Limited Client Agreement

This agreement confirms the scope and terms of representation provided by the Center for Arkansas Legal Services and Legal Aid of Arkansas regarding the VeteransPro Bono Event (“VA Pro BonoEvent”). The phrase “VA Pro Bono Eventattorneys” or any variation of that term includes staff attorneys, volunteer attorneys, law students or other volunteers for the Center for Arkansas Legal Services, Legal Aid of Arkansas, and other project partners.

I. I, (insert Client Name), give my permission VA Pro Bono Event attorneys to assist me under the terms of this agreement regarding my participation in the VA Pro Bono Event program.

II.I understand that the scope of Center for Arkansas Legal Services, Legal Aid of Arkansas and all volunteer representation is limited by the following terms:

a.LIMITED PURPOSE: I understand and agree that Center for Arkansas Legal Services, Legal Aid of Arkansas and the VA Pro Bono Event attorney’s representation is concerned solely with the VA Pro Bono Event program, and that Center for Arkansas Legal Services, Legal Aid of Arkansas and the VA Pro Bono Eventattorneys does not agree to represent me in any future matter in any way without an express and separate agreement.

b.LIMITED REPRESENTATION: I understand and agree that Center for Arkansas Legal Services, Legal Aid of Arkansas, and VA Pro Bono Event attorneys will provide legal information intended to inform me of my legal options regarding Simple Wills, Powers of Attorney and Living Will Declarations, will assist me in drafting or completing such forms as may be necessary to achieve that purpose, and that is the extent of Center for Arkansas Legal Services, Legal Aid of Arkansas, and VA Pro Bono Event attorneys representation. No further representation is expected or desired.

c.NO APPEARANCE: I understand and agree that, in the event that I have filed or later file a complaint in connection with these documents, or if I am a defendant in any action in connection with these documents, Center for Arkansas Legal Services, Legal Aid of Arkansas, and VA Pro Bono Event attorneys will not “enter an appearance” or otherwise represent me before any court or administrative agency.

III.I understand that my contacts with VA Pro Bono Event attorneys are protected by a duty of confidentiality and attorney-client privilege, which means that if I give VA Pro Bono Event attorneys information in confidence, these attorneys cannot disclose this information to someone else without my permission or unless a court orders my attorney to reveal such information. However, I understand that VA Pro Bono Event attorneys have an affirmative duty to reveal information of any attempt by myself to commit an act that would result in death or serious bodily harm. I also understand that VA Pro Bono Event attorneys may be permitted to disclose information relating to the representation should there be a dispute between my attorneys and me regarding fees and/or the adequacy of the VA Pro Bono Event attorneys’ work on my behalf.

IV.I agree to the following: cooperate fully and to give the VA Pro Bono Event attorneys all the information they need regarding my legal matter; the event that these documents are recorded or filed with a court, or if there is any litigation connected with these documents, I agree to pay any filing fees, document fees, and costs which may be assessed, unless such fees or costs are waived by the court, VA Pro Bono Event attorneys, or opposing counsel.

V.I understand that the VA Pro Bono Event attorneys can decide to stop handling my file if they believe that one or more of the following is/are true:

a.I am not cooperating with the VA Pro Bono Event attorneys or other staff members;

b.that I, in the judgment of the VA Pro Bono Event attorneys, lack capacity to continue with executing a Simple Will, Powers of Attorneys and/or Living Will, or that executing such documents are not in my best interest; or,

c.there is any other good reason within the meaning of the Arkansas Rules of Professional Conduct attorneys to stop handling my file. If the VA Pro Bono Event attorneys decide to stop handling my file, they will make every effort to give me written and oral notice of that decision.

VI.I understand that my participation is entire voluntary. I further understand that I am free to discharge my VA Pro Bono Event attorneys and not continue with the VA Pro Bono Event attorneys program. However, if I discharge the attorneys, Center for Arkansas Legal Services, Legal Aid of Arkansas, and VA Pro Bono Event attorneysdoes not have to give me another attorney or continue working on my file.

VII.The Center for Arkansas Legal Services, Legal Aid of Arkansas, and VA Pro Bono Event attorneys will not maintain any copy, digital or paper, of your documents.

VIII.I understand that I do not have to pay Center for Arkansas Legal Services, Legal Aid of Arkansas, VA Pro Bono Event attorneysanything for their legal services.

I understand and agree to the terms set forth above.

Client Signature:Date:

Attorney Signature:Date:

Attorney Printed Name:

__ Advice Only __ Durable POA for Healthcare__Last Will & Testament

__ Living Will__ Statutory POA__POA for Minor