Request for Proposal (Quote)


‘The Purchaser’seeks advice related to:


Issued under the

Professional Advisory Services State Purchase Contract

Engagement details
Service Category / E.g. CAFAS or TAS or FAS
Service Sub-category / E.g. CA1
Purchaser Authorisation Number / E.g. CAFAS-DTF-2015-9999 (EVERY agency must issue a uniquely identifiable sequential number)
Date of Issue
Time and Date Proposal is Due / Provide sufficient time to reflect the scale and complexity of the proposed engagement. I.e. longer response times for more complex engagements.
Response Email/Address
Proposed Start Date of Engagement
Proposed End Date of Engagement / Ensure sufficient provision for project delays and follow-up work.
Name of Purchaser Point of Contact / Provide Agency contact name
Telephone Number

This Request for Services is issued in accordance with clause 7.1 of the agreement between your organisation and the State of Victoria for the provision of “Professional Advisory Services” (‘PAS SPC’).

You are requested to submit a Quote in accordance with clause 7.3 ofthe PAS SPC in response to this Request.

The Quote is required to address all requirements outlined in the attached Engagement Brief.

Engagement Brieffor the provision of
Professional Advisory Services


Section 1 – General Information

Purpose of the engagement / [Insert summary details of the specific services sought for this engagementrelated to a particular project and linking back to the desired Service Sub-category.]
E.g. Preparation of a Strategic Assessment for x project, a Business Case for y project , provision of commercial advice for z project, etc.
Structure a narrowly focussedbrief that relates to the particular problem/opportunity that requires external advisory services. Consequently, the purpose should be narrow and succinct.
Consider confining thye required advice to the particular aspect of your problem/opportunity/requirement at a particular phase of your project. Avoid seeking generic,”open-ended” and non-descript advisory services.
Wherever possible, align the engagement services with required project decision points. Eg. a separate engagement to prepare a project business case then a later engagement for that project’s procurement phase (post decision).
Agencies should always default to contesting advisory services at each key project stage. Agencies should consider the respective merits of either engaging a single provider for an entire phase or seeking different providers that are best suited for a particular project stage (reflecting the advisory sub-categories).
Engagement background / [insert summary detail]
The engagement relates tospecific advisory services required to inform a particular aspect (e.g. problem/opportunity) of a specific agency project.
Therefore provide summary background information related to that project to provide context for the engagement deliverables.
Provide additional detail (if required) in the Project Terms of Reference below.
Engagement objectives / [insert detail - Indicate the expected and/or desired outcome from the engagement. I.e. what is this engagement’s intended objective.}
For example:
  • A Strategic Assessment to identify the potential reform options for a new government service offering;
  • A Business Case to support investment in a new facility or asset, a new service initiative, etc.;
  • A report to identify organisational change requirements reflecting an agency’s new priorities;
  • A negotiation strategy to achieve a desired project outcome

Proposed deliverables of the engagement / [Insert details,and if necessary, includefurther detail in the Terms of Reference]
Consider specific deliverables required throughout the course of an engagement and how those deliverables link to the Engagement Objectives.
For example, a literature review, a market sounding,a stakeholder consultation plan, a stakeholder engagement report, a financial model, an interim and draft report for consultation, a final report, a workshop,a training program, a contract management manual, a report for publication, etc.
Proposed engagement timetable / [Insert detail]
Includespecific timeline requirements related to the proposed engagement and related to the timing requirements for the specific project.
Include engagement specific timelines or milestones linked (where necessary) to specific Engagement Deliverables. Consider any periodic reporting requirements.
Consider (where applicable) specific decision points / milestones that must be achieved and are critically linked to the Engagement Deliverables. Include (where applicable) any statutorily mandated timelines.
Note that realistic timelines should be provided (where possible) to avoid potentially disproportionate and adverse resource requirements resulting in higher engagement costs.
Proposed project management / Outline of key stakeholders and other project advisers / [Insert detail] [Include a description of the Project team Structure]
Who will manage the Service Provider and what is the overarching governance structure for the engagement and, where relevant, the project governance?
Are there other project advisers and what, if any, interaction is required or expected between all advisers?
Outline the stakeholders with a direct involvement or interest in the engagement.
Engagement Overview (complete relevant sections only)
Abbreviations/ Specific definitions / [Insert if necessary]
Detailed project and engagement specific requirements / [Insert additionaldetail (if necessary ) here]
For example:
More detail on the project objective, its terms of reference (if any), and the specific requirements / objectives of this engagement as it relates to the project objective.
Project specific timelines that provide greater context for the engagement timelines. E.g. Requirement to prepare business case to support an agency’s decision making rquirements for new initiatives.
Attachments / [Insert details,where applicable. It can be useful to attach previous reports, media releases or other engagement specific documents.]
Consider any pre-existing material that would aid the potential Service Provider’s better understand the engagement requirements.
This is particularly important when pre-existing material (related to a project) has been prepared by another Service Provider. To facilitate competitive Quote processes, consider the implication associated with any potential Service providers having incumbent knowledge that should be made available to all Service providers invited to Quote for an engagement. This is to ensure both a competitive process and an equitable process where no Provider is potentially disproportionately advantaged due to their prior involvement in a project or a related project.
When providing access to pre-existing material, ensure that Intellectual Property obligations are preserved.
Note that ALL pre-qualified Service Providers are bound by the confidentiality provisions of the SPC, and therefore the Purchaser should consider providing access to any confidential information during the Quote process.
Providing access allows potential Providers the opportunity to consider the potential methodology / resource / work program consequences (if any) when preparing their Quote.

Section 2 – Other Information

1.[Generic] Evaluation Criteria

[The following is an example of evaluation criteria that can be included in Requests for Proposal. Assessment against the criteria determines if the proposal(s) demonstrates value for money. It is administratively easier if the criteria line up with what the Request for Proposal asks the Service Provider to provide in their response. ]


  1. Demonstrated understanding of nature and complexity of particular industry or project type specific to agency requirements.
  2. Preparation of an acceptable methodology and work plan to deliver the Terms of Reference.
  3. Proven experience and strength of the team to be assigned to this project including the identity and role of the team leader
  4. Ability and approach to working collaboratively with key stakeholders.
  5. Appreciation of the Governments objectives and principles and applicability to the Project.
  • The Service Provider is required to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the [Purchaser] that it has no conflict of interest in undertaking the project work.
  • The proposed fee for service will drive a value for money assessment of submissions.

[It is an option to assign a weighting to each of the criteria. If a weighting is assigned it is recommended that it be disclosed in the Request for Proposal so that Service Providers are aware of the relative importance of the criteria in preparing their response. This is a decision to be made by the Engagement Manager that will assess the Quote.]

2.Performance Measures

The satisfactory delivery of outputs shall be assessed in accordance with the performance measures stipulated in the SPC.

[Specify others if required.]

3.Other Conditions / Requirements

[Specify Engagement Specific Conditions- if required. E.g. Key Personnel must have a security clearance. Key personnel must be available at the Purhaser’s premises at particular times, etc.]

Section 3 – Information Requirements for Proposal

[The following is suggested information requirements that you may use for your prosposal. Ensure to review and ensure its relevance to your engagement i.e.There may be other fee models that could be used,]

Quotes are to be prepared taking into account Section 1 requirements outlined above and presented in a format consistent with the following outline.

As a guide, Quotes are to be no more than [10-15] pages (excluding relevant attachments).

  1. An outline of the Service Provider’s ability and approach to deliver the engagement requirements including:
  2. a summary of the likely issues involved in thisadvisory engagement (as understood by the Service Provider);
  3. sufficient information to indicate that the Service Providerunderstands and is capable ofaddressingthe engagement requirements;
  4. the Service Provider’s proposed methodology / work program / approach to address the engagement deliverables, including any indicative inputs required from other project consultants / advisors engaged by the Purchaser;
  5. specific dependencies(if any) on other advisor(s)’inputs;
  6. the Service Provider’s IP (if any) that will be deployed in the engagement; and
  7. the proposed timelines for the delivery and an indication of how the Service Provider will stage their work to meet these timelines, including intra-engagement specific deliverables [or confirmation of the ability to meet the timeline or milestones nominated].
  1. An outline of the proposed team including:
  2. detail the Key Personnel (as nominated under the SPC) to be involved and their time commitment/number of hours on the engagement;
  3. nomination of a primary senior contact within the firm and any required sub-contractors; and
  4. brief resume details for Key Personnel of the proposed team.
  1. An outline of the Service Provider’s understanding and applicability of relevantgovernment guidelines and policies applicableto the engagement.
  1. An outline of the Service Provider’s relevant expertise and experience in advisory engagementsof a similar type.
  1. Confirmation of no conflicts of interest (either actual, perceived or potential conflicts) existor details of any conflict of interest that may exist or may arise,and strategies to managethe conflict.
  1. An estimate of the project fees including:
  2. the capped fee for the project, including a breakdown against project milestones;
  3. the hourly or daily rates that form the basis of the capped fee (not to exceed those quoted as part of the Panel);
  4. CONFIRMATION that rates DO NOT exceed quoted SPCrates;
  5. anticipated disbursements (if any) and out of pocket expenses, including a proposed cap; and
  6. all fees and expenses mustbe shown inclusive of GST.
  1. Address any Special Conditions.


Unless otherwise stated, terms used in this Request for Proposal have the same meaning as ascribed to them in the PAS SPC.

PAS Contract

There will be no binding agreement in relation to the proposed engagement until aPAS Contract has been formed in accordance with clause 7of the PAS SPC, which necessitates the provision of a PAS Order from the Purchaser to the Service Provider.

Special Conditions

Any additional Special Conditions applying to the provision of Serviceswithin this Request for Servicesmust be statedin writing by the Service Provider in its Quote and agreed in the PAS Order. Any Special Conditions must in no wayconflict with the terms and conditions of the PAS SPC.

[Any Special Conditions outside the SPC should be specified here by the Purchaser]


  • Need for successful Service Provider personnel to complete individual Confidentiality Deeds in addition to a Service Provider’s existing confidentiality obligations.
  • Confidential material must be returned to the Purchaser at the end of an engagement.

Form of Quote

(To be submitted by the Service Provider with its response to this RFP)

I/We offer to supply the Services requested in the Request; at the fees and charges offered; within the period offered; and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the PAS SPC.

I/We confirm that the Service Provider is pre-qualified to provide services in the nominated Service Sub-category.

Service Provider Details
Service Provider’s Name
Service Provider Authorised Agent Details


The Service Provider has no actual, potential, perceived or apparent Conflict of Interest as defined in the Panel Agreement in providing the services requested.

Signed on behalf of the Service Provider by:
Name: / [Set out full name]
Position: / [Set out position title]

Please e-mail acknowledgement to:[specify email address] quoting the corresponding PAS Order number.