
St Joseph's High School


Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG)

Subject Policy



  1. Introduction3
  2. Purpose of the Policy4-5
  3. Rational, aims and objectives 5

3.1Aims of CEIAG5

3.2Management & Delivery6-7


3.4Year Planner7

  1. Action to Promote Improvement8

4.1Action Plan/School Development Plan8

4.2 Implementation8

4.3Monitoring & Evaluating8

  1. Staffing & Curriculum9

5.1Staffing & Roles9

5.2Pastoral Care10

5.3Teaching & Learning10-11

5.4Careers Information11-12

5.5Advice & Guidance12-13


5.7Work Experience15-16

5.8Professional Development & Meetings16

  1. Accommodation & Resources17

6.1Accommodation & Resources17

  1. Links with External Partnerships17

7.1Careers Service NI17

7.2Vocational Enhancement Programme (VEP)17

7.3Newry & Mourne Area Learning Community17-18

7.4Links with other subjects18-20

7.5Liaison with other organisations20

7.6Communication with Parents/Guardians20

7.7Leaver Destinations21

  1. Funding21


  1. Equality of Opportunity22


9.2Provision and access22


9.4Links with Learning Support department23

9.5Classroom Assistants23


1. Introduction

The aim of this policy is to highlight the role of CEIAG at St Joseph's High School Crossmaglen. The careers department aims to provide information and knowledge of a wide range of career paths and to enhance student’s awareness and encourage students to set and achieve realistic goals.

All staff has a contribution to make in promoting the aims of Careers Education, in particular by enabling pupils to develop a range of personal qualities and by highlighting the relevance of these qualities in terms of their future opportunities.

The information contained in this policy document is for the attention of all teachers involved in delivering Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG), Principal, SMT, Board of Governors and DEL Careers Officer.

2. Purpose of the Policy

Its purpose is to;

  • Increase awareness and understanding about the School's CEIAG Programme,
  • Ensure that those involved in delivering CEIAG, have a clear understanding of their responsibilities, and of the aims and objectives of the programme, and how they are to be achieved;
  • Encourage evaluation and development of the existing CEIAG programme.

Department Vision

It is my vision to provide a planned programme of careers education for all pupils’ Year 8-14 as well as giving information, advice and guidance in partnership with our DEL Careers Advisor. As a department we aim to offer impartial advice which provides guidance and advice on opportunities for learning and work. We aim to make the service accessible to all pupils by publicising how and where they can access it.

Teaching staff have received in-service training from the SELB CEIAG team (2011) which promoted the need to embed CEIAG into the heart of our curriculum. Careers are included in the School Development Plan for 2013/2014 which aims to increase awareness of CEIAG at KS3 and embed in the SOW.

All members of the department (including temporary members of staff) and the school Principal will receive a copy of this document.

Any other sources of information referred to within this document are kept for reference in a file with the HOD. Where a specific policy includes detailed description (e.g. Health and Safety) this is availableon My Documents Head of Careers.

St Joseph's High School intends to develop CEIAG as an integral part of the curriculum. The Entitlement Framework Curriculum ensures that young people have a much broader access to a wide range of subject pathways at KS4. Therefore there is a greater responsibility on schools to make sure that young people have the highest quality careers education, information, advice and guidance. In doing so it will also demonstrate its commitment to the following aims of the school:

3. Rationale, aims and objectives

3.1 Aims of CEIAG

The general aim of CEIAG is to prepare pupils for the choices, changes and transitions affecting their future education, training and life as adult members of society. To this end St Joseph's High School through curricular programmes and other guidance activities will help to promote the following aims:

  • Self-Awareness & Development - enable pupils to understand their own personal needs, abilities and interests together with a growing awareness of their particular strengths and limitations in order to choose and implement an appropriate career plan.
  • Career Exploration - foster opportunity awareness in order to understand the nature of work and occupations, paid and unpaid and how these effect people’s lives and attitudes.
  • Career Management - enable pupils to develop the qualities and skills to manage transitions, within education, from education to work and in life generally. The development of decision-making skills will enable students to be effective in a variety of adult roles and occupations.

Effort has been made to ensure that the ethos and aims of the whole school is reflected through the work of the careers department.

The increased choice of education and training pathways available to young people, the modularisation of the curriculum, the focus on employability and obtaining suitable qualifications in order that learners can meet the challenge of the changing world of work, place high quality Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance, (CEIAG), at the heart of the curriculum.

Preparing for Success 2009

The overall objective of an effective career education and guidance programme is to enable a learner to manage their own career development successfully, confidently and with due respect and care for their own needs, those of others and of their wider communities.

DE Entitlement Framework Circular 2005/18

This is very much a working document but aims to deliver Careers/Employability which is free as possible from ethnic, gender, religious, political or other forms of bias.

3.2 Management & Delivery

At St Joseph's High School, Careers Education is embedded in the curriculum. In Key Stage 3, Year 8-10 have discrete Employability/Careers lessons.At Key Stage 4 Careers Education is not a discrete subject, it has been delivered through form class on a weekly rotational level; however 111A and 111B in Key Stage 4 also study Education for Employability as a strand of LLW. LLW consists of three strands, namely Personal Development, Local and Global Citizenship and Education for Employability. At Key Stage 3 it also includes Home Economics. The Head of Careers and Head of LLW regularly meet to discuss strategies that will help improve the current CEIAG learning offer. For all year groups the schemes are incorporated into booklets which give detailed guidance on how the lesson should be delivered.

As part of the Year 10 transition arrangements and because of the importance of this year in terms of making choices for GCSE subjects it is critical that pupils are given the correct information and guidance. This additional support is provided by the DEL Careers Adviser and the Vocational Enhancement Programme Co-ordinator from SRC (Newry campus). They speak directly to Year 10 prior to their PTM/subject choices. All Year 10 pupils and their parents/guardians are interviewed by the Curriculum VP/Head of SENCO prior to their subject choices.

Year 11 and 12 (timetable provision 2014) classes are timetabled for 1 period of Careers Education, delivered by the form teachersin Year 11 and 12 and supported by the Head of Careers who is also a Year 12 form teacher. Guest speakers are often arranged for these lessons to help raise students aspirations and help students make wise choices. Alternative arrangements will be considered this year to ensure the full programme for Careers Education and Guidance is covered. All Year 12 pupils are interviewed by the DEL Careers Officer and work towards their Personal Career Plan for inclusion in their end of school progress file. Further interviews are also sought on request. The Careers Officer is known to Year 12 and pupils are aware of their presence in the school.

Year 13/14 with timetable provision will follow a structured path of Post 18 options including HE applications, Apprenticeships and Employment. Student finance, interview techniques and further speakers are invited to speak to Year 13/14 on a regular basis.

A variety of strategies will be used to actively engage pupils and prepare them for this demanding time in their lives. A widerange of relevant resources will be used including computer software, the internet, PowerPoint presentations, VLE and outside agencies literature. Students will be reminded of the links with careers within other subject areas. All Careers/Employability schemes of work include Cross Curricular, Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities (Revised Curriculum) and Literacy/Numeracy/CRED/Differentiation/SEN/ICT (whole school focus).

3.3 Administration

The Head of Careers works closely with the school secretaries in order to ensure that all correspondence relating to the delivery of the CEIAG programme is forwarded to parents, neighbouring schools and the local business community.

3.4 Planning

All school staff is informed of the main events that will take place at certain times of the year therefore enabling teachers to plan their lessons accordingly.

4 Action to Promote Improvement

4.1 Action Plan/School Development Plan

An action plan has been created by the Head of Careers after consultation with those teachers delivering Employability. Key development priorities and targets are identified in this plan which is then forwarded to the Principal for discussion and inclusion in the whole school development plan. A review of the action plan is conducted at the end of the school year, from which the next action plan is created.

The 2013/14 Careers Action Plan identified the need to create and develop a new policy document, update the KS3 Employability SOW in line with “Preparing for Success” update the VLE, raise awareness of STEM in KS3, to evaluate the Careers/Employability department and revise the department assessment policy.

4.2 Implementation

HOD's are encouraged to specify in their Schemes of Work, how, where and when Careers is to be addressed at KS3. Each department also inform pupils of the routes of progression into Higher/Further Education and the World of Work. Each department use notice board space to promote the 'careers' dimension of their particular subject. They have also been informed of the job opportunities that flow from the study of their subjects.

4.3 Monitoring & Evaluating

The Head of Careers is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the CEIAG provision within the school. It is aimed to identify strengths and opportunities within the current programme of delivery. Pupils have been asked to complete an evaluation form on events such as STEM Ambassadors, Interview Skills Day and Work Experience while interviewers and local employers will alsobe asked for feedback.

As part of the School Development Plan 2013/2014one of the schools main priorities was to increase awareness of CEIAG at KS3 and embed it into the schemes of work.

The Head of Careers is currently investigating possible methods of getting feedback from Parents/Guardians on the CEIAG provision within the school. Year 12 leavers have been asked to evaluate the current provision for Careers Education in Year 12, which was 1 Period per week on a rotational basis. Details of which were be documented at time of writing.

Information gathered from such feedback will help to identify areas for development at both departmental and whole school levels.

This policy will be reviewed annually. The review will involve the HOD, SENCO HOD, DEL Careers Advisor, Principal and SMT.

5. Staffing and Curriculum

5.1. Staffing & Roles

The departmental structure consists of the Head of Careers appointed Sept. 2012; Annmarie Begley BA(Hons)Business Studies, PGCE Business Education, PGCE Careers Education & Guidance and although the formation of a core team is in process the form teachers for both Years 11 and 12 are involved in the new 2014/2015 academic year.

The role of the Head of Careers is to assist young people’s career learning, planning and development by leading and managing the development of CEIAG in the school. The Head of Careers also provides introductory class talks with the support of the DEL Careers Officer. The DEL Careers Officer also provide presentationson career decision making at Year 10, one to one guidance interviews with Year 12 pupils, up to date labour market information, attendance at Year 10, 12 13 and 14 PTM's. The Head of Careers informs the SMT, develops the careers programme, organises resources and secures good standards of teaching, learning and guidance.

The Careers Department is scheduled to meet once every five weeks and deal with issues pertaining to staff and pupils and the smooth running of the department. Mrs Begley takes minutes and a copy is emailed to the Principal, Vice-Principal's and each member of the department.

The department meets informally on a daily basis when some ‘ad hoc’ decisions can also be made.

Issues of concern to staff within the department are noted in departmental meetings as a reliable means of communication with the Principal and Board of Governors.



Teachers follow the guidelines set out in the staff handbook for the notification of absence. Planned absence is notified to the head of department and suitable work with clear instructions, is left for pupils – taped to the desk.

Appropriate work can be left and completed on file sheets.


Short term:Pupils are responsible for catching up with work missed and for obtaining any homework.

Long Term:Parents should inform the teacher if any work needs to be sent home.

5.2Pastoral care

Pastoral care refers to the systems and programmes in St Joseph’s High School that address the totality of needs of the pupils (social, spiritual, moral, mental, emotional, physical), so that every pupil has the opportunity to reach their potential in all areas of their life, and is equipped with the skills to cope with life beyond school. Documentation within school includes child protection, anti-bullying, behaviour and discipline policies as well as the taught PSE programme which incorporates important aspects of health, sex and drug education.

The formal and informal contact between the Careers/Employability staff and the pupils helps to foster self-respect, self discipline, tolerance, equality and fairness. This generates a positive climate where the individuals feel valued and cared for. The adults within the department provide positive role models for the pupils.

Key Accountabilities

The Head of Careers should:

  • Support the development of effective and continually improving Careers education, information and guidance for young people.
  • Facilitate the contribution of colleagues and a range of partners to young people’s career learning, planning and development.
  • Design, select and provide curriculum resources, activities and services to meet young people’s career needs.
  • Ensure continuing professional development for themselves and others.

5.3 Teaching & Learning

As part of the CEIAG policy, teaching resources are accompanied by schemes of work and lesson plans. A CEIAG Year Planner (ongoing) also highlights the main Careers events during the school year and is linked to someschemes of work.

The aim of achieving quality teaching and learning during Careers lessons is characterised by:

  • Clear objectives that are shared with pupils
  • Use of varied activities that accommodate different learning styles
  • Well paced lessons
  • A high level of engagement on the part of the pupils
  • Effective questioning
  • Feedback that supports learning
  • Good teacher/pupil relationships

5.4 Careers Information

The Library and 6th form study provides pupils with access to a range of up-to-date careers information which includes prospects and higher education information. All students are instructed at the beginning of each school year, where they can access Careers Information. The display board outside IT2 is dedicated to Careers/Employability so that pupils can access relevant up to date material for information on possible career paths.

Further information is made available to pupils either through email or photocopies. All careers information should be checked for accuracy, hidden bias, and equal opportunities infringements before being made accessible to students. CEIAG is one of seven Cross-Curricular Themes which is partly delivered through other subjects.

Careers Information and ICT

The Head of Careers train students how to access computer software related to careers, and are encouraged to use these programs at home.

CASCAiD have secured the contract for the provision of Careers Software in schools and Launchpad (11-14) and Kudos (14-19) are available through the C2K system (MySchool).

All computers have Internet access, and career websites have been promoted throughout the school and outside IT2.

Career Displays

The display board outside IT2 displays career information and each department have also included relevant career displays in relation to their subject area.

Interview Skills

All Year 12 pupils participate in anExperiences of Work afternoonwhich is delivered by the outside career trainingorganisation Sentinus. This event gives pupils the opportunity to prepare for interviews and identify some of the factors which may need to be considered.

Careers conventions/External Speakers

Year 13 pupils attend the UCAS convention on an annual basis and students and parents are encouraged to attend theJobs Fair and Advice Forum. Speakers representing Higher and FurtherEducation in N Ireland, UK and the ROI are invited to speak to students in the school. They aim to inform pupils about the courses or career paths that their organisations offer. Examples include Southern Regional College (SRC), College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise (CAFRE), DKIT, and University Rep’s from a number of UK and ROI universities.

STEM Awareness

At Key Stage 3, a number of STEM events are organised and delivered in collaboration with non-profit educational charity Sentinus, Tasty Careers (photographs of these programmes are displayed on the school website).

This involved student’sparticipating in projects which raise understanding and awareness of occupational and Higher Education opportunities in STEM subject areas; -

  • STEM Module Bus KS4
  • Visits to STEM centre Dungannon
  • BT Young Scientist Competition
  • Young EnterpriseLearn to Earn Programme.

Year 12, 13 and 14 pupils are encouraged to participate in other events including University dept. Open Days, Careers Talks on Radiography, Physiotherapy, The Link Works, The Hair Academy, Bank of Ireland, UUJ Hospitality and Tourism, HSE information morning Dundalk.