The 5th Annual EPA Region 3 Mid-Atlantic Radon Stakeholders’ Meeting
Hosted by PADEP and CRCPD
Tuesday, April 5, 2016 from 8:00am-5:00pm
Holiday Inn Harrisburg/Hershey
604 Station Road, Grantville, PA 17028
Continuing Education training on Monday, April 4, 2016
States only meeting on Wednesday, April 6, 2016
This meeting is being held at no cost for all those that have a stake in protecting the public from unnecessary exposure to radon in their homes, schools and businesses.
The Stakeholder’s meeting is being hosted by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD), in collaboration with the Region 3 office of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Virginia Department of Health, Delaware Department of Health and Social Services, West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources and the District of Columbia Department of the Environment. This meeting will bring interested stakeholders together to discuss common issues, provide insight into future radon risk reduction action, share perspectives, educate and network. This meeting will focus on radon risk reduction and looking at the latest developments in testing and mitigation. Speakers include internationally recognized radon experts, the US Environmental Protection Agency and local radon professionals. Attendees will receive 4 hours of Category II CE credits for attending the April 5thStakeholder meeting.
We invite the following to come and be a part of the discussions:
- Radon professionals
- Affordable housing advocates
- Real Estate Professionals
- Legislators
- State Cancer Control Plan staff
- County and Local government
- Cancer and Radon Advocacy Groups
- Nonprofit housing advocacy groups
- Professional associations
- Public agencies
- Residential builders and developers
To register: You must register for both the stakeholder meeting and the CE classes. Deadline for registration is March 18, 2016
There is a day of training for radon professionals on Monday, April 4 for a minimal cost. You can elect to take all 3 courses at a discounted rate of $100 or you can pay for each course individually.Course #1 (8am-12pm) will be presented by Dr. Paul Houle and will cover “QA/QC for Testers and Mitigators” at an individual cost rate of $50. This course is approved for 4 hours of Category I NRPP & NRSB Continuing Education credits. Course #2 (1pm-3pm) will be presented by Bill Brodhead and covers “Radon Mitigation in Schools and Large Buildings” at an individual cost rate of $30. Course #3 (3pm-5pm) is presented by John Mallon and will cover “Difficult Residential Mitigation Solutions” at an individual cost rate of $30. Course # 2 and #3 are both approved for 2 hours of Category I NRPP & NRSB Continuing Education credits. Registration links for these courses are now available on the CRCPD website:
Lodging:Holiday Inn Harrisburg/Hershey, 604 Station Road, Grantville, PA 17028
The hotel will guarantee the rate of $89 plus tax if reserved by March 4, 2016. Hotel reservations can be made by calling 717-469-0661.The discount code is RE3.
For More Information:
EPA Region 3-Michelle Moyer 215-814-2098
PA DEP Radon Division-Denise Bleiler 717-783-4870