Registration Form for Junior School

Training and Socialisation Classes

Course starts on Saturday 24 February 2018 at 9am

at Sheepy Memorial Hall, 112 Main Road, Sheepy Magna, Atherstone, CV9 3QU

Please print out and complete this form to register for a place on the next course of JuniorSchooltraining classes. The course will last 6 weeks and each lesson lasts 1 hour.

Names of owner(s)______

Children's names/ages______


Telephone number______

Email address______

Data protection PuppySchool may make names and addresses available to other companies; please tick here if you prefer not to receive mailings from PuppySchool or other companies

Puppy's name______male/female(please circle) Breed______

Puppy's date of birth______Puppy obtained from Household  or Kennels 

Breeder's name or affix______

Name of vet & practice______

Vaccination dates 1st______2nd______

Do you have another dog living at home______

I would like to register for a course of 6 junior school training and socialisation classes. I confirm I have read the terms & conditions and I understand that the techniques used will be reward-based.


Please let us know any special requirements (e.g. wheelchair access)______

Please tell us where you first heard about PuppySchool

Internet  - Website?______

Poster or Leaflet - Location?______RecommendationWho?______

Puppy School Ltd. Registered in England (no. 4472544).Registered office Chipping Norton, OX7 5LS Directors Gwen Bailey, John Hoerner

Please complete & return together with yourregistration form

About Your Puppy

Please answer these few questions about your new puppy to help us help you get the most from our JuniorSchool training classes.

Please briefly describe your puppy’s personality!:

How is your puppy currently reacting to: (i) New people?

(ii) Other dogs?

(iii) New situations?

What made you choose this particular breed?

What made you choose to buy your puppy from this particular breeder / household / kennels?

Do you have any plans for your puppy? (e.g. family pet, work companion, agility, obedience, show dog)

What do you hope to gain from attending JuniorSchool classes, and what are the most important things you would like your puppy to learn?

What made you choose ‘JuniorSchool’ over other local classes? (e.g. location, times, cost, any particular information on website?)

Has your puppy attended any other puppy socialisation groups / puppy party / play sessions / training classes with other dogs?

Has your puppy had any medical problems to date?

Is your puppy insured?

Is your puppy microchipped?