Palmerston North, 22-24 May 2017
Call for Expressions of Interest/Proposal /
Expressions of Interest in making a contribution to the MA17 conference programme are welcome until Monday 31 October 2016.
The overall conference focus is He Waka Eke Noa - Museums Of Inclusion
Please use this form to summarise your Expressions of Interest (EOI)
Museums Aotearoa's conference programme committee will consider all EOIs received by 31 October and will prepare aprogramme from these and invited contributors.
The programme will comprise a mix of styles of sessions - panel sessions, pitopito korero (selection of 5 minute show and tell talks or provocations), case studies, confession session, conference cafes, workshops, debates, speed-dating, poster (etc.)
We are open to suggestions for all kinds of topics and formats - especially the unexpected! If you are proposing something non-traditional, all the more welcome. Please use our Expressions of Interest (EoI) form - if your proposal doesn't fit easily, please include your key contact information and outline details and provide a separate description. We can work with you to develop your proposal once we know your principal idea.
Museums Aotearoa reserves the right to determine the presentation formats for each session. This may include requesting submitters to contribute in a format other than their preferred mode.
Presenter 1Name:
Museum/Institutional Affiliation/ etc.:
Contact details:
(tel, mob, email) / Presenter 2(if applicable, repeat for all)
Museum/Institutional Affiliation/ etc.:
Contact details:
(tel, mob, email)
Presentation Title:
This can be a working title at this stage, to be confirmed after acceptance
Short Abstract:
Please summarise your topic, theme, keypoints in 300 words max, making a clear link to the conference theme.
Your first paragraph should not exceed100 words and may be used in the MA17 programme as a summary of the topic/presentation.
Please add any extra information you feel will help the programme committee to consider your EOI:
Key words:
Please provide up to six key words/phrases which apply to the theme of your proposal
Presentation format:
Please indicate which of the following formats you think might best be suit your topic.
Select up to three:
- panel session,
- pitopito korero
- case study,
- confession session,
- conference café,
- poster
- workshop,
- debate,
- speed-dating
- other (please describe)
This session would be relevant to:
Please indicate which of the following roles or special interests your topic would most relate to.
Selectup to five:
- education
- public programmes
- operations
- archives
- technology
- collections
- interpretation
- exhibitions
- small museums
- large museums
- volunteer museums
- regional museums
- art museums
- multidisciplinary museums
- science museums
- social history museums
- whare taonga
- historic sites
- directors
- kaitiaki
- front of house
- commercial
- marketing
- management
- other (please describe)
Presenter 1Mini-biography:
Please provide a biographical note of no more than 25 words to be used in the MA17 programme.
Short biography:
Please provide a short biographical note as a paragraph of no more than 200 words to aid selection and for introduction purposes.
Presenter 2
Please provide a biographical note of no more than 25 words to be used in the MA17 programme.
Short biography:
Please provide a short biographical note as a paragraph of no more than 200 words to aid selection and for introduction purposes.
repeat for additional panellists/presenters
Potential co-presenter(s) or invitees:
If you know of someone or organisation or community whose work, activities or thinking complements or makes an interesting contrast with your topic, please make a suggestion:
The MA17 team will contact you about pursuing this. We will not make contact with them prior to conferring with you.
Please send your electronic copy of this document to: