Grayson County Technology Center

Floor and Wall Lab (Car 191) Syllabus—Spring 2016

Instructor: Jeffery Kiper

Course Description: The layout of floor joist and plywood and exterior and interior walls

Text: (1) Glencoe Carpentry and Building Construction, Sixth Edition

(2) NCCER Core Curriculum

Contact information: Jeff Kiper @ Technology Center 259-3195 Email:

Supply list: paper and pencil

Students will be responsible for their own SAFETY GLASSES this year. They must meet OSHA standards.

Objectives of class:

1.  identify types of construction

2.  demonstrate the construction process

3.  identify common construction materials and their usage

4.  demonstrate the safe use of common hand tools used in carpentry trade

5.  demonstrate the safe use of power tools and equipment used in the carpentry

6.  interpret OSHA safety standards and job-site working conditions

7.  identify application methods of the construction systems

Grading Scale: Grades will be assigned by points for

90-100 A example project = 100 pts student got 75

80-89 B quiz = 25 pts student got 25

70-79 C total of 100/125 pts for an 80 or B

60-69 D
0-59 F

Week 1-2

AA / 001 / Demonstrate addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of the following with and without the use of a calculator (Whole numbers, Decimals, Fractions)
AA / 002 / Measuring with: English ruler; Metric ruler; Architects Scale; Engineers Scale; Tape Measure
AA / 003 / Calculating area and perimeter of rectangles, squares, parallelograms, trapezoids, triangles, and circles.
AA / 004 / Calculating surface area, lateral area, and volume of 3-D figures including: rectangular solids; pyramids; cubes; cones; cylinders; spheres
EA / 001 / Assume responsibility for decisions and actions
EA / 002 / Demonstrate a willingness to learn
EA / 003 / Demonstrate the ability to work as a crew member
EA / 004 / Identify the importance of performing quality work
EA / 005 / Display initiative
EA / 006 / Assume responsibility for the personal of safety of self and others

Week 3-4

AA / 001 / Demonstrate addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of the following with and without the use of a calculator (Whole numbers, Decimals, Fractions)
AA / 002 / Measuring with: English ruler; Metric ruler; Architects Scale; Engineers Scale; Tape Measure
AA / 003 / Calculating area and perimeter of rectangles, squares, parallelograms, trapezoids, triangles, and circles.
AA / 004 / Calculating surface area, lateral area, and volume of 3-D figures including: rectangular solids; pyramids; cubes; cones; cylinders; spheres
AB / 001 / Read process information and follow instructions
AB / 002 / Use correct terminology
EA / 001 / Assume responsibility for decisions and actions
EA / 002 / Demonstrate a willingness to learn
EA / 003 / Demonstrate the ability to work as a crew member
EA / 004 / Identify the importance of performing quality work
EA / 005 / Display initiative
EA / 006 / Assume responsibility for the personal of safety of self and others

Week 5-6

AB / 001 / Read process information and follow instructions
AB / 002 / Use correct terminology
AD / 001 / Identify personal preferred learning styles
AD / 002 / Demonstrate the ability to learn new process steps
AD / 003 / Implement new process steps given oral instructions
AD / 004 / Read process instructions and implement appropriate steps
EA / 001 / Assume responsibility for decisions and actions
EA / 002 / Demonstrate a willingness to learn
EA / 003 / Demonstrate the ability to work as a crew member
EA / 004 / Identify the importance of performing quality work
EA / 005 / Display initiative
EA / 006 / Assume responsibility for the personal of safety of self and others

Week 7-8

AD / 001 / Identify personal preferred learning styles
AD / 002 / Demonstrate the ability to learn new process steps
AD / 003 / Implement new process steps given oral instructions
AD / 004 / Read process instructions and implement appropriate steps
EA / 001 / Assume responsibility for decisions and actions
EA / 002 / Demonstrate a willingness to learn
EA / 003 / Demonstrate the ability to work as a crew member
EA / 004 / Identify the importance of performing quality work
EA / 005 / Display initiative
EA / 006 / Assume responsibility for the personal of safety of self and others

Week 9-10

EA / 001 / Assume responsibility for decisions and actions
EA / 002 / Demonstrate a willingness to learn
EA / 003 / Demonstrate the ability to work as a crew member
EA / 004 / Identify the importance of performing quality work
EA / 005 / Display initiative
EA / 006 / Assume responsibility for the personal of safety of self and others
EC / 001 / Recognize the difference between a work crew environment and a conventional workplace
EC / 002 / Identify the characteristics of a diverse workforce
EC / 003 / Identify and demonstrate ethical characteristics and behaviors
EC / 004 / Differentiate between good and poor business ethics
EC / 005 / Match employee responsibilities to employer expectations

Week 11-12

EC / 001 / Recognize the difference between a work crew environment and a conventional workplace
EC / 002 / Identify the characteristics of a diverse workforce
EC / 003 / Identify and demonstrate ethical characteristics and behaviors
EC / 004 / Differentiate between good and poor business ethics
EC / 005 / Match employee responsibilities to employer expectations
OD / 004 / Identify different types of chemical, biological and physical hazards
OD / 005 / Identify the characteristics of a safe work site
AE / 001 / Identify interpersonal characteristics of people working together
AE / 002 / Identify and demonstrate effective leadership techniques
AE / 003 / Demonstrate productive relationships within the work crew
AE / 004 / Identify the components of an effective oral presentation

Start going over and taking the Final for Car. 191