Proctor Memorial Park

Committee Meeting

January 13, 2011

Maribeth Alspach opened the meeting at 5:30 p.m. and welcomed all members. There were eight people in attendance.

Maribeth reports that our current account balance is less than $1,000.00. However, the flags for 2011 have been purchased and we have an inventory of 4 of each flag to carry us through the year. We will need to raise money for flags for 2012.


Committee discusses options for fundraising for 2011 and determines that hosting a 2nd Grand Prix this year may not be the right fit. This event requires a lot of work and our committee has gotten smaller, we are also concerned about being able to get corporate sponsors on an event that only allows a limited number of participants. Several members heard complaints at last year’s event about the amount of time that it took to get the race done. We have set aside the date of July 16th with the 17th as our rain date but would like to ask Mike to put together another proposal for a Track Day or Evening for Proctor Park. We could rent the track for 4 – 6 hours and all proceeds would go to Proctor Park or we could publicize the event and share the proceeds with Whiteland Raceway. Maribeth will contact Mike.

Other possible fundraisers are discussed including an event at Otte Golf, a motorcycle ride, a car show, a Proctor Park Day at Rascals or fundraisers with area restaurants.

Patti Wade will talk to Rascals and the owner of the Classic Car Showroom in Whiteland.

Julie Bascom will check with area restaurants and approach the Military Store in Greenwood.

Eddie & April Proctor will get information on possible fundraisers at Otte Golf.

Sue Galloway will check with Donatos Pizza.

Sue, Charlana Fenwick and Maribeth will talk to Steve Beauprez at the VFW.

Veterans Service

The date of September 10th was discussed to coincide with the Eagles Ride. Tom Bland has notified us that the Eagles will be hosting three (3) rides this year but are not planning a military ride. The committee states that The Veteran’s Service / Community Celebration will be our main focus for 2011. Maribeth will ask Frank to check with MG Umbarger as to his availability to speak on September 10th. If Frank and/or MG Umbarger are unavailable we will look for another date. Once a date has been determined Maribeth will check with Dr. Caress about parking and possible shuttle service to and from the school parking lots. We would still solicit sponsors for this event and allowing the sponsors to set up booths is discussed. Bounce houses, vendors, music and entertainment (clowns, face painters) are discussed. The Town Council has offered to man grills and serve hotdogs, chips and sodas and we could also consider other food vendors. Nothing would open until AFTER the Veteran’s Service concludes.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be February 10, 2011 at 5:30 p.m.

Being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Maribeth Alspach