The Winter Warmth

Fund (individual grants)

Grantsto help vulnerablepeople inCumbria stay warm and healthy

Funded bythe Department for Health Warm Homes Healthy People Fund through Cumbria County Council, voluntary donations of winter fuel allowance payments plusindividual and local business donations. All donations from members of the public and businesses are restricted to support over 60s

How much is available?

£81,000 this year

Who can apply?

Individuals and familieswith the aim of reducing excess winter deaths and numbers of people living in cold homes across Cumbria

You musteither

  • be over 60
  • have at least one child under 5
  • have a chronic underlying health condition, particularly respiratory or coronary, or
  • have a disability particularly affected by cold weather

and receive

  • State pension and/or Pension Credit only
  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance that includes a work-related activity or support component
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Disability Living or Attendance Allowance

and struggle to maintain a basic acceptable standard of living during the winter due to the cost of heating your home and the restrictions of cold weather

How much can you apply for?

  • The normal grant is £125 or £250 in exceptional circumstances

If you would like to apply to this fund please contact one of the following:

If you are over 60:

Barrow: Citizens Advice Bureau 01229 830367

Age UKCarlisle and Eden: Moira Eddington 01768863618

Age UKSouth Lakeland: Dave Thomson 01539 728180

Age UKWest Cumbria (Allerdale and Copeland):Christine Timney01946 66669 or 08443 843843

If you have vulnerable children under 5:

North Allerdale, Carlisle, Eden and South Lakeland: Barnardo’s: Debbie Young01900 898040

South Allerdale, Barrow and south Copeland: Action for Children: Steph Crosthwaite 01900 325251

North Copeland: Howgill Family Centre: Diane Kenmare 0194662681

If you are not in the above categories and are applying for health or disability reasons:

Disability Association Carlisle and Eden (DaCE): Thelma Waite 01228 674882

Warm Homes Hot Spots programme

Part of the Warm Homes Healthy People fund is also available for boiler repair and maintenance. For all except people with social landlords we are using the same criteria as for grants. Anyone who is concerned about the state of their boiler or if it has broken down may qualify for free repair. We are also offering a one year maintenance contract for boilers over five years old. Referrals can also be made for more general energy saving advice. This is all being administered through CREA (Cumbria Rural Enterprise Agency) – contact Christine Raffel and Sarah Prestonat CREA on01768 891414. Applicants can also be referred by any of the agencies above.

Cumbria Community Foundation, Dovenby Hall, Dovenby, CockermouthCA13 0PN

Charitable company limited by guarantee Registered charity no 1075120 11.12.2012