The Undergraduate Learning and Teaching Research Internship Scheme(ULTRIS) wasrun for the first time in 2009 giving selected undergraduates a comprehensive research experience focused on teaching and learningat UWA. In 2015, ULTRIS Interns will undertake research inTransformative teaching and learning. This is in line with the UWA Education Futures vision statement.
The establishment of ULTRIS addresses a number of the university’sstated prioritiesincluding strategies to “further support the development of research skills among UWA undergraduate students”.
The total number of places in the ULTRIS program is limited to seven(7). Depending on demand, places in the first instance will be limited to one (1) per faculty.
ULTRIS is administered by the Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CATL) which will provide resources, trainingand support to interns throughout the period of their internship and while they conduct their research projects.
2.Who can apply?
2.1Undergraduate students (except those in first year or Honours year of study) interested in developing research skills are encouraged to apply.
2.2Students must be able to attend all scheduled sessions (see Guidelines 4.2) to be eligible for the Internship.
3.How is ULTRIS structured?
3.1The internship starts in Februaryand runs until the end of September, 2015. The course work and research will be undertaken during this time in addition to students’ normal course load.
3.2While no course point-credits are allocated to ULTRIS, successful applicants will receive $3000 for completing the internship. In terms of financial support, the scholarship offersa viable alternative to part-time employment outside the university. By utilising time normally associated with casual employment, ULTRIS requirements will not constitute an additional load for Internswho make use of the scholarship in this way.
3.3Ten (10) 2.5hour training workshops on basic research methods will be held throughout the programme. A further four (4) 1.5 hour seminars will be conducted at specified times throughout the programme to allow interns to share their research progress with peers.
3.4Interns will be allocated a research supervisor drawn from ULTRIS Co-ordination team.
4.What willInterns need to do?
4.1Interns are required to attend and participate inall10x2.5hour workshops and 4x1.5 hour seminars (as detailed in 3.3) focusing on the development of research skills such as:
- Proposal development
- Research methods
- Sourcing and reviewing information
- Collecting, managing and analysing data
- Presenting research (orally and in writing)
4.2The dates and times for the workshops and seminars are:
Wednesday / 18 February 2015 / 9:30am – 12:00 noonMonday / 23February 2015 / 2:00pm – 4:30pm
Wednesday / 4March 2015 / 2:00pm – 4:30pm
Wednesday / 11March 2015 / 2:00pm – 4:30pm
Tuesday / 17March 2015 / 9:30am-12:00 noon
Wednesday / 25March 2015 / 2:00pm – 4:30pm
Wednesday / 8April 2015 / 9:30am – 12:00 noon
Friday / 10April 2015 / 9:30am – 11:00 am
Monday / 18May 2015 / 9:30am – 12:00 noon
Wednesday / 17June 2015 / 9:30am – 11:00am
Monday / 22June 2015 / 9:00am- 11:30am
Tuesday / 4 August 2015 / 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Tuesday / 25August 2015 / 2:00pm – 4:30pm
Week of: / 14 September TBC / 9:30am-11am or
200pm- 4:30pm
4.3Before commencing a research project, each Intern will be required to develop an acceptable research proposal.
4.4Interns will be required to meet with their supervisor throughout the semester (approximately 1hour/week or as deemed necessary by the supervisor) to discuss progress of their research, including reviewing the literature, collecting and analysing the data and writing-upof the project.
4.5Successful completion will require Internsto participate in all aspects of the scheme, including attendance at all workshops, seminars and supervision meetings throughout the semester (approximately 50 hours).
4.6In addition to the prescribed workshop and seminar attendance, Interns will be expected to allow appropriate time (5-10 hours/week) to undertake the research which will involve locating and reviewing relevant source material, collecting and analysing data and writing and presenting research findings.
4.7Interns will be required to submit a report in the form of an academic paper to their Supervisor no later than 7 August 2015. The report will be approximately 4000 - 5000 words in length and comment on all aspects ofthe projectincluding the background to the research, areview of the literature, the research method and findings.
4.8Interns will be encouraged and supported to present their research at the ICUR/ACURcombined conference held in Perth in September 2015.
5. How do you apply for ULTRIS?
5.1Applications from individuals are due no later than January 30, 2015. All required documentation in the form of email attachments should be sent to:
5.2Electronic copies of the application are required. Applications consist of:
- the completed application proforma (Attachment A)
- a short written statement (no more than 2 pages) addressing the following selection criteria:
- What are your reasons for wanting to participate in the Undergraduate Learning and Teaching Research Internship Scheme?
- What is your understanding of research in general and teaching and learning research in particular?
- a copy of the official transcript of your academic record.
5.3Students will need to nominate two (2) academic referees on their application. These should be members of UWA staff who know the student and would be able to provide details as to their acceptability to undertake the Internship,if contacted.
5.4Selection of successful applicants for will undertaken by the ULTRIS Committeebased on the following criteria:
- academic merit– as shown in the applicant's academic record;
- suitability to undertake a research project– defined for the purposes of this Scheme asa student with limited or no university research experience;
- commitment and interest in research and teaching and learning– as outlined in the applicant's statement detailingreasons for applying;
5.5The committee may ask students to attend a short interview before final selection of interns is made.
5.6Successful applicants will be notified no later than 9February 2015.
7. Deadline for Submissions
7.1Electronic copies of your applicationdocumentation should be emailed to no later than30 January, 2015.
7.2Any queries should be directed to Dr Lee or Prof Sally Sandover