teams will be excluded from Play downs and Provincials.
When less than 85% of a non-AA team’s players are tested:
- At U10 the team will start the season as a U10 Step 3.
- At U12 the team will start the season at A.
- At U14 the team will start the season at A.
**NOTE: A team is defined in the registration policy as 7 or more players. RAB will consider the deadline met where an association submits the results for no less than 7 players for every U10, U12 & U14 team the association has.**
Website: I have spoken w/ Rhonda Kew (Webmaster for BGL and Spruce Grove) about website development. Information was very helpful with understanding more behind the scenes items. She also mentioned to speak with RAMP about removing unwanted advertisements. I have reached out to Brad w/ RAMP regarding removal of Dodge advertisement (as it conflicts w/ L.A. Nissan sponsorship) and am waiting on more information regarding fees, rebates for running advertisements and more information regarding finding our own advertisements and getting them up (use this as a way to lure more sponsors in).
** Should put up pictures under each age group for new people to see what ringette looks like at that level
** RAMP website can be used for everything and should be utilized to its full ability
(eg: team schedules, sending emails out to teams etc.)
Strategic Planning (13th/20th): See attached report from both nights.
Parent Handbook: Please look over the attached parent handbook that I have prepared. I would like to have this approved and loaded up to our website prior to this season starting.
** This will be put onto the website for reference purposes
b)Past President - Ryan Heck
c)Vice President – Kari Baker
Nothing to Report
d)Treasurer's Report –Kristine Gullickson
Current Balance: $34648.98 (As of June 20, 2016)
See attached copies of spreadsheet.
e)Secretary - Bonnie Lammie
f)Ice Allocator's Report – Ken Milne
g)Referee-In-Chief's Report – Allison Cowell
h)Equipment Manager's Report - Craig Stuparyk
-Sticks are in
-Going to go through the equipment room in the next couple of weeks
i)Registrar's Report – Pam Horn
As of today, there are 91 registered players, which includes 7 Active Start and 5 Open players.
28 players and 7 Open players from last year have NOT yet registered.
There are 10 players new to the Association, and 2 returning players (did not play last year).
Of the 91 players registered, 24 have still not paid registration fees and/or submitted volunteer cheques.
** Emails being sent out to returning players for registration deadline to avoid late fee charge
j)Zone 5 Rep. Report – Pam Horn
Nothing to report; next meeting is in August.
k)Fundraising & Bingo Report – Tamara Bellerose
-Oilers 50/50 Application was dropped off
-Chase the Ace & Casino are still being looked into
l)Coach Coordinator - Mike Baker
Coaching Application form sent out via Email, posted on Website - Only 2 applications received to date
Need coaches for all levels specifically U14
Looking for Junior coaches, possibly from U19's & U16's. Would like to have one at each level.
m)Manager Coordinator - Serena Heintz
Costs - $480 bracelets, $243.27 decorations/supplies (came in $26.73 under budget)
- 42 kids participated (increase by 300% from last year)
- Decorating party hosted by LA Nissan was a good turnout
- Need more adults/board members to participate next year for safety reasons with float and chatting up our target market.
- Feedback was great, we were recognized/noticed
- Bracelets have been seen around the city since the parade and are great conversation starters
Come Try Ringette
-Tentatively set for September 10 (Need to confirm ice time with Ken)
Denise motions to purchase the custom made mascot costume with the expectation that we get a minimum of 75% of the cost back by fundraising or a sponsor
Mike seconds motion, all in favor, Shelby and Kristine voted via text in favor
-Serena will place order for mascot prior to June 30 to receive the discount
-Serena and Craig will work together on the design for the mascot
-Serena will find out an estimated delivery date
- Association will run an event to cover the cost of the mascot such as a bottle drive or we will find a sponsor that will have their name on the jersey for the mascot for 5 years
Brand Recognition” was recognized to be a #2 goal by the Board at the Strategic Planning meeting on Monday. I would like to propose the idea of a Jaguar mascot be used as a branding tool for the Association.
Mascots are used to create a memorable impression and are a very efficient branding tool. They are loved by young and old alike, having the power to entertain and engage audiences, giving personality to our brand while building a connection with the community.
Should the Board choose to adopt a Mascot (portrayed by a mascot costume) we could:
- Run a “name our Mascot” contest in the local paper, creating initial recognition and excitement within the entire community
- Have our Mascot present at as many community-wide events as possible, performing civic duties and promoting our name
- Rotating throughout games at all levels, with special attention to playoff games, fundraisers, and gold medal matchups, and even out of town tourneys when possible
- Be a constant at our Home Tournament
- Act as an unofficial spokesperson, perhaps creating his own Social Media cult following
Should the Board approve a Mascot costume, we can go one of two ways:
- Cheaper Mascot “costume” (Halloween costume quality). I have found a black jaguar for an approx. cost of $400 plus shipping. This costume should last approx. 2 years if maintained. No ventilation and not custom, so it would not be suitable for long stints and would not be one of a kind. See pic
- Invest in a custom-made mascot costume.
- I have corresponded with international company, Custom Mascots, located in Onoway willing to work with us for a great deal. Designer Karen Dollmont will work until we have exactly what we want, offers a $1000 discount for non-profits, and will throw in a free fan/ ventilation system if we order before June 30. We were quoted $3000, and the suit should last 8-10 years with heavy use. She is also willing to meet to discuss and deliver, saving us shipping costs. Providing we agree on a design promptly, the suit would be ready for our “Come-Try” event. See initial drawing and quote
-The second-lowest quote was for $3700 and would ship from the States
Have begun some brainstorming to get our players out in the community. Many good ideas were bounced around at the Strategic Planning on Monday, including team grocery bagging, food bank wars, fundraising socials, garbage pick-ups. Will begin setting some dates in the next few weeks.
*Keep in mind ways to connect with our target market
*Look at volunteer Leduc
n)Player Dev. Report – Shelby Berghs
** Need to wait for full registration to decide what to spend money on
Goalie Clinic-Keely will be in contact in September
Team Nutrition Classes- I have been in contact with Brandy Schroeder who is a nutritionist and willing to do talks with the teams and their parents she would cover:Food and fluids needed for sport,What are macronutrients?, What are micronutrients?, Supplements for power and endurance sports, Nutrient timing, Nutrients needs = deficits vs surplus, Planning and preparing food, Meal ideas$100/ hr x 2 hour sessions = $200 per team (plus room rental)
** Source out Public Health or Government of Alberta resources as these can be offered for free or a minimal cost
Yoga Classes for teams- I have been talking with Mel about doing classes and we still need to come up with a price that works for both of us. Is there a budget for this?
-Would need to get quotes/options from more than one place and make a decision based on budget
Power Skating- Best Player do we know our prices from last year? Also should we be looking outside of Leduc, if this is an option there is a guy from Beaumont I could get a quote from (POWERSKATING taught by Jim Fleming (Inducted into Alberta Hockey Hall of Fame in 2014)) through Beaumont skating club.
UAAs (Universal Athlete Assessments)/ Evaluations- Serena and I will be meeting to schedule soon.
o)Social Media Director: Mel Milne
Twitter and Instagram account is growing with approximately equal followers around the 400 mark.
Facebook page has been updated and currently has 56 members. We need this number to grow, so if you have Facebook, like the page and share please.
If you have any photos that you share on your personal accounts, please use #leducringette and #leducjaguars. I will do a search of these hashtags frequently and then share your photo. The more exposure by more people will help with the social media accounts. LA Nissan is now on Instagram and Twitter, so please consider tagging them in your photos.
** Ask Mel to look into Snap Chat
p)Tournament Coordinator's Report – **Open Position**
q)Webmaster Report – Sherrill Gering
r)PR & Marketing – Denise Broadbent
- Strategic Marketing plan will be driven by the priorities, goals, and vision identified in the Strategic planning session. Strategic Marketing Plan and adjustments to the Corporate Sponsorship plan will be developed prior to the next meeting.
- I recommend that we should attend Community Registration nights in Devon,
Calmar(no fee), Thorsby(no fee), Millet, and Wetaskiwin(not in our zone)
** Will look into dates
- Roadside advertising in August
- The Telford Lake Skate Path pilot was deemed to be a success. The City of Leduc will implement further improvements to the Telford Lake Skate Path for this year. I recommend that LRA host an event in conjunction with the City of Leduc to celebrate the re-opening of the Skate Path – music, free hot chocolate, campfires, etc.
** Look into this as it would be a great opportunity to be out in the community
- Do we want to pursue having a dedicated ringette display cabinet at LRC? If yes, do we feel we have the human resources to keep the cabinet looking fresh and relevant?
** Option being looked into with splitting the cabinet with Leduc minor hockey
- Who will coordinate our Come Try Event? Shelby coordinates this.When will it be held? September 10? (Need ice time to be confirmed by Ken) What can we do to make it even MORE FUN? Do we have the support to host a Come Try event in another community…Devon, Calmar, Millet etc.?Denise will look into hosting a Come Try Event in Calmar
- Website is our main marketing tool and it currently had many outdated or irrelevant sections.
- Recommendation that every Board Member submit a brief write up about something new and/or exciting that will be coming their way this season relative to their Board position
- Classified should be re-branded e.g. Ringette Gear for Sale or Swap. Website, including background imagery, needs to be refreshed and renewed. Recommendation: invest in the rebranding of the website (within the confines of the RAMP platform
- The mission vision and core values that come out of the strategic planning session should be included in the ABOUT US section of the website.
- I would like to introduce a fresh line of products that our LRA members can purchase directly from a supplier. I would like to have these in place prior to the commencement of the school year. The product line would include school related products such as: Backpacks, Contigo mugs, pencil cases, etc. These are ways to market Leduc Ringette in the community. From October/November to December we will run a different line of products that are suitable as Xmas gifts. Recommendation: use an RFP to obtain proposals from a number of interested of promotional product companies.
** Denise looking into
- There are a few grants which can be applied for. Do we have a Board member who is willing to take this on?
** City of Leduc 2016/2017 Grant – Should not apply for this because the CRC will be looking at this getting this funding for the National Championship.
** Chelsea will look into applying for a few grants
- Unfinished Business:
a)Open Board positions – Tournament Coordinators (Have reached out to 3 potential people whom are interested in stepping up.
** Send out a big email for coordinators
** Chelsea and Kari will start on this so we do not fall behind
b)Come Try Ringette – Need to set a date – Waiting on ice contract.
c)Website – look at getting outside training and/or support for upgrading the website
d)Better Player Invoice
** Email sent by Craig and received no reply
e)Casino & Chase the Ace Application Information
- New Business
a)Mini Net Purchases – Do we need to buy another set for this year? Would make our tournament easier.
b)City of Leduc 2016/17 Grant Application
c)Privacy policy – Re: ringette email addresses
d)Attendance at meetings
** Please let Chelsea know if you are unable to attend a meeting
If certain days do not work for you please let Chelsea know as meetings are trying to be scheduled so as many board members as possible can make it.
- Next Meeting: Monday, July 18
- Adjournment: 10:14