Nova Scotia Teachers’ Union – Gregor Ash
1)What are the major priorities for your party regarding Public Education?
The NDP's commitment to education is simple: Kids and Learning First. It begins before they even enter school: Supporting children in their early years is critical to their future success. That’s why the NDP government created the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, and partnered with the McCain Foundation to establish the province’s first early years centres, co-located in schools from one end of the province to the other.
The NDP is focused on reading, math and cyber-bullying, thanks in part to savings from less administration and fewer consultants. The result: the highest average per-student funding and lowest student: teacher ratios ever in Nova Scotia. Can we do better? Of course. Here’s how:
- Smaller classes with grades Primary to 6 limited to 25 students;
- Asking parents and teachers to help develop plain language report cards;
- Extending the highly effective Succeeding in Reading program through Grade 3;
- Fixing math, with a new curriculum that focuses on fewer topics in greater depth. High school math is now being taught over two semesters, giving students more time to learn and less time to forget;
- Developing a new school review process that respects communities and fosters hub schools;
- More guidance counsellors, mental health clinicians and youth health centre co-ordinators thanks to a $15 million investment;
- Taking a strong stand on cyberbullying, giving school principals clear authority to act, on or off school grounds – backed up by Canada’s first Cyber-Safety Act;
- More funds dedicated to special education; and
- Adopted the SchoolsPlus model that is helping more kids succeed by delivering a wide range of health and social services for kids and families at risk; Schools Plus already includes 135 schools across the province.
There are a few things teachers won't get with a NDP government. Unlike the Liberals, the NDP did not get rid of 1400 teachers or increase class sizes. The NDP did not roll back wages or require people to take unpaid days of work. Unlike the Conservatives, the NDP did not avoid cyber-bullying issues. Declining enrolments create a challenge for parents, teachers and communities. The NDP is focusing on working together to improve learning in the classroom and support for community-based schools, so kids and learning come first.
2)Would your government make education a priority during the budget planning process?
A good education for Nova Scotian students is absolutely a priority for the NDP. Under the NDP per-student funding has reached an all-time high for Nova Scotia. In fact, public school funding is estimated to be $917 million this year, down just 1.4% from the $930 million at which it stood when the NDP was elected - despite thousands of fewer students.
3)The Demand on teacher’s time continues to be a significant priority for teachers. is your party prepared to explore options which would address these concerns and commit to providing the necessary financial resources.
The primary focus of teachers should be in the classroom. The NDP agrees that teachers, parents, guidance counsellors and board administrations should be engaged in an assessment of current non-teaching requirements in schools with the aim of identifying opportunities to alleviate non-essential responsibilities.
SchoolsPlusis one of several NDP initiatives which improves student success without making significant new demands on teachers.
Furthermore, the best way to help students with special needs succeed, and to lessen the challenges teachers face, to start early. The NDP created the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to further focus on success for students and their families, with initiatives such as universal screening at 18 months and 36 months that enable more effective early intervention. Like universal access to EIBA for children with autism, these are long-term steps with immediate impact, better enabling student success without placing additional demands on teachers themselves.
Within schools themselves, the NDP are supporting educators by:
- Providing more guidance counsellors, mental health clinicians and youth health centre co-ordinators thanks to a $15 million investment;
- Continuing to implement the good ideas contained in the autism report;
- Providing the guide Developing and Implementing Programming for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, a practical tool for teachers, school staff and support teams to help them meet the needs of students on the autism spectrum;
- Further increasing the funds dedicated to special education; and
- Continuing the SchoolsPlus model that is helping more kids succeed by delivering a wide range of health and social services for kids and families at risk; Schools Plus already includes 135 schools across the province.
The NDP Is committed to moving education forward giving our kids a better start by focusing on what matters. We will:
- Continue to cap class sizes up to grade six with a maximum number of 25 students per class, allowing students more individual time with their teacher.
- Put reading and math first, by extending the highly effective Succeeding in reading program through Grade 3, and changing the math curriculum to focus on fewer topics, with greater depth.
- Work with parents, and teachers, the NDP are committed to developing a plain language report card that will help keep parents up-to-date.
- Continue the successful SchoolsPlus model that is helping more kids succeed by delivering a wide range of health and social services for kids and families at risk; Schools Plus already includes 135 schools across the province.
- Allocate ore funds dedicated to special education; and
- Take a strong stand on cyberbullying, giving school principals clear authority to act, on or off school grounds – backed up by Canada’s first Cyber-Safety Act.