Board Meeting Minutes
WEDNESDAY, August 9, 2017
Present üKelly Leach ü Anders Swenson Brigette Leach Todd Weinberg Bill Schultz üSarah Pion
Karl Guenther ü Cliff Lipscomb üLisa Robb
üMitch Kline üGary Barton Carl Bratton
üKathy Buckham John Cagney
Pledge The August board meeting was called to order at 10:31am by President Kelly Leach. The meeting was held by way of conference call.
Minutes The board reviewed the June minutes. Kathy Buckham made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Cliff Lipscomb seconded the motion.
The motion was passed.
Financial The board reviewed the financial statements for June, including any variances. Cliff Lipscomb
Statements made a motion to approve the financial statements as presented and to place them on file. Kathy Buckham seconded the motion.
The motion was passed.
Membership No membership list available this month.
Regional No report this month.
Insurance No report this month.
Old Kelly Leach reminded the board of the County Annual Meeting coming up on 8/21/17 at Avalon
Business Farms. She asked all board members attend and help out if possible. Registration begins at 5:30pm.
Kelly discussed the open board seats. Kevin Sportel agreed to run for one open seat. Cliff Lipscomb said he talked to Rich Myers and he would think about it. Another possibility is Ryan Hunter but he needs a membership. Sarah Pion said she would check in with Ryan about his membership.
New Kelly announced that we have the trailer and some of the lettering needs to come off and replaced
Business with Kalamazoo County Farm Bureau info. The estimate is $1200 for them to remove and replace or $500 if we remove and they replace. Kathy Buckham made a motion to approve the $500 for the cost to replace the lettering needed. Anders Swenson made a motion to approve.
The motion was passed.
Kelly announced that the Foods Resource Bank Harvest Celebration is asking for $300 for the cost of the pies this year. We paid for the pies 2 years ago as well. Cliff Lipscomb made a motion to approve. Anders Swenson seconded the motion.
The motion was passed.
The board reviewed the CAG minutes.
Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 10:44am.
Submitted by,
Lisa Robb, Secretary/Treasurer