Opelousas Junior High School – English Language Arts Syllabus: 2017-2018
Instructor:Mr. Eric Berken
Phone: 337-942-4957 (Normal school hours are from 7:00 – 3:00)
Fax: 337-942-2659
- School: (General School Information)
- Attendance/Grades:(Provides Attendance & Grade Details)
- Teacher: (Daily Assignments)
Students in this course will learn about:
- Grammar: Use language correctly, identify parts of speech, and demonstrate knowledge of capitalization and punctuation.
- Comprehension: Read, analyze, and interpret novels, short stories, and drama.
- Writing: Plan, write, revise, and edit several pieces of writing including personal narratives, descriptive and informative essays, persuasive essays, poetry, and other creative pieces with a sharp, distinct focus experimenting with sentence length, language and voice.
- Vocabulary/Spelling: Expand their vocabulary skills through vocabulary study anddevelopment of word usage skills.
- Differentiate between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.
Your Success/Grade In This Class Will Depend On: (Grade System is detailed beginning on Page 3 of the Student Handbook)
There will be daily in-class assignments to assist students in learning. These must be completed and will be graded. Any incomplete assignments that are assigned as homework must be completed and turned in by the beginning of class the next school day. Tests will normally be on Thursdays & Fridays with two of the primary subject areas being covered each test day. A study guide will be made available for each test during the week. Homework will consist of completing unfinished daily assignments, specific homework assignments, and reviewing the study guides.
- Coming to class prepared and on time while keeping tardies& absences to a minimum: Making up allmissed assignments/tests
- Doing all assigned work with honest effort
- Turning work in on time and consistently
- Behaving appropriately during class
Class Supplies—Bring Them Every Day!
- Paper or notebook to complete assignments.
- Led Pen, pencils with personal sharpener (I no longer have a class sharpener), or pen
Once school begins make sure to bring these things to class as well:
- Handouts & Study Guides
- All required assignments
Helpful Hints for a Successful Year: Use your study guide to study daily. If you have any questions or find you are struggling with a concept and/or assignment, please contact Mr. Berken for support.
Rules and Consequences: All students at Opelousas Jr. High School will learn by being Respectful, Outgoing, Achieving, Responsible, and Safe while on campus and in the community. Being an OJHS Tiger that ROARS is the goal of every student on campus.
1. You are expected to arrive to class on time every day, and be ready to work when the bell rings. (Penalties for tardiness is outlined on page 7 of the student handbook)
2. Assignments are due on time. Homework is only accepted the day it is due. Projects and writing assignments lose points each day they are late.
3. If you are absent from my class it is your responsibility to make up any work you have missed. There are several ways you can find out what work you have missed: a) Mr. Berken’s website assignment page. b) On the board under daily assignments. c) Asking a classmate
4.Show respect for the teacher as well as your classmates at all times.
Examples ofdisrespect:
1) Talking while Mr. Berken isspeaking to the class. 2) Talkingloudly while other students are sharing their ideas to the class.You are required to listen to other students who share their thoughts. 3) Using insultingor derogatory language (for example:racially-driven words, name calling, cursing, or insulting the ideas and insights of others in class)
Infraction and Procedures: These are located in of Student Handbook, and depending on the severity of the transgressionthe most severe penalties can be enforced immediately.
- Counsel & Warn: Teacher
- Assign ROARS Minor Infraction Assignment
- Make Parental Contact
- Refer to School Resources: Main Office Support Personnel
- Conference with Parent
- After School Detention
- Out of School Detention
- Expulsion Recommendation
Student: ______
Parent / Guardian Signature ______Date: ______
Cell: ( )______-- _ Email:______