Friday 9th September 2016

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

Welcome to the new academic year 2016-17 at Suffah Primary School. My name is Ustadh Daoud and I am currently the Head of Quran and Islamic Studies at Suffah School. I look forward to helping your child excel and reach his/her potential by the Will and Grace of Allah SWT for this academic year InshaAllah.

Our goal as educators is to guide our children toward academic success and to help build critical thinking skills that will help them both in this world and the next InshaAllah. I will do my part to work with you in developing your child’ potential and in ensuring good behaviour in class.I am dedicated to the well-being of your child and I need your cooperation in helping them reach their potential.Please feel free to contact me via the school office or by email with any concerns regarding your child's academic success.

For Quranic Studies in the school, children in year groups 1-3 will be working from their previous textbook known as the ‘complete Qaida’ by Safar Academy. Children in year groups 4-6 will receive 2 textbooks known as: (1) ‘Tajwid rules’ (for reading) and (2) ‘Juzz Amma’ (for memorisation) or ‘Duas & memorisation book 1’ (for younger children). Each child has been given the correct textbook according to their level and I must emphasise that it is vital for each child to bring his/her book to school daily. Failing this will result in your child falling behind during Quran lessons.

The same applies to Islamic Studies, where each child has been given 2 books; (1) Islamic Studies Textbook and (2) Islamic Studies Workbook (mainly used for writing classwork/homework). All text/workbooks are year specific i.e. Year one Islamic Studies, year three and so forth.

We endeavour to send Islamic Studies homework out every Thursday and hope to receive it back every Monday at the beginning of the week. Quran homework mainly consists of revision levels/units within the Qaida/Tajweed books, and should be carried out daily. If the daily target is not achievable, then children will be encouraged to take their Quran books home every Thursday, in order to revise over the weekend.

I thank you for your continued support and cooperation in this matter and pray that Allah SWT grants myself and all of us the Towfeeq to carry out our role and responsibilities sincerely with full devotion and trust in Allah SWT, Ameen.

Yours truly,

Daoud Qureshi

Head of Quran and Islamic Studies

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

New Beginnings and Welcomes

Welcome back to the start of the new academic year. There is always much to celebrate at Suffah mashaAllah. We would like to welcome the following new staff and wish them well Insha’Allah:

Ustada Sabah has joined us as Year 4 Teacher and Assistant Head, with specific responsibility for overseeing our pastoral care, including rewards and sanctions.

Ustad Aban has joined us as Year 4 Co-Teacher. He will be teaching Year 4 three days a week and will also be teaching PE to Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5&6 Boys

Ustada Hafsa Hersi has joined us as Year 5 Teacher.

‘Meet the Teacher’ morning

I hope you had the opportunity to meet your child’s class teacher today. If you did not, or if you would like to meet them to discuss further, please make an appointment via the school office. If you have an urgent matter, please discuss it with myself.

PTA Class Representatives

Please stay in touch with them, they are a channel of communication between the parents and the teachers. Please ask the office or your class teacher if you are unsure of who your PTA Class Rep is.

Attendance and Punctuality

Please bring your children to school at 7.40 so that we can have Quran recitation and Dua at 7.45 and start classes at 7.50 inshaAllah. Please ensure that your child attends school regularly.

Value of the month - Humility

In whole school assemblies, class tarbiyya sessions and after salat, we have been discussing the importance of being down-to-earth and not being arrogant, whether better than others in wealth, knowledge or spirituality. We have been discussing the following ayas of the week:

Supplicate to your Lord humbly and secretly. Surely, He does not like those who cross the limits.Do not make mischief on the earth after it has been set in order. Supplicate Him in fear and hope. Surely, the mercy of Allah is close to those who are good in their deeds. (Quran 7:55-56)

The messenger of Allah (SAWS) stated: “Shall I not tell you about the companions of Paradise? They are every humble person considered weak, but if they gave an oath by Allah it would be fulfilled. Shall I not tell you about the companions of Hellfire? They are every harsh, haughty, and arrogant person.” (Bukhari)

Umar Ibn Al-Khattab said,upon seeing a young person while being hunched over: “O young man, raise your head. True humility is in the heart and not shown through the body and face. If anyone shows his humility through his body in excess of what is contained in his heart, then he is a hypocrite.”

I pray that Allah (SWT) grants us increase in faith, wisdom and patience for the term ahead. Aameen.

Please contact me with comments or feedback on / 07889263568

Tahir Shaikh, Head Teacher