During the implementation phase of the 2017 Classification and Compensation Study, a reconsideration process has been established to permit an employee to seek reconsideration of his/her job classification assignment by a Reconsideration Committee. The Committee will review the documentation, provided the request meets certain criteria. Reconsideration requests will be accepted until July 28, 2017.
The objective of classifying a position is to determine job content and its relative worth. The assigned classification title and associated description is based upon the duties and responsibilities of the position, not the characteristics of the individual holding the position. Reconsideration requests will not be considered if based on:
· Qualifications of the individual incumbent: A reconsideration request will not be considered if it is based upon the employee’s qualifications. A job classification assignment is based upon the qualifications required to perform the duties and responsibilities of the assigned job classification which may differ from qualifications of the incumbent. For example, a bachelor’s degree is not needed for many jobs yet individual employees within the job may hold a bachelor’s degree.
· Anticipated future job responsibilities: Reconsideration requests must be based upon the responsibilities of the position in the present state, not responsibilities that may occur or be assigned in the future.
· Job Performance: The performance of the incumbent is not considered in the job classification process nor are personality traits (loyalty, dedicated, and hardworking). A job assignment is based upon the content of the position not the characteristics of the individual holding the position.
· Assignment to a job family: Assignment to a particular job family. Job Families are merely broadly-related job classifications based on the field of work, used as a means of organization and not associated with reporting relationships or organizational structures. For example, an administrative assistant is classified under the Administrative Support job family regardless of the department assigned.
· Salary within a salary range: A reconsideration will not be considered based upon the fact that an individual’s salary is close to the maximum or over the maximum of a salary range or the relative position of the salary within the assigned salary range.
· Increase in the volume of work: A reconsideration will not be considered if it is based on the volume of work rather than the level and scope of responsibilities and complexity of the work.
· Seniority: A reconsideration will not be considered if it is based on the employee’s length of service with Maricopa Community College District.
· Supervisor’s Job Title or Position: A reconsideration will not be considered based upon the level of the supervisor’s position.
Process for submitting a reconsideration request:
· Reconsideration Requests will be accepted only from June 27, 2017 to July 28, 2017.
· Employees must complete the “Job Classification Reconsideration Request Form” and submit by the July 28 deadline; incomplete forms or forms received after this date will not be accepted.
· The employee should meet with his/her supervisor to review current job responsibilities and the reason for the reconsideration request. The supervisor should review and/or add comments and must sign and date the form, and forward the request as appropriate (see next bullet).
· The next levels of management review will be determined by individual college/district leadership. The review includes review of documentation (request form), opportunity to add comments, and signature. The form should be forwarded to the local college HR or (insert name or email for District Office) for final review to ensure request is complete (signatures and approvals). The Local college HR will provide a copy back to the employee and will forward the requests from their college to District Compensation by no later than close of business July 28, 2017.
· District Compensation will coordinate the review process with the Reconsideration Committee. The Committee is expected to complete the review process between July 24, 2017 – August 11, 2017.
The Job Classification Reconsideration Committee will review all information concerning the position.
· The committee will review the Job Classification Reconsideration Request Form as submitted, if complete and submitted by the deadline.
· The committee will review all supporting documentation including the position analysis questionnaire (PAQ - if submitted) and any additional information submitted to District Compensation by the employee or the employee’s supervisor and/or management.
· If necessary, the committee will reach out to the employee, immediate supervisor or other level for clarification if necessary and/or understanding of the documentation within the request
· The committee will review comparable positions within the district, as appropriate.
The Job Classification Reconsideration Committee will notify the employee and the employee’s supervisor of its decision in writing. All reconsideration request decisions, i.e. acceptance or denials, shall be final. A second reconsideration window will be offered near implementation only for employees who could not request a reconsideration during the first window due to a leave or similar extenuating circumstance.
Employee Name: Employee ID Number
Employee Pos. Number: Department:
New Assigned Job Title: Supervisor:
Former Job Title:
New Requested Job Title:
Supervision: If supervision is performed, indicate number of employees supervised and employee status. You may also attach an organization chart that reflects the reporting relationships of your position.
o How many employees does your position directly supervise? (please indicate the official job class title for each supervised and whether they are full time or part time)
o How many employees does your position indirectly supervise through subordinate supervisors? (please indicate the official job class title for each supervised and whether they are full time or part time)
REQUEST: Upon review of the proposed job classification and my job’s duties and responsibilities with my supervisor/manager, I am formally requesting that the job classification assignment be reviewed. I understand that District Human Resources and the Reconsideration Committee will review the information submitted in this reconsideration request, along with information provided by my immediate supervisor, manager and department director and that all decisions made by the Reconsideration Committee are final. I also understand that my request will not be considered if it does not meet the stated requirements. The submission of this request in no way guarantees that the job classification assigned to my position will change.
Please describe the basis for your reconsideration and the proposed job classification you are recommending. (Please do not cut and paste from the new job classification description, but rather describe in your own words the reasons for the request.)
· Reference all documentation in support of the job classification you believe is more appropriate to the type and level of work you are performing compared to the job classification you have been assigned.
· Prior job descriptions, qualifications, and/or compensation-related issues are not relevant to this reconsideration process.
Essential Duties of the Position
Job Summary - Please provide a brief description, in your own words, about the overall purpose of the position.
Essential Functions - List the current principle tasks, duties and responsibilities of the position. (Indicate percentage of time spent on each function totaling 100%.)
Special Working Conditions (If required) Please provide information that would be unique to the position. Examples: chemicals, fumes, heat/cold, evening/weekend hours, travel.)
TRANSMITTAL TO YOUR IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR: Complete and forward this form for your supervisor and management review and comment based on the process outlined at your college or district location. Your supervisor will review your request, make comments as appropriate and forward it as appropriate for further review and comment. When completed, the request form must be forwarded to your local HR/District HR contact for review for completion. Local HR/District HR contact will forward to District Compensation by the July 28 deadline.
Request has been reviewed by local HR/district HR contact and is complete.
Submit to District Compensation at:
Reconsideration Committee Use Only
Job Classification Reconsideration Committee Determination
Reconsideration Committee comment regarding the rationale for either a determination that the position is appropriately classified or that the allocation will differ at implementation of the Study:
DATE: ______
June 27-July 28, 2017 Reconsideration Process District HRA-Compensation