Eligibility checklist for UM KAKEHASHI project participation
_____Citizen or permanent resident of the United States (Japanese or dual US-Japanese citizens are ineligible to apply)
_____Current passport holder (expiration date must be January31, 2016 or later).Applicants without valid passports MUST submit an expedited passport applicationbefore the UM application deadline of October 16. Expediting fees are at the applicant’s expense and will not be reimbursed by KAKEHASHI, whether or not you are selected.
_____GPA 3.0 or better
_____Current or previous formal study of the Japanese language, as evidenced on an academic transcript (high school and/or college).Applicants who have studied abroad in Japan in 2015 or who plan to study there in Spring 2016 are NOT eligible to apply.
Additional screening priorities and participation requirements
- Current Japanese majorsand minorswill be given priority in screening.
- Students with demonstrated financial need are especially encouraged to apply, and will be given priority if the other eligibility criteria are met.
- Priority will be given to those with current or previous academic study at the college level of Japan-related topics through elective courses in art history, history, government and politics, linguistics, literature, etc. (as verified by UM transcript).
- All participants MUST submit proof of having received a flu shot at least 6 weeks before departure. The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs will not permit students with a body temperature of 100.4 or higher to depart for Japan. It is therefore essential that all participants be in good health and inoculated against the flu before departure. If you fall ill with a fever over 100.4 while in Japan and have to leave early or stay longer beyond the end of the program, extra fees associated with your change of plans will be at your expense.
- Students who suffer from serious chronic disease (diagnosed or undiagnosed) or are pregnant may not participate. If chronic disease or pregnancy is discovered after arrival in Japan, all medical expenses that occur are excluded from the program’s insurance coverage. Participants with pre-existing mental or physical conditions must submit a doctor’s certificate and letter of consent stating their ability to participate, and provide their own supplemental insurance to cover such conditions.
- All participants must attend all programs planned by the Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE) and need to follow the guidelines provided by JICE.
- Participants will be expected toshare their experiences/knowledge of Japan after return to the USAwith family, friends, and community, for example through social media channels and visits to local schools.
- Participants are fully responsible for costs associated with last-minute cancellation or changes that are initiated by the participant.
- Participants who become a hindrance to the program may be dismissed and are responsible for leaving Japan at their own expense.
- Participants will stay in either twin or triple room accommodations.
- JICE will try to make provisions for religious observations (time and place for prayers) and meals suitable for religious restrictions, but may not always be able to do so.
Questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact either Dr. Yotsukura () or Dr. Mason (), or drop by office hours to meet with either of us.
By signing below, I certify that I understand and agree to abide by the terms above.
Full name (printed)