Executive Committee Meeting

March 18, 2013

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Fresno, California 93740-8023

Office of the Academic Senate FAX: 278-5745

Telephone: 278-2743 (EC-20)

March 18, 2013

Members Present: Lynn Williams (Chair), Jacinta Amaral (State-wide), Kevin Ayotte (Vice-Chair), Shawn Clark (ASI), Provost William Covino, Magda Gilewicz (At-large), Michael Jenkins (At-large), Melanie Ram (At-large), President John Welty

Excused Absent: Gena Gechter (University-wide)

Visitors: Venita Baker, Michael Botwin, Paul Crosbie, Mamta Rawat, Vice President Teniente-Matson

The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by Chair Williams in ML 3212.

1. Agenda.

MSC to approve the Agenda.

2. Minutes of 3/11/13.

President Welty and Senator Gilewicz (At-large) requested amendments to the minutes.

MSC to approve the minutes of 3/11/13 as amended.

3. Communications and Announcements.

A. President Welty wished everyone a good Spring Break.

B. Provost Covino encouraged committee members to tour the new Graduate Study Center in the library.

C. Statewide Academic Senate Report.

Senator Amaral (State-wide) summarized recent activity by the State-wide Academic Senate, including discussion of AB 520 and a CSU Common Calendar.

D. Wayfinding Signage.

Vice President for Administration Cynthia Teniente-Matson presented information on the new Wayfinding signage program. Placement of new signage will begin in April 2013. The CSU-Fresno signage at Cedar/Shaw avenues, which is also a veteran’s memorial, will be relocated in consultation with various veterans groups. The water tower is also being repainted.

E. Memo dated March 11, 2013 from Provost Covino re: Department Requests to Discontinue Programs.

Item will appear on the next agenda of the Executive Committee.

F. Memo dated March 12, 2013 from Marilyn Wilson re: Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Option in the Civil Engineering Graduate Program.

Item will appear on the next agenda of the Executive Committee.

G. Memo dated March 18, 2013 from Marilyn Wilson re: name change for the Marriage and Family Therapy Program.

Item will appear on the next agenda of the Executive Committee.

4. APM 235 Honor Code. Continued Second Reading.

Senator Botwin (Chair, AP&P) presented changes suggested by Senator Ram (At-large). Friendly amendments were offered and accepted to add “d. Students shall not engage in plagiarism” to “Underlying Principles” (p.1); minor change to “Responsibilities of Students” (p. 3); clarification of the need for attribution of source material in Appendix B (3rd bullet point).

APM 235 will return on the next agenda of the Executive Committee for continued second reading.

5. General Education (GE) Policy, Procedures, and Program Description Revisions. Second Reading.

Dr. Paul Crosbie (Chair, GE Committee) stated that he would email the committee with a suggested change in the current draft. He also offered a proposed re-writing of the A2 Learning Outcome.

Item will return on the next agenda of the Executive Committee for Second Reading.

6. Professional Development Subcommittee. First Reading.

Professor Mamta Rawat (Chair, Personnel Committee) summarized the rationale for disbanding the Professional Development Subcommittee. The subcommittee has not met in years, despite requests by the Personnel Committee. The Chair of the Professional Development Subcommittee agreed with move to disband. Another committee provides oversight of the Center for the Scholarly Advancement of Learning and Teaching.

MSC to waive second reading and disband the Professional Development Subcommittee.

7. Interim Policies (APMs 301, 304, 325, 332, Voluntary Suspension of a Graduate Program, Blended/Accelerated Undergraduate and Graduate Programs).

Item will return on the next agenda of the Executive Committee.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m.

The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be announced.

An Agenda will be distributed prior to the meeting.

Submitted by: Approved by:

Kevin J. Ayotte Lynn Williams

Vice-Chair Chair

Academic Senate Academic Senate