MAT 117
College Algebra
Fall 2005 Syllabus
Instructor: Toni Coombs
Office: PSA 525
Office Hours: M – Th 2:00-3:00, F 11:30-12:30, and by appointment
Web Page:
Materials: College Algebra (3rd Edition) by Stewart, Redlin, and Watson. Graphing calculator also required. Talk to your instructor about a recommendation. Student solutions manual highly recommended.
Graphing Calculator: The recommended models are TI-83, TI-83 Plus, and Casio 9850. Any calculator that has a computer algebra system (CAS) will not be allowed on the exams. This includes, but is not limited to, the TI-89, TI-92, Casio Algebra FX 2.0.
Graphing Calculator Workshops
Wed, Aug. 31, 3-5pm: For TI calculators, in room PSF 166
For CASIO calculators, in room PSH 151
Thu, Sep. 1, 3-5pm: For TI calculators, in room MURDOCK 101
For CASIO calculators, in room PSH 152
Grades: Grades will be determined by student performance on homework and quizzes, three midterm exams, and a cumulative final exam. The grade distribution and scale are as follows:
3 midterm exams and final: 60%
homework, quizzes, etc: 40%
97-100% A+ 87-89 B+ 77-79 C+ 0-59 E
93-96% A 83-86 B 70-76 C
90-92% A- 80-82 B- 60-69 D
Attendance: Instructors will take attendance on a regular basis. A key to success in any mathematics course is regular attendance. In addition, it is the student's responsibility to be aware of any announcements made in class regarding course policies or assignments.
Exams: Three exams will be given during the semester and will be administered in the department Testing Center, PSA 21. To be admitted to the testing center, students will need a SunCard and a label. The instructor will pass out the labels in class before the exams. Students have unlimited time to take the exams, subject to testing center hours. For more information, go to Make-up exams are not allowed without prior approval from the instructor.
Exam Schedule: Take note of the exam dates. Lack of awareness of exam times does not constitute an excuse for missing an exam. Make-up exams are not allowed without instructor approval.
Exam Dates
Exam 1 Sep 19 - 20
Exam 2 Oct 20 - 21
Exam 3 Nov 17 – 18
Final Exam: The cumulative final exam will take place on Saturday, December 10 at 7:40-9:30a.m. Make-up finals are not allowed with the only exceptions being (1) religious observance, (2) more than one final exam scheduled at the same time, or (3) more than three final exams scheduled on the same day.
Homework: Homework will be submitted via the internet using the online homework system WeBWorK. Students will log in using their ASURITE login name and password. Go to and choose the link with your instructor's name under MAT 117. Late homework submission will not be allowed without instructor permission. For additional practice, see the homework list at the end of this document.
Quizzes: Quizzes will be given on a regular basis to test students' knowledge of the concepts covered on WebWork exercises. There will be anywhere between 12 and 15 quizzes during the semester. They may be announced or unannounced, so students must be present and be ready for a quiz at anytime. Make-up quizzes will not be allowed.
Getting Help: The department offers free tutoring in the Tutor Center. Click on the link to see the hours and location. You can also get help at the Learning Resource Center and in the dormitory tutor centers. However, the BEST place to get help is your instructor's office hours (after all, who do you think writes the exams?)
Math Department Tutor Center:
Learning Resource Center:
Important Dates:
Sep 5 Labor Day Holiday
Oct 28 Course Withdrawal Deadline
Nov 11 Veteran's Day Holiday
Nov 24-25 Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec 6 Complete Withdrawal Deadline and Last Day of Classes
Week / Topics / Comments8/22-8/26 / Orientation, Chapter 1 * /
Late Add through 8/28
8/29-9/2 / Chapter 2 /9/5-9/9 / Chapter 2, Principles of Modeling (p. 119) / Labor Day Monday, Sept. 5
9/12-9/16 / 3.3, Chapter 4 Intro.
9/19-9/23 / Chapter 4 / Test 1
9/26-9/30 / Chapter 4
10/3-10/7 / Chapter 5
10/10-10/14 / Chapter 5
10/17-10/21 / Discovery Project (p. 346), Chapter 6 Intro. / Test 2
10/24-10/28 / Chapter 6 / Withdrawal Deadline 10/28
10/31-11/4 / Chapter 6
11/7-11/11 / Discovery Project, Chapter 7 Intro. /
Veteran’s Day Nov. 11
11/14-11/18 / Chapter 7 / Test 311/21-11/25 / Chapter 7 /
Thanksgiving Break Nov. 25 and 26
11/28-12/2 / Chapter 9 (Optional), Discovery Project /12/5-12/9 / Last Day of Class, Reading Day / Final Exam on Saturday, 12/10,
7:40 - 9:30 a.m.
Ethics: It is highly unethical to bring to the instructor's attention the possible impact of your mathematics grade on your future, including graduation, scholarships, athletic eligibility, jobs, etc. Instructors may exercise an option to withdraw you from the course if they think you are compromising their ability to assess your work independently of any other consideration.
Disclaimer: The instructor has the right to change this syllabus as he or she sees fit. Any changes will be announced in class. It is the student's responsibility to attend class and thus be aware of such changes.