OCR Physics : Test 1 Study Guide

Student: ______Date:______


Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.

____.Independentvariables are those that remain unchanged throughout an experiment.


Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____All of these are very important parts of studying physics EXCEPT:

a. / describing the organization of the universe.
b. / understanding natural laws.
c. / memorizing complicated explanations.
d. / deducing and applying natural laws.

____.A carefully designed test done under controlled conditions is called a(n):

a. / natural law
b. / experiment
c. / common law

____.The mass of an object is determined by:

a. / finding the amount of matter it contains
b. / identifying the substance from which the object is made
c. / finding its dimensions

____.A factor that affects the behavior of a system is called a(n):

a. / natural law
b. / experiment
c. / variable

____.The scientific method is a process used to solve many problems. One of the first steps is:

a. / collecting data
b. / analyzing data
c. / asking a question

____.A variable that remains unchanged throughout an experiment is called the:

a. / control variable
b. / experimental variable
c. / independent variable

____.The unit of time used most commonly by physicists and other scientists is the:

a. / second
b. / minute
c. / light year

____.The independent variable on a graph can be described as the variable:

a. / represented on the x-axis
b. / causing the change in the experimental system
c. / all of the above

____.Because it is based on factors of 10 and is easy to work with, scientists prefer to use the ____ system.

a. / metric
b. / English
c. / scientific

____.On his way to a concert, John stops at the mall to buy some camera film. If you divide the distance he travels to the concert by his average speed for the entire trip, you are calculating:

a. / speed
b. / distance
c. / time

____.If you know the distance traveled and the amount of time it took, speed may be calculated by:

a. / dividing distance by time
b. / multiplying time by distance
c. / dividing time by distance

____.Of the following, which equation does NOT correctly represent a relationship between distance, time and speed?

a. / Distance equals speed multiplied by time.
b. / Speed equals time multiplied by distance.
c. / Time equals distance divided by speed.

If we are investigating, how does the angle of a ramp change the speed of the ball?

What would be a independent variable?

What would be a dependent variable?

Controlled variable?

Word Problems:

A taxi hurries with a constant speed of 84 km/h. How far can it travel in 5 hours?

A bus travels with a constant speed of 48 km/h. How long will it take to travel 60 km?

Word Problems

Mike drives his car 60 km in 2 hours. What is its average speed in kilometers per hour?

A vehicle travels 48 milesin 1 and a half hours. What was its average speed in miles per hour?

Calculate the distance and displacement in each of the following situations. Include a direction (example: north or northwest) with your answer.

David walks 3 km north, and then walks 1 km south.

Distance =Displacement =

Amy runs 2 miles south, then turns around and runs 2 miles north.

Distance =Displacement =

Jermaine runs exactly 2 laps around a 400 meter track.

Distance =Displacement =

Derrick crawls 4 feet east, and then turns east and crawls 6 west.

Distance =Displacement =

Ray runs 30 feet north and then 30 feet west.

Distance =Displacement =

OCR Physics : Test 1 Study Guide

Answer Section


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