Mary Immaculate Catholic Church

Parish Pastoral Advisory Council

Minutes – October 10, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm byChuck Bianco. There was an opening prayer.

In attendance:

Father Michael Forge, Pastor

Father Daniel Rendon, Parochial Vicar

Chuck Bianco, Moderator

Pat Bianco

Michael Maker

Dick Smith

Mary Mahaffey

Sandi Bottomley

Bety Martinez


The Secretary presented the minutes of the September council meeting. There being no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as submitted by the Secretary.

Compliments and Kudos

The following activities were noted by council members as deserving of positive recognition:

  • The décor of the remodeled Prayer Housepresents a warm and inviting venue for prayer, retreats and meetings;
  • Father Daniel’s Sunday homily regarding the ten lepers who were cured by Christ and the nine who did not return to give thanks;
  • The positive atmosphere of the Parish Festival;
  • That, for people with serious problems,the ARISE ministry presents an occasion for healing as well as an opportunity for consultation with a priest;
  • Father’s Michael’s homily on ARISE;
  • Alicia Gallardo’s work in ordering candles for the Divine Mercy Chapel; and
  • The powerful witness provided by the return of the Shepherd’s Café, and the opportunity for evangelization that it presents.

Upcoming Parish Events

The Moderator reviewed for council members the schedule of upcoming Parish events, includingPerpetual Adoration, an ARISE ministry meeting to be held on October 26, weekly Bible study on Thursdays, the upcoming theatrical presentation on the life of Sister Faustina on October 21 and the Divine Mercy Chaplet -- daily at 3:00 pm in the Eucharistic Chapel.

New Business

The Moderator has requested that council members provide digital picture of themselves that can be posted so that Parishioners might become familiar with council members. He also inquired who might be leaving the council in the near future as their terms expire so that an effort to recruit new members might be undertaken in a timely fashion.

Suggestion Box

There were no suggestions in the suggestion box this month.

Financial Report/Pastor's Report

Father Michael reportedthe following recent developments:

  • Father Michael thanked those who worked or otherwise supported the Parish Fall Festival, which he characterized as very successful. Although final figures are not yet available, the Festival typically generates revenue in the range between $25,000 and $30,000;
  • Following the resignation of Beth Crouch, a new Director of Evangelization for the Parish has been hired. Adelae Tomlinson will assume her new duties effective November 1, 2016;
  • Father Michael will deliver his State of the Communion address on the weekend of October 22-23;
  • Achievement tests are currently being taken by MIS students;
  • Last Friday was staff development day;
  • A grant in the amount of $45,000 has been requested to support preparation of Holy Spirit 101 materials and a DVD series. A decision on the request is expected by November 15;
  • Consideration is being given to upgrading the Church’s phone system. Various options are being reviewed;
  • A digital bulletin board might be placed in the hallway near the church entrance where conventional bulletin boards are now located. A final decision will be made after further information is gathered and reviewed; and
  • As widely reported, Bishop Farrell has been named a Cardinal of the Church following his recent move to Rome to assume a new position at the Vatican. It is not yet known when a new Bishop will be named for the Diocese of Dallas.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:44p.m. with a prayer by Father Daniel.

Next meeting –November 14, 2016.

Dick Smith
