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with Research, Local Authority and Private Sector experience.
- Excellent understanding of Traffic and Safety issues
- Problem Solving Reputation
- Prepared to innovate
- Fully Computer literate CAD, Web & PowerPoint etc
- Excellent Presentation and Lecturing skills
Clive is highly experienced in Traffic Engineering, Accident Analysis and remedial measures. He has published successfully on the design of mini-roundabouts and held over 60 seminar/workshops in the UK and abroad and now includes Traffic Calming as a speciality.
He is always prepared to push the boundaries of innovation and believes there remains huge potential for accident reduction using modern traffic calming techniques.
EDUCATIONCambridge University
PROFESSIONALMA - Honours Degree - Mechanical Sciences
QUALIFICATIONSMember Institution of Civil Engineers
2004Company Director - Moor Value Ltd
1993- Freelance Consultant.
1992-1993: Principal Traffic Engineer,Colin Buchanan & Partners
1990-1992: Principal Engineer (Traffic), Canterbury City Council
1988-1990: Team Leader (Traffic),North Yorkshire C.C.
1975-1988: Section Engineer (Traffic),Berkshire C.C.
1970-1974: Scientific Officer,TRL, Crowthorne
Clive Penn Sawers
Traffic Engineering Consultant
Town CentresComprehensive traffic and safety management
Pedestrian Priority Areas
Parking controls
Junction DesignMini-roundabouts (a speciality)
(Highly successful publication SOLD OUT; RE-ISSUE IN HAND; over 50 seminars undertaken.)
Traffic signal optimisation
PedestriansZebra and Pelican Crossings
Kerb extensions and raised crossings
Safer Routes to School
CyclistsCorridor opportunities
Shared facilities
Cycle crossings
SafetyAccident studies & Remedial measures
Area safety schemes
Safer Routes to School
Traffic CalmingNetwork definition
(A speciality)Design - vertical & horizontal deflections
Bus friendly vertical deflections
Liaison and consultation
(A Seminar is now available)
Parking StudiesAssessment of supply and demand
Pricing structure
Controlled Parking Zones
One-way working with traffic calming to increase on-street stock
Park and RideAssessment of the potential for P & R
Parking supply and demand
Bus priorities
P & R site location
Priority (Red)Detailed design & implementation
RoutesSigns & markings
Speed enforcement camera locations
Cycle routes as part of London Network
VillageComprehensive management
ManagementSensitive signage (inc. work in environmentally sensitive locations)
Traffic ImpactTraffic & Transportation Studies to assess impact of changes of use and developments on highway network.
Some Recent Projects, Publications & Presentations
Presented Paper – A A low-tech approach to urban road safety engineering at Roundabouts USA conference in Kansas May 2008
Presented paper – A low-tech approach to urban and rural road safety engineering at Road Safety in Africa conference Abuja, Nigeria, February 2008.
Presented paper – A low-tech approach to urban road safety engineering at Road Safety on four continents conference Bangkok – November 2007.
Complete overhaul of publication Mini-roundabouts – getting them right!
Review and reprinting of highly successful publication. Mini-roundabouts – A Definitive Guide available in right and left hand drive versions.
Ongoing – delivery of seminars and training courses on Mini-roundabouts and on Traffic Calming.
Traffic & Transportation Impact Study for a development in Teignmouth, Devon. Site emerges onto a congested road; study seeking to deal with these problems including air quality, congestion and accidents.
Traffic & Transportation Impact Study, Lakeview, Bodmin, Cornwall. Development of an existing leisure park to a hotel and additional self-contained lodges. Assessment of generated traffic and reduction of local traffic due to A30 improvements nearby. Further analysis carried out 2008. Travel Statement prepared.
Traffic & Transportation Impact Study, in Southwark. Conversion of factory to large block of flats with minimal provision of parking for residents.
Traffic & Transportation Impact Study, Teignmouth Road, Torquay. Traffic Study to develop small light industrial unit on a difficult site with adjacent highway needing some improvements. Ongoing.
Innovative mini-roundabout at Halfway Street/Willersley Ave, Bexley. This scheme represents many years in the development of improvements at the site. A 7m diameter island has been approved by DfT; Larger than 4m islands are possible at many sites and a series will be monitored for future design advice.
Prescott City, Arizona. Advice concerning possible installation of (mini-) roundabout at a typical US crossroad.
Double mini-roundabout at Church Brae, Derry, N Ireland. Double mini-roundabout recommended, analysed and designed in detail for Northern Ireland Government. Scheme installed successfully.
Safer Routes to School Scheme - Yarnton Way, Bexley (nominated for Road Safety Award)
Scheme to reduce car dependency in semi-deprived area of SE London - reducing urban dual carriageway to single lane dualling with innovative roundabouts additional Toucan crossing and cycle facilities leading to Bexley Business Academy.
International Road Safety Conference - Bologna, Italy
Submitted paper on UK experience of mini-roundabout design and operation and associated traffic calming.
Visit to Grand Cayman (Feb-Mar 2003)
Gave considerable advice concerning implementation of mini-roundabouts, modification to existing large roundabouts, 3 seminars held.
County Surveyors Society July/Aug 2001
Assisted with study of mini-roundabout design and operation - further work for HA carried out.
Village of Dimondale Michigan, USA
Monitored design and gave advice on USA 1st mini-roundabout - successfully installed.
Bexley Council - July 2000 -
Safer Routes to School projects. Public consultation, preliminary designs. First scheme fully implemented and working as intended. Second scheme consultation completed. Accident analysis and remedial measures at 10 sites. Complete.
Pfizer (Feb-Mar 2000)
Carried out speed survey – report and recommendations on Pfizer private network, Sandwich. Implemented effectively.
Seminar Tour - Eastern USA - Mini-roundabouts - Getting them Right! (1999)
Seminars held to audiences over 100 at each of, Baltimore, Vermont, Michigan.
Accident Analysis – WSP Graham for Highways Agency (1998)
Carried out several accident analyses for WSP/Highways Agency in West London including several large roundabouts on A40 corridor.
Shortmead St, Biggleswade for Bedfordshire CC (1998)
Detailed design of mini-roundabout, report written and presented to Bedfordshire CC.
Web site development (1998-)
Developed own web sites to promote book and seminar on mini-roundabouts and to help delegates to keep up to date on roundabout information. Ongoing.
Roundabout design for Swale Borough Council (1997)
Preliminary designs of roundabouts on Saffron Way, Sittingbourne.
Seminars – on Mini-roundabouts or Traffic Calming (1997-)
Prepared and delivered over 50 one-day seminars in the UK and eastern USA.
Traffic calming – Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (1997)
Carried out preliminary designs for traffic calming schemes on roads in the borough.
DETR – Evening Accident Study – Thorburn Colquhoun (1997)
Assisted with traffic calming aspects of DETR evening accident study. Carried out several designs, many of which now implemented successfully.
Publication – Mini-roundabouts – Getting them right! (Oct 1996-)
Published book on mini-roundabout design – handled all sales and invoicing. Sold out.
Red Route implementation for Traffic Director for London (1995-1996)
Prepared detailed implementation drawings for A2 & A20 Red Routes, organised contracts and supervised implementation. All implemented successfully.
Traffic Calming – Gillingham Borough Council (1994 – 1996)
Carried out extensive traffic surveys and consultation for the borough council. Prioritised a very large list of prospective traffic calming schemes. Several schemes brought successfully to implementation. Several different types of scheme implemented – all worked as intended.
Traffic Calming – Northumberland Heath, Bexley London Borough (1994)
Carried out preliminary designs, consultation, reports and costings for a traffic and environmental management scheme (TEMS) in Bexley. Scheme successfully implemented.
Medway Park & Ride (1993)
Preliminary study to assess the potential of P & R in the Medway Towns for client Rochester BC, Gillingham BC and Kent CC. Organised and carried out parking studies to assess the level of supply and demand. Identified probable locations for P & R car parks.
Clive Sawers
Updated June 2008