Year 4/5 Resource List

These are the resources which class teachers need in order to teach the Hamilton plans. These are exhaustive lists - i.e. they are the resources you would have in an ideal world. So it is possible to teach the Hamilton plans without some of these resources (and many teachers do). But these are the things which, if you are wanting to allow teachers to do the best possible job, a school would have.

Class based resources
Autumn / Spring / Summer
·  0 to 9 digit cards
·  Calculators
·  1-6 dice
·  0 to 9 dice
·  Cubes
·  Post-it™ notes
·  Coins
·  1000s, 100s, 10s and 1s place value cards
·  Sets of 0 to 12 number cards
·  Blank dice
·  Rulers marked in millimetres
·  Dienes or Base 10 equipment
·  Counting stick / ·  0 to 9 dice
·  Large 0 to 9 digit cards
·  Bean bag
·  Counting stick
·  0 to 9 digit cards
·  Calculators
·  1 to 6 dice
·  Post-it™ notes
·  Dienes or Base 10 equipment
·  Counters
·  Cubes
·  1000s, 100s, 10s and 1s place value cards
·  Sets of 0 to 12 number cards / ·  0 to 9 digit cards
·  Large 0 to 9 digit cards
·  1000s, 100s, 10s and 1s place value cards
·  Rulers marked in mm
·  IWB or real 0–9 dice
·  Counting stick
·  Calculators
·  Sets of 0 to 12 number cards
·  Post-it™ notes
Centrally based resources
Autumn / Spring / Summer
·  Washing line and pegs
·  A collection of cubes, cuboids, cylinders, spheres, cones, prisms and pyramids
·  Plasticine
·  Straws
·  Hoops
·  Shape construction kit such as Polydron or Clixi
·  Compasses
·  Isometric paper
·  Large 50 pence coin
·  Paper with dots arranged in squares
·  Protractors
·  0 to 24 cards
·  Place value dice
·  Multiples of 4 cards
·  Multiples of 8 cards
·  Tape measures
·  Graph paper
·  Small analogue clocks with moveable hands
·  Stopwatch / ·  Squared paper
·  Small clocks for children to use
·  1-100 number cards
·  Tape measures
·  Number cards with multiples of 8 from 8 to 96
·  1-12 dice
·  Number balance (or use an interactive one such as the one at
·  Two-minute sand timer
·  cm2 paper
·  Centimetre cubes
·  Sets of 1 to 20 cards / ·  2-minute sand timer (or use IWB timer)
·  1-12 dice
·  DIY measuring tapes
·  100 bead bar and write on/wipe off tags
·  360° protractors
·  Compasses
·  cm2 paper
·  Number cards with multiples of 6 from 6 to 72
·  cm3 cubes
·  Thermometer or temperature data logger
·  cm2 paper with feint lines to show millimetres
·  Metre ruler
·  Tape measures
·  Weighing scales (including ones which can weigh up 3kg)
·  1kg, ½kg and 100g weights
Resources specific for one lesson
Autumn / Spring / Summer
·  Labelled 5000ml, 500ml, 50ml and 5ml containers
·  Two DVDs, one with a price label of £14.79 and the other with a price label of £12.49
·  Paper clips
·  Large glass of squash
·  Packet of crisps
·  Download a local train/bus timetable showing times in 24-hour format
·  Enlarge a copy of a morning TV guide showing chn’s programmes
·  1kg weight, washing line, pegs, can cards with: 0kg ½ kg, 250g, 0.8kg, 750g, 100g, 0.2kg, 300g, 0.9 kg, 700g, 0.4kg, 0.6kg, 1kg
·  Packets with weights between 0 and 1kg
·  Cards with 0 l, 1000ml, 0.5l, 1500ml, 1.9l, 1100ml, 1.6l, 1.2l, 1700ml, 1.4l, 1300ml, 1800ml, 2l
·  A range of containers (between 100ml and 2l, capacity labels hidden)
·  Blank strips of card and paper clips/elastic bands / ·  Blank strips of card and paper clips/elastic bands
·  -10 to 10 number cards
·  Cardboard box with two slots, cards with × 10 and ÷ 10, plain cards and pens
·  Items less than 10cm to measure to the nearest mm
·  Items priced between £2 and £10, a £5 note and a £10 note
·  A local bus timetable using 24-hour times
·  Picture of a dog
·  Card with +0.1 on one side and -0.1 on the other
·  Books with price labels: £4.79, £5.49, £5.25, £4.65, £4.29 / ·  –10 to 10 number cards
·  Cardboard box with two slots
·  Cards with × 10, × 100, ÷ 10 and ÷ 100 plain cards and pens
·  Cards with ‘cycling’ and ‘swimming’
·  A bowl, spoon and mug for each table
·  Coloured card and something circular to draw round, e.g. saucers
·  A range of cans and jars with weights written on Post-its™ in grams (see week 5)
·  TV guide from a newspaper or magazine
·  Stick, at least 60cm long
·  1kg bag of flour
·  Food packets with weights written on and not written on packaging
·  Selection of vegetables to weigh
·  A bag of groceries weighing between 1kg and 3kg and a bag of PE kit weighing less than 1kg
·  Selection of toys
·  Five objects weighing up to 3kg, e.g. encyclopaedia, a ream of paper, rock, log, stone

It is assumed that classrooms have rulers, individual whiteboards, pens and rubbers, coloured pencils, scissors, glue sticks, Blu-tac®, A3 paper and access to the internet.