BS in Biological Sciences – Biology Teaching Option Name______

2017-2018CURRICULUM RECORD Date ______Advisor______

Students must be aware of all requirements for graduation, including core curriculum and professional preparation credits. All courses must have a grade of C or better (no C-), and a 2.5 GPA is required in order to student teach. (Total Biology must be 40 credits for Extended Biology Teaching Option.)

BIOLOGY(28-30 credits)

____BIOB 170INPrinc Biological Diversity4

____BIOB 160 Princ Living Systems 4

____BIOB 375GeneralGenetics 3

or BIOB 377 Practical Genetics3

____BIOE 370 GeneralEcology 3

____BIOB 420Evolution 3

____BIOE 408Rocky Mtn.Vegetation2

or BIOE 416 Alpine Ecology3

____BIOO 412Animal Physiology3

or BIOO 433Plant Physiology3

____BIOM 103IN Unseen Universe: Microbes3

or BIOM 360General Microbiology5

____BIOE 499Senior Thesis/Capstone2

BIOLOGY ELECTIVES (11-12 credits total,

8 creditsmust be 3xx/4xx level)





MATH/STATS(7 credits)

____M 161QSurvey of Calculus 4

____STAT 216QIntro to Stats 3

or BIOB 318 Biometry3

CHEMISTRY (18 credits)

____CHMY 141College Chem I 4

____CHMY 143 College Chem II4

____CHMY 211 Elements O.Chem5

____BCH 380 Biochemistry 5

PHYSICS (8 credits)

____ PHSX 205College Physics I4

____PHSX 207 College Physics II4


____ HDFS 101ISIndFamDvlp:Lifespan3

____EDSP306 Exceptional Learners3

____EDU 202Early Field Experience1

____EDU 211D Multicultural Education3

____EDU 223ISEduc Psych & Adoles Dev3

____EDU 370Integrating Tech into Educ2

____EDU 382Assessmt, Curric, Instructn3

____EDU 395Practicum: K-83

____EDU 497Methods: 5-12 Science3

(12-14 credits)

____ EDU 495Stud Teach: 5-1210-12

____EDU 408 Prof. Issues: K-122

____PRAXIS exam

UNIVERSITY CORE 2.0(15 more credits)

Seminar CLS 101US or COMX111US __

Writing WRIT 101W __

Arts (IA or RA) ______

Humanities (IH or RH)______

Research/Creative (R)______


MINOR: ______(Advised but not required.See catalog for available teaching minors.) GENERAL SCIENCE BROADFIELD is a good second area of certification.

Revised 10/25/2018

BS in Biological Sciences – Biology Teaching Option


Core 2.0(3 credits each) / Course Number
University Seminar (US) / COMX 111US or CLS101US or EDU 101US
College Writing (W)* / WRIT 101W*
Quantitative Reasoning (Q) / M161Q or STAT 216Q
Diversity (D) / EDU 211D
Contemporary Issues in Science (CS or 2nd IN) / BIOB 160
Arts (IA or RA)
Humanities (IH or RH)
Social Sciences (IS or RS) / HDFS 101IS or EDU 223IS
Natural Sciences (IN or RN) / BIOB 170IN
Research & Creative Experience (R, RA, RH, RN, RS)


1. A grade of C- or better is required in all Core 2.0 courses.

2. Courses designated RA, RH, RN, RS count as two Core 2.0 requirements

*Students with an ACT English score of 28 or higher or an SAT Critical Reading score of 650 or higher are exempt from the College Writing Core 2.0 requirement. Please refer to your academic advisor to determine if you should take an additional writing course.

Graduation Requirements

  • A minimum of 120 credits is required for graduation; 42 of these credits must be upper division courses (those numbered 300 and above). The curriculum includes at least 42 credits upper division credits.
    The University requires a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 (C average) to graduate.
  • A grade of "C" or better is required in all professional education courses. (A "C-" is not acceptable.)
  • Additional upper-division electives must be taken in biology, fish and wildlife, or a related field (AGSC, ANSC, ERTH, GPHY, HORT, NRSM, and STAT). You should consult with your advisor about the appropriateness of potential upper division electives taken outside the BIOE, BIOO, BIOB or WILD rubrics. A listing of appropriate lower and upper division classes appropriate for this option is available from your advisor and in the Ecology Department office.
  • Students are expected to be aware of all requirements for graduation, including university core requirements and to ensure that they meet these requirements. (IA, IH, and R are not included in the above program.)


For admission to upper division (numbered 300 or higher) Biology (BIOB, BIOE, BIOO) and Fish and Wildlife Management (WILD) courses, students must have completed at least 45 total university credits with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 for all courses and have also earned a "C-"or better for any prerequisite courses.Limited exceptions may be made by consent of instructor. Any student who obtains enrollment in an upper division biology course without satisfying these requirements will be required to withdraw from the course. Individual courses may have additional pre-requisites (such as math level) as listed in the catalog.

For more information on admission tothe Teacher Education Program, Student Teaching, Licensure,Professional Expectations and more, please visit: